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Everything posted by Socraticat

  1. Someone commented that my Biplane Shuttle design was comical. Maybe. I think they're super for weight balance in zero gravity and reducing horizontal footprint. Then I thought to myself. Comical would be as big as they could be made... and realized nothing was stopping me from trying. I present the "Oversized Biplane Experiment"
  2. I just, cant, stop... Here's another challenge from @Meta Jonez in the challenges forum. The smaller challenges are great for those who are bug averse or can't run ships with 100+ parts. Anywho, fastest under the Bridge- 330 m/s submission And a snap of a "close call" on my 4th pass (first pass in video)
  3. 330 m/s for now. PSA reminder to set your front brakes to 20% or less.
  4. It was, as you say, "Weird". The game may have triggered something else. I learned later that my corsair service was probably a year off of updates and I was also probably 2 months behind Nvidia updates.
  5. I embellished this a bit- just enough, I think. The game never put out a tone. I did have it pause here on load reapeatedly after crashing. Every time I started up this is where it stopped, even after reinstalling. Except, there wasn't a tone... it's a representation of my hopes to play... dead hopes... I was recording when the bug that killed the game hit. My screens turned black and blue with ancient Kree lettering all over, then shut off. I was so scared for my computer. Booted back up, everything fine, but the video I was recording was corrupted, and KSP2 was forever "Pumping Sim Once"
  6. @Meta Jonez Almost gave myself a heart attack going for this one.
  7. I finished this last night and posted it all over this morning. I can't wait for the patch. I'm already having so much fun!
  8. @Anth12 It's a "pumping sim once" load screen, lol. And yeah, it's just a static 1K tone. I figured there better be something enjoyable to listen to after that.
  9. It's my pleasure to provide this: my week 3 challenge submission- In video format! Instructions unclear: made a rover in an SSTO instead of a Rover SSTO? I'm convinced I could have made a legit circumnavigation mission out of it if the game was more stable. I at least wanted to do some more sweet stunts in my fancy rover! Either way I'm having serious fun. Bugs and all. It's both frustrating and comical. Like watching the devs kerbal together a game the way I put together a ship. For Science! (And Fun)
  10. I have a Week Three "Val Level" Submission that has as much win as the bugs will allow. I managed two docking separations, both failures for reasons mostly related to game bugs. This was my first foray into a serious mission build in KSP2, and having been through much now, I have some thoughts I'm sure many others have had (I know this because I've read a few of these already). My personal experience highlights these things as being of peak importance: 1. Docking port separation(failure) is really a game killer for anything other than flybys. 2. Sometimes the craft loses an inconsequential part and the game registers the craft as destroyed 3. Saving is like playing roullette. 4. dV readouts with mixed engines would be nice. Maneuver nodes don't read anything if your dV registers as zero. 5. Warping is as dangerous as in KSP1. 6. Has anyone else encountered the origami singularity? Despite all of the frustration, the game is still fun. The high of getting my rover to finally start traversing land was enough for me to scour the forums for solutions and burning quite a few hours "troubleshooting" something I could have easily played and succeeded in in KSP1. But the clouds, the music, the procedural wings... there's enough to be excited about that I can't help but hope others are as excited as I am. TL:DR- Today I had fun in KSP2. I'll post another video soon.
  11. @cocoscacao Yeah, now I'm looking for a satisfying fix for docking ports...
  12. So I've found a workaround... for now. In the appdata folder there's a Private Division folder with save data. You can delete the Private Division folder and "Reset the game" but keep your save data somewhere safe before you nuke that folder. I put my craft workspace in another save and at least my VAB work isn't a complete loss, but any previous landings or flights I had are gone. Also, hitting V will change camera view when the camera (and Kerbin) gets sideways.
  13. @RadProTurtle My goal was as compact as possible with mining equipment. The project definitely pushed my aesthetic and parts clipping rules to the max. The resource converter is definitely in the cockpit seats. The fun part is refueling it and hopping around with VTOL on Duna. Definitely needs a tug vessel, but otherwise it is interplanetary (Using Minimus as jump off). I've taken it to Laythe twice, but never brought it back after getting back in LLO. There's something to try, eh?
  14. Well... it's not a spin, but that is most certainly awesome! Excellent!
  15. Ok, a final attempt and edited video for now. I'll call this my final submission since it seems to be maximally reduced for this design. Kudos to all who participate in this one. It was a lot more fun than I anticipated. As an afterthought, I realize that all of this was possible with KSP2's new wing generation. It was so satisfying to fine tune the shape to my needs, and aesthetically I'm more pleased than I had anticipated. Behold, "OneOscar" (This is a "OneOscar SG Lite" to be precise .@azgar can you update standings to reflect the name change) "Let's see your unicycle spin like this!"- Socraticat Total Weight: 0.58 Dry Weight: 0.46 "OneOscar" Fan Club The lightest of the "OneOscar" Family of Biplanes and arguably the most popular variant, the "OneOscar SG Lite" can be seen here winning over the hearts of dozens, literally dozens, of short range commute enthusiasts and KSC employees. Keeping the front wheels fixed is optional, but encouraged for new owners. Fan Club history points to this very moment as the beginning of the "OneOscar" era. Give a special thanks to @azgar for sparking the fire
  16. Your fuel needs were amazing. I bet I could use your flight profile to save on fuel. How much does the strut weigh? I bet you could get away with putting the seat on the tank, keeping the chute... is a spark smaller? The methalox tank is smaller... you could have smaller wings with your flight profile and... Crap. Now I need to go play. Woe is me.
  17. No screenshots for this, but rather a nicely edited video (If I do say so my biased self). Seems I've been beaten by a gifted unicycle already today. I was hoping for first on this one today. BRAVO! I may still win by smallest footprint or something... Total Mass: 0.72 t Dry Mass: 0.58 t "OneOscar" Fan Club This here is a classic: "OneOscar FG+", Codename "Stubborn" designated so by its additional inline stabilizer. R & D wanted to not only get to the Island airfield, but do so with as little change to preferred course. Corey the tech swears it gets him there faster, but Ken and Charlie remind him that the maths just don't check out. Doesn't matter because Corey does mad stunts in his "OneOscar FG+" that make his momma proud.
  18. I joined the discord and submitted my week one and week two challenges. Bout to go try the tiny craft to the island challenge.
  19. Does a Cargo Plane launching a vessel from orbit count? Is my craft "Legal"? Lol
  20. Here's my take. I landed on runway 2. It seems the wild stallion I used for the challenge couldn't be contained to one runway. This is a "OneOscar XLE+" that I'm flying, Don't forget to check out the "OneOscar" Fan Club!
  21. appdata is under local/users and is hidden, for anyone else wondering why they can't find it.
  22. How did you get the docking ports to work? Edit: I just looked up the details of the docking port bug. Off to build more SSTOs
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