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Everything posted by Socraticat

  1. Craft File here. If you complete this challenge here in one of these awesome tiny biplanes, post your submission from this thread at the link below and become an official club member! "OneOscar" Zero-G Fan Club!
  2. Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: win10 | CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 | GPU: 3080 | RAM: 32 The fairing generated by the large engine plate has returned after loading a save. It should be gone, since that stage and engines have already been initiated through the staging process. Included Attachments: LargeEnginePlateFairingRespawnsonload_logs.zip
  3. As part of my own QA process for setting up my Jool 5 mission I decided to do a dry run using Mun and Minimus as test bodies. My calculations were correct that the "OneOscar" mothership AKA "Jewelies" has phenomenal reach and each of its subassemblies is a capable space navigator. The smaller assemblies for Pol and Bop ended up with a suprising amount of DV, rearranging my entry priorities for Jool Capture. The center of my Jool 5 ship is a 2 stage Tylo lander. To save mass, Tim is going to EVA for the entire flag planting portion of the mission. The lander first drops to Vall and drops the first "OneOscar", then the lander returns to it's port, refuels, and preps to drop to Tylo. On Tylo, it has enough DV to land and take-off, but a second stage is necessary for escape. Tim will perform a daring feat of EVA seat swapping to reach his second stage escape vessel off of Tylo. But there's a catch... The Kraken has found this plan to be too daring for Early Access v0.1.3.0 and is preventing Tim from successfully, or rather safely, performing his EVA stunt. It's all good though. "Jewelies" is still under development and there is still some more testing to be done on Minmus. FLY SAFE!
  4. Here's an example of what happens. This is from an EVA momentum bug video I made, but in testing that bug this happened. (linked to timestamp) As I hit EVA while traveling away from the lander craft, the lander "jumps" or is quickspawned meters above the ground, resulting in dissapointment.
  5. I did go back to the save to do some science. The EVA redirection seems consistently directional- always to the Left of the seat. This footage would also suggest that the phenomenon occurs only during flight, but from the clip I attached on Eeloo it's clear that the problem isn't limited to an altitude or velocity. There is strong evidence to suggest that the problem is worse when a velocity is associated with the exit; during suborbital flights the kerbal ends up on an entirely different trajectory than the craft that was exited.
  6. I had this happen recently with my Jool 5 ship. It happened when I decoupled from the parts manager on a decoupler that had been placed in paired symmetry. Removing the symmetry seemed to remove the issue, but I did not yet try to recreate it.
  7. Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: windows | CPU: ryzen 5 3600 | GPU: Nvidia 3080| RAM: 32gig This has happened to me both leaving crew modules and grumble seats. It currently has me dead in the water for completing the weekly mission. This is a neat capture of the trajectory it puts me on when it happens- note that when I reorient the craft it sends me in a diffrent direction. I'm going to go do some experiments and get some bug science. It also happened at the end of another video I made. Its a gag at the end so my apologies for the audio. (The link is set to the appropriate timestamp)
  8. This has also happened to me on various occasions. Vall, Bop, Mun, Minmus. All have had support vessels bounce after reaching some distance. Different in each scenario, but usually under 1km
  9. I'm prepping for a Jool 5. I need an extra segment between the Laythe lander and the hub. That segment will hold the return vessel and some extra fuel. I have a setup to deliver a "OneOscar" Biplane to Every Mun. And return the delivery kerbal.
  10. I do jest... In a forum about little green men going boom boom I feel like anything written is part of a larger fiction of sorts. Besides, you do post in mission reports already, yeah?
  11. I took the "FleetOscar" on a sunset test to see how performed. I had twice as many frames and the lighting effects were just awesome. Can't wait for more!
  12. That kind of content is frowned upon here...
  13. Oh, yeah. I had that before. I haven't launched the game since, but I'll let you know if any foolery has happened. It hasn't ever jumped screens before.
  14. I can confirm that this is in fact a fancy way to exit KSP2. Even stranger... when I booted the game back up it started on my other monitor. WOO! Good one. On a side note: I was able to load my "OneOscar" Array and fly 16 of them under the bridge at once. I'd say the framerate has improved significantly judging by how much more responsive the craft was to fly.
  15. Game playability as of v0.1.3.0, for your viewing pleasure: Re-entry at 4 minutes.
  16. Here's to hoping for more participation with the latest update! This was a livestream. The full stream can be found here:
  17. Top comment on Twitter currently, "Feels bad to have paid for it opening day and now those who didn't have faith can pick it up cheaper than those who held on to it and believed. Such is life I suppose..." - Craig Legit sentiment. But here's another take- if you wanted a chance to critique the game at, you had to pay to see how garbage it was. Same up til now. Consider who you want to show your "work in progress"... do you want to show someone willing to invest? Or do you want to show someone who gives their opinion regardless of their willingness to put in constructive (invested critique)? I see this as the game fitting a state that is ready to be critiqued by a wider audience- and moving towards a state of greater scrutiny. The higher price tag is equal to a backstage VIP ticket now... I'm not saying everyone enjoyed the sound check, but they are now seating general admission for the warm up set... We're all still wondering if the show will be worth the standing around while the band tunes and tweaks their gear... Will this end in a Mic drop 1.0? or a good ol fashioned stage salad?
  18. Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 | GPU: MSI 3080 | RAM: 32 gig Specs: Severity: Med-High, this has the potential to lose players hours of gametime Frequency: High- following this build process results in the bug every time. Description: Make a plane using an Oscar-B tank, use a radial decoupler (Not sure on type), set the decoupler as the anchor point, save craft, load or merge craft- find it missing. Included Attachments: NewBugs0001-11861.mp4
  19. Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 | GPU: MSI 3080 | RAM: 32 gig Specs: Severity: Medium- The workaround that was available has regressed. See the follow-up for more details. Frequency: High- following this build process results in the bug every time. Description: Make a plane using an Oscar-B tank, copy and paste. Wings flip. Included Attachments: NewBugs0001-11861.mp4
  20. If you check the Kerbal Wiki for some semantics on what constitutes a base, you'll find that there's nothing stopping a player from creating a base without "Base specific" parts or milestones. So feel free to use your imagination with the parts available and bug workarounds to get you there!
  21. THIS VIDEO CONTAINS SPOILERS (Minmus Anomaly) Raw Gameplay "In Good Hands" Raw Gameplay "OneOscar" FG2X Spark-Spider/ "Tip-Top-Spot"
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