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Everything posted by AR3S_TGL

  1. I have pound a dusty copy of the first Elite Force. It is by brother's favourite game. I have been playing that, Subnautica and Rimworld. Attempted to watch 2001. Failed miserably. I liked it, so it is with my film possibilities (with Sunshine, Mission: Impossible and the Borne series)
  2. So, is this similar to Rimworld in that colonists will repair stuff, do science and be social?
  3. Looks cool! So this is past Jool, right?
  4. I have never been out of likes. I am mean...
  5. Now, this is my poor attempt to make a planet that looks remotely like the one in the main menu of Rimworld.
  6. Just wanted to say, the name Rooe is taken from my dog, Roo, who is going to have puppies.
  7. I already feel like a geek. My all time favorite was the one with V'ger, as I watched with my Dad when I was really little.
  8. I never thought there was anything wrong with Spore. Until my mate got on. The bingo fish shall rise again!
  9. https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/7/78/Illuminati-Logo.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20150529234113 Yep. The image broke.
  11. Talk about cats. They are generally better... Whoever says no is... Well... Weird.
  12. Felt jealous of people going to cape. Well... I had a Star Trek Marathon.
  13. So my throat swelled up on Thursday and I had time off life. With the side effect as my voice is weird. So I grabbed the TV remote and found someone had recorded a Star Trek movie (2008). By the end of that evening I wanted a pet Tribble and a Kligon dictionary. Now I am watching the Next Generation as my parents love Jean Luc Picard! Comment below of the ways you got addicted to Star Trek!
  14. And thanks for the art and enthusiasm! I like seeing people enthusiastic...
  15. Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine. -Jack Ma Yes. I needed to pity as corny quote in there too. I had 0 replies to a Minecraft mod I made, but 100s of looks. I'm sure you have had 1000s.
  16. I have art in school once a week, and I dread it. I have been posting opinions on this forum and I hate art. That shows how good this is. I like your produce. I can't make anything look nice, but I love trying with your tips. Do not think this is uninteresting. I have never released a thread that lasted one day. I'm uninteresting. People dislike me for that. But this does look like something that you should continue with. I spent hours looking for those easter eggs. So please, don't give up on this thread.
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