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Everything posted by Regor

  1. Banned for having a space shuttle.
  2. Bump Moda delete this if you want to
  3. Hi, So I made this game where you rate the person above you from the dV from a certain trip. You can rank from 0 to 10 depending on how much dV they have spent on a certain trip. I Start: Mun and back: 6800m/s Minmus and Back: 5700m/s Duna and Back: 7350m/s
  4. Jeb is standing by to launch on dresxpress.
  5. But that wish was corrupted. I wish for FAR 1.2.2
  6. Hello, No you are not being dumb, but you have to understand that a sidereal and solar day are different things. A solar day is when the sun points at the exact same spot. A sidereal day is when other things (stars) point at the exact spot. Regards, mabdi36
  7. Welcome to the forums, As @Cpt Kerbalkrunch said, it will probably be moved soon. Anyway, I never use fuel cells, (RTGs are an option) as they are bulky and need oxidiser. If you REALLY must use them, you can always set action groups. Regards, mabdi36
  8. I made my first Minmmus Rover, which swiftly exploded
  9. My gerbils are breaking out!
  10. Banned for having a weird picture.
  11. Banned for criticizing someone with no profile picture.
  12. Hi guys, Today, I made 2 Minnmus science satellites. I also made my first career Eve/Gilly probe. Regards, mabdi36
  13. Hi guys, Radially Attached Hypersonic Intakes (RAHI) Regards, Mabdi36
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