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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. @Elthy @Harry Rhodan probably the 3700x then... thank you both for the input!
  2. Hmmm... now makes me wonder if I just look for a new AM3 mobo to get by on the RAM and CPU I have for another year til the DDR5 stuff comes out?
  3. That was gonna be my next question... since I play games mostly and maybe just dabble a bit in video, is there really any value in having 12-16 cores? Thanks, I'll look at the 3600 then. Do you see the AM4 socket as having enough lifespan to maybe still eeek out another CPU upgrade in a few years? That should save me a bit on the CPU. Just have to look for a mobo now that fits the bill.
  4. I thought I saw one from ASUS with wifi... maybe wrong socket? https://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/ROG-STRIX-X399-E-GAMING/ Hard for me to stay on top of which AMD CPU is latest and greatest... I have to relearn everything ever 5 years or so. I usually go for latest socket but maybe try to cut corners a bit on the CPU, a notch or two below the top of the line. With maybe some room to get one CPU upgrade out of it in a 5 year span.
  5. Whelp... my mobo had a good run, but alas the ethernet and sound has begun to flake out and it looks like I may have to upgrade now. I've had good luck with Asus/AMD combos in the past. The one I have now is the 990FX with AMD socket and a pair of nVidia GTX 970's. If it wasn't for the mobo in the throws of death, I'd be fine with my AMD3 CPU for a bit longer. The framerates aren't too terrible... and alas, it seems my perfectly good DDR3 ram may have to be upgraded as well. This is my old mobo: https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/SABERTOOTH_990FX/ SOoo... I'd like to maybe keep using the nVidia GTX 970 GPU's I currently have for now and was thinking about maybe pairing the following with a newer mobo: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X, and some new DDR4 ram. Anyone do anything recently with an AMD CPU and dual nVidia SLI setup? Built-in wifi/bluetooth would be a plus I think.
  6. Oh wow... had it not been for the TOTM award (congrats BTW) I would not have seen this. Excellent idea, I hope it gets implemented! While they're at it, might as well make the "Advanced Tweakables" a standard thing. I see no reason for this extra non-default option treatment of auto-struts.
  7. Firespitter possibly? ...don't recall yellow parts, but maybe.
  8. Oh... *sniff* *sniff* I told myself... I would not cry... What was I thinking! I wuv you MS employee. No really, you just take my money... I didn't really want it anyway?
  9. @Kerbert@Geonovast I have a rather nice UPS actually. ...will run the PC, monitor, and modem/router for like 30 mins in a power outage. The surge somehow managed to just takeout the ethernet and sound on my mobo. Somehow it had to have been associated with the ethernet cable coming from my wall jacks. The router/modem is on the same UPS, but I have to attach it to my wall jack for the cable service. That was something I did not anticipate, maybe the fridge and mobo just decided it was time to bow out together (had to fix my dishwasher too though?). Might need to install a whole-house surge protector. The new mobo I'm looking at will have built-in wireless, so no more ethernet cable. My issue with Win10 is that I bought it so long ago, it was really Win7... and of course, I took advantage of the free upgrade to 10 option. I have heard that others in similar situations have gotten nowhere with MS when going the cust service phonecall route. They basically say, sorry that was a freebie upgrade and you have to buy it now. I dunno, if I yell at them enough maybe... I have since learned that in a recent Win10 upgrade they added some sort of "creator" setting. Where if you register it with MS online at activation (setup a login and so forth) you can somehow reassign the mobo on your account. Which is cool, but I don't recall setting anything up like that so I may just be SOL this time. If any of you haven't already, maybe a good time to look into that MS creator registration thing. Since it took out my mobo ethernet, I can't get the mobo to talk to MS. I dunno, do I want to yell at an MS tech in India for 2 hours... or just pay $100... hmmmm...
  10. Indeed! I just lost my beloved 7yr old mobo to a lightning surges on the power grid. My wife got a spiffy new fridge out of the deal... I'm probably gonna need to drop about $800 now on a new mobo, RAM, CPU, and OEM Win10 Pro (curse you MS! for attaching your OS to a dead mobo). It had a good run though... RIP
  11. Sounds like our SSTO-based space programs are pretty well aligned!
  12. Probably the amount of time I spend flight testing my craft.
  13. On a recent visit to the HQ of Untied Technolgies, I noticed this guide wedged under a table leg in the cafeteria... It seemed interesting: UTEM 271 Propellers and Spinny Things! KSP 1.8 Update I noticed the 1.8 update introduced a few changes to propellers and rotors but nothing too drastic: • The 1.8 upgrade introduced new mapping for rotor blade pitch • The function of Authority Limiter was changed and Deploy Angle was added for pitch control • In 1.7.3 the range of motion was -150 to +150 and the new range is -22.5 to +22.5 or exactly 15% of the prior values • The ECM (KAL-1000) just needs to be reprogrammed to use Deploy Angle instead of Authority Limiter and changing the values to be 15% of the previous values KSP 1.9 Update The rotors now have cyclic control. In the process they also inverted the thrust pitch vectors for clockwise rotation blades and props. So in the section of the manual where I talk about inverting the KAL-1000 mapping for CW and CCW rotation; that is no longer required. The blade pitch mapping works the same now for both.
  14. Yeah, but I'd be wary of making it super heavy. Maybe having to assemble 2-3 items that could fit in Mk2 cargo bays is more where I was going. I was also thinking in terms of having the devices paired, as opposed to having a list to just go to anyone you select. ...and maybe only allowing one per planet/moon. So to get to Jool, I might have to go to Duna to leapfrog my way around? Maybe we take the discussion to our own thread if you want to noodle on it some more. If you are going to build something, would probably be good to decide on the rules of the game and brainstorm a bit before working too long on the gameboard.
  15. Very steampunk-ish flying contraption. How can you not like it? So when do we get to fly it?
  16. I mean all you'd really need is a docking port that could transport your craft to another linked docking port somewhere... Right?
  17. I'm probably not a good person to respond... I'm still waiting for the DLC that will add parts so I can build jump gates in orbit. ...as well as some sci-fi FTL-ish drives.
  18. Easy one... it's BG, no question. MH: extra rocket parts didn't do too much for me when the game was really lacking (and still is lacking) spaceplane parts and wings, not to mention the mission editor tool fiasco BG: robotic parts, props, rotors... finally! I have the parts to flesh out the rest of my space program. Helicopters for capsule and kerbonaut recovery, and a robotic arm for my space shuttle.
  19. This could've been broken down for me as "Rockets" or "Not-Rockets" I kinda view planes and spaceplane SSTO's as the same thing. Although 1.7.3 has me now firmly interested in robotics, propellers, and rotorcraft. I always have been firmly in the "Not-Rockets" camp. I just wish there were a few more things to do and achieve on Kerbin in terms of missions. Also being a bit of a sci-fi fan, I wouldn't mind having some warp drives, jump gates, in stock or a DLC option. I'd also welcome some better large airplane cockpits so my transport airplanes don't look like the space shuttle, and now some helicopter cockpits would be nice too.
  20. The more I play with it... the more I don't see any need for it. I just call em "Kerbo-Kopters" and use a reaction wheel as my pseudo-cyclic controller. I could also probably assist with your single rotor designs.
  21. Would seem logical to maybe make them automatic by removing them from the lights action group "U" key, and add them to the deploy landing gear group "G" key. When gear is deployed the landing gear lights are on; when the gear is retracted, the lights are off. Honestly, I'm not sure why I didn't think of that before! ...and if the lights are out of sequence with the gear being deployed at launch, you just add "Lights On" to your Staging assignments to synch them up! I must go tinker with my craft key assignments now. BTW... I asked Jeb why he assigned lights to the "U" key. Turns out that there was an embarrassing mixup one time with "L" being assigned for Lights and Launch. To avoid further mishaps, all lights have since been assigned to the "U" or "undark" key. ...and Jeb says, "You're welcome!"
  22. You try to fly your craft without it... watch as the parts flex and flop around. Then use it sparingly to stitch your craft together so it feels, looks, behaves like a solid aerospace fuselage. That's pretty much it. I use the regular struts when the design/aesthetics call for it. ...in particular, biplane designs would need real struts between the wings not for just cosmetics, but because the autostrut options would not typically let you create those wing-to-wing connections.
  23. I don't use mods that would change, modify, or add to the craft file in any way. I'm actually very happy with the stock probe core addition. ...and since there is no communications antenna on my helo, the craft still cannot depart the ground or be deployed without a kerbal assigned to the pilot seat. So it works exactly the same as it did previously, and the probe core only serves to correct the avionics issue. So it works perfectly.
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