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Everything posted by Socraticat

  1. Clearly communication has not stopped. For anyone that doesn't know, @Dakota walks though fire to show commitment to communication. Even through the depths of hate and ignorance, Dakota keeps level and cool- what else is there to do? The team works, progress gets made, the pace is what it is, and there's not much else to say! Except... Dakota does everything possible to ease those who are so frustrated with development. Even after direct insults, I've seen the utmost calm and cool. Even when Dakota's words have been misconstrued, taken out of context, outright fabricated by malingerers... the response is "Hey, I get it. I love this community." BRAVO!!! I'm going to spend a portion of my day reading your reddit profile as a masterclass in being a decent human being online. Good Golly.
  2. I didn't mean to throw shade with my "irony" comment if it was read that way. I just can't help but giggle when I see something like that. Like, c'mon; doesn't the team have enough to deal with? (I'm not the only one the widget shows error for, right?) So what I'm seeing is that we can expect a timeline for the next release within the next two weeks? I'm just reading between lines here. And looking back, and to be clear, @The Aziz pointed out the widget, @regex pointed to the location on mobile. I think you are both community gems.
  3. @regex The irony is killing me right now... I've checked in to see this all day. Same thing on mobile or desktop (cause it's a widget error I'm sure) It's probably just a hiccup, but between timing of updates and the timing for the above comment...
  4. So I did rework my Gilly Rover. Rolling all the way around helps you consider some modifications... I also had to smash a few bugs that were too much weight to carry. I certainly hope you get back to this. I'm curious about the rest of your saga! Keep going!
  5. It's not considered strange to have hours of footage recorded for 5 minutes of published content. You can do more, you can do less... It really just depends on your project and particular artistic process (maybe your hardware). I have my setting to record just under or at "perceptually lossless" for 1080 and that gets me some large file sizes. I make sure to have around 100gigs of free space to record and move for editing. The next step is finding a process that allows you to record in manageable chunks- record, play for a purpose, and cut for a take. Do that over and over until you are satisfied with the recordings you have, then review that footage to find the takes you want to keep- toss the rest into an archive until you're sure you don't need it any more. I know this is what you are looking for. I just don't use them, so someone else more knowledgeable will have to fill you in.
  6. @Aerodynamic Kerbal 1. How do mission idea? A storyboard is best for planning a narrative. It gives you an idea of the story arc and the camera's perspective. 2. What mods? You don't need any, the capture view is pretty cool on KSP2, but KSP probably does have some wicked cool camera mods. I seent em. 3. What video recorder? I use OBS to capture. 4. What video editor? I use Blender to edit. Many people really dislike Blender's editor. I really like it. 5. How do I make everything sync up the music? You can scrub (scroll through frames) the videos in your editor and sync them up with the waveform of the audio. 6. How do good thumbnail? After spending a lot of time in the editor you'll find a nice image that represents your vid. You just add graphics if you want. (Also shown in link above) 7. How do I get good camera shots? Messing around. Accidentally. Practice. It's like launching a rocket in the game. Didn't get the expected result? Change something and do it again... and again... 8. Do I need a NASA supercomputer or can I use my gaming laptop? A gaming laptop will get the job done. A NASA supercomputer would do it faster.
  7. So... I finally managed to get to Bop. The same craft I used to reach Gilly is now infested. Disassembly on decouple, excessive wobble on the rover (so strange), fairing glitches, parts shifting on warp... I finally landed on Bop and escaped the larger side of the big crater. It took forever because I was getting a feel for the settings the rover needed and I forgot about setting the SAS to prograde, so It wasn't as smooth as it could have been until I remembered to set it. Probably because I was too worried about getting up the dang hill first. I used some methalox to get there with my downward engines since my biggest issue was managing wheelies up the hill. Really should have set the prograde sooner, then I could have used less, or zero methalox. It will make it, but the vessel needs tweaking since the last release. After taking all day just to get to Bop I'm not sure I want to finagle the circumnavigation until after the next update. I did have fun though. Joolshine is so pretty. I'll post some pictures in the daily later.
  8. Just adding my experiences here- This bug has only just started affecting my missions more persistently, so I've been investigating. I have been taking my booster on a suborbital trajectory before decoupling, and it seems that every time I do the upper stage "disassembles" as described in the above posts. Unlike others, who are disassembling on the final stage- I'm disassembling on the first stage, but it's my final stage that's falling apart. It has happened with three separate vessels on two campaigns- one started before the last update, one after. I has happened with 1 vessel from the last version and two from the newest. I've got some footage that shows me that the disintigration is coming from anything above my root part (probably more accurate to say it was anything on one side)- anything below is still attached. Something similar happened with my week 24 challenge submission: I simply subtracted the parts since they were just visual fluff- that fixed the floating camera after separation and I was able to submit a full mission. For my rover vessel I changed my root part to something higher in the build list, so I'm rooted to something that has a few more parts between the root and a decoupler. I also added some struts between parts that had previously fallen apart. It seems to have worked, but I still can't say for sure what is causing it.
  9. Sometimes the legs kick hard enough to break off another part or themselves. At the very least it causes the craft to reorient itself off heading.
  10. Most definitely an arduous process for such a marvelous vessel. I really like the black on shiny- looks sleek. Gotta put some seperatrons on those boosters. And while your at it, put a strut between each booster at the bottom, and attach the bottoms of the boosters to the bottom of your lowest stage. The ultimate booster separation safety set.
  11. Looks like a bunch of Large tanks merged into each other on a Hub, or a longer Large tank.
  12. Every time I go back to KSP I get the itch to go back to KSP2. For me, it's in good enough shape to dream about its future. Case in point... I did one circumnavigation in KSP2 already- never did one in KSP. After seeing another attempt at Circumnavigating Bop, I feel compelled to try it myself. But here's the thing: the craft that took me all the way around Gilly now has new bugs preventing me from breaking through LKO. I've found a workaround, but my point is that I'm having more fun breaking through bugs to play KSP2 than I am regressing to KSP. Having said that, I feel like I'm getting better at both, with each inspiring me to do different things in the other.
  13. AWE! YEAH! I keep shooting myself in the foot for that achievement. I keep putting restraints on myself like payload capacity or fuel type. An SSTO that can carry a payload to the Mun and return to Kerbin would be an awesome achievement. I should really just try for the basic accomplishment. Great work!
  14. I don't know if I'm more clever, but I do have a rover for low gravity moons. It managed Gilly, so now I'm curious about whether or not I could conquer Bop.
  15. Looks ready for a sky-crane, but that's another can of Krakens. Rover's are pretty close to fun if the ground contact issues and bouncing wheels were fixed. Soon enough... Even more broken is the water. I tried boat launch for the first time today and learned that water is worse than I had anticipated. I knew it was wonky, but holy moly- it's not even close to ready. I don't know how @Audaylon does it.
  16. Yeah so... I guess you're not on the hype train... Or wait, is this the hate train?
  17. EDIT: I thought it was an anchor issue, but that wasn't it... It's built from top to bottom- It's so strange that everything just falls apart after the first staging incident. This was supposed to go soooooo much farther than LKO.
  18. That's just his face. It always looks like that. He's not so bad. Welcome to the forums!
  19. I always enjoyed setting up fuel routes so that I could send Kerbals further and further in an SSTO. It's my favorite. You can do it in Sandbox, Science, or Career. The console version of KSP has a Mun launchpad option- I found that to be super rewarding and I was sad it wasn't a part of vanilla KSP on PC. At about the same time they had announced KSP2 (I remember Parallax Mod was about to come out too). My PC at the time was a laptop, so I was very limited in performance. I decided to wait for cololnies in KSP2 and get a nice computer in the meantime. Since then I've been practicing all aspects of my supply chain method: SSTO design, Mining, Stations, Comms, Etc. It feels like a larger Arc than KSP is capable of providing in a script, nor do I think I would like it that way. One of the things that keeps me in KSP is the ability to uniquely tailor the game experience in the same way you can tweak a ship- The all do the same thing, but it's how you do it that makes it fun for you. I suppose the basic script of "Rocket Science and Extraplanetary Exploration" is good enough for me. Beyond that it's basically roleplay as a "Space Program". Having said all that, I do think they have all of that down on paper, but clearly not in code tight enough to share (or maybe it is good enough to share, just not on top of what's currently ailing the game). Everything that KSP2 promises seems to me geared towards that play progression. I'm also into the tedium though; I guess it offers me an opportunity to continue experimenting for optimization, quality of life, or style. I guess don't really play for an endgame. I play until I decide I want to rewrite my career from the ground up with knowledge gained. Doubly so for KSP2 since persistent saves are non-playable until later implementations. It's also not incorrect to say that my current endgame is forum challenges- once completed I move on to another one, like contracts IRL.
  20. I swore to myself I wouldn't do this... and then I went and did it. Here's a craft inspired by, and slightly resembling the Pathfinder/Sojourner Mission. It was difficult to design the craft to perform like the original since there's no real analogue for airbag landings in KSP. I thought the external tanks looked good enough as a replacement. The gear is essentially a 100m/s bumper (also useful in "OneOscar" survivability). I had some serious bugs I haven't pinpointed. I'll probably take some time to report the most egregious ones. I'm sure they've been reported before, but maybe my data can help. Not many to see in the vid (there's at least one bug and a lot of wobble). This is just some cobbled gameplay while I went for the secondary goal (Oh, and it features Tenacious D, since this is a Tribute). It vaguely resembles the real mission; I even went and found a rock. FLY SAFE!
  21. I tried Minmus for my first circumnavigation. I'd like to revisit it after some bugs get sorted. I went for Gilly instead after realizing Minmus was going to take a good 20+ sittings with the craft and time commitments I had available. Ike is a good chunk of celestial! Good luck to you. I found both of my efforts to be extremely rewarding- traversing a moon with a craft you've built feels so much more immersive than just launching and landing. I'm glad you've found inspiration here. The community really has some great enthusiasts.
  22. Against my better judgement, I went for another big slurp of KSP2 brain freeze. I made a rover inspired by Sojourner and Pathfinder and mounted them atop something that looks vaguely like Delta II. Oh my entomology... what an ordeal. It's not everything I wanted it to be, but it is about the size of a microwave, and it did land splendidly on Duna. I'm very excited to comb through footage to show you all, but I'm too tired, so I'm settling on just telling you all how cool it was before I get on my edits tomorrow.
  23. So awesome to see. It does seem like a drop in the bucket when there are more than a few big bugs like this. If every update slays one large bug, I think there's hope for the hype to return. It's also nice to see that the smaller bugfixes aren't ignored either.
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