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Posts posted by Jesusthebird

  1. Couple of things so far(im digging the black beat up look btw)

    -the vtol "kento" is lacking its vtol ability(no rclick menu or action group)

    -the med retangular tank adapter; once attached to a node you cannot pick it back up off your craft

    -the spoiler and airbrake parts lack a rclick menu for tweaking purposes

    thats all ive seen so far, I just downloaded this, havnt tested any crafts in flight yet, except the vtol engine

  2. i know..i know..this mod isnt updated to 1.7...but..I did get an exception and I think its from this mod. Doesnt seem to cause much problems...just thought id mention it.

    ksplog: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjOhSRn-M-XfjwCVauuJzNadegpa



    [EXC 23:00:22.357] TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute' from assembly 'WheelSounds'.
        System.MonoCustomAttrs.GetCustomAttributesBase (ICustomAttributeProvider obj, System.Type attributeType)
        System.MonoCustomAttrs.GetCustomAttributes (ICustomAttributeProvider obj, System.Type attributeType, Boolean inherit)
        System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCustomAttributes (System.Type attributeType, Boolean inherit)
        Kopernicus.LogAggregatorWorker.Awake ()
        AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)


  3. Hey..ive been fiddling with kittopia for the last couple days and havnt really made much headway. 

    I guess my main question is...does kittopia change planets in realtime, or do i need to export the parameters set and reload ksp for any changes to take effect? If thats the case..whats the purpose of kittopia? Is it just a simple cfg creation tool that just happens to load in game and have all the kopernicus settings avaliable to see?

    I dont see much documentation on actually using kittopia. A "kittopia for dummies" so to speak...might be useful?


  4. Thats strange wording to say the least.. Its pretty much expected that a game company would release updates like bug fixes and enhancments for free to a base game purchaser especally for a pre-release..hard to beleive charging for bugfixes and slight enhancments would be a good business model.

    So having said that implys including content like missing history, ect..woops

    Seems like a dlc premium pass is sounding better and better to me now

  5. 1 hour ago, razark said:

    The people who bought it before a certain time get it for free, not because they were early supporters, but because Squad had a poorly worded user agreement at the time, well before any DLC was even being considered.  Squad could easily have told them "No, that's obviously not what we meant, pay up.", but they didn't.  It wasn't pampering, it was a company being more generous than they had any reason to.

    Well that certainly makes more sense than what ive deducted for myself...how terrible was that user agreenment then? 

    @HebaruSanhmm..quite possible. I did think about that. Im just thinking if you don't know by now...ya know. Its not really as big deal as i may perceive it is to me...I just think everytime i see it is.."I get it, i shoulda bought this game in 2013!! You can stop now..". But  I guess reiteration is better than forum spam..

  6. So I had like an essay typed out ranting over the always free for early access buyers..and the always reiteration about how pampered early access players are, however many are left that is..but instead ill just ask this..

    Are there any plans to provide any sort or premium pass or bogo/btgo thing for the 6 years of players that joined past that premotion time??

    My thought? Most of us know that early access prices was/is usually about half of current base game, not including dlc. Me personally would enjoy seeing yalls 'immaculate gratitude honor system' extended from the limited playerbase from 6 years ago that kept the game in development and build popularity..to the more current players that have continued the trend, even if its not the same 'deal'

    This is probably a well discused topic already..but alas i do have an opinion on it nonetheless.

    With that said. I enjoy the look of the new spacesuit. And I hope the robotics arnt just a shell of what IR provides. I will be buying this dlc I think regardless..cause i love ksp.

    Not sure if this provides incintive that a premium pass is a good idea or not...I just wish theyd think about it...or stop posting a reiteration that early access players get everything for free, pretty sure they know by now. And all that does to me is make me regret not knowing about ksp back then..

    I suppose this ended up as an essay anyways. Sorry for not knowing ksp existed in 2013?? It almost feels like a continued punishment because of that. Like im paying for the development of a future dlc..that Ill pay for again later. 

    I dunno..maybe im just salty that I wish i knew about this game in 2013 and that I had a pc to play ksp on but didnt.. When it comes down to it...thats exactly it. But I would be ecstatic if I saw something similar come back for the many newer fans. Jus sayin..


    Have a good day yall

  7. So i hear the otter has a reactor? I have a few questions here. some CFG info from the pod..

    ModuleResourceConverter_USI <-- used as the reactor module<-- is this from another USI mod? because I cant see options to start/stop(both rclick menu and action groups)

    ModuleAquaticSAS  <--     what are these? no sub settings within these either. Blank

    USI wiki pointed me toward the MKS mod for the converter module but even with that mod...I cant use the otter reactor.. other modules cant find anything.


  8. On 5/4/2019 at 7:16 PM, 4x4cheesecake said:



    Lol woopsie...i had both threads open at the time..clearly i posted in the wrong spot. My bad:confused:. I should really pay attention when clicking ckan website links...can i blame the word redux in my search and lack of precise mouse clicking and spacing out?


    Thanks tho..i didnt know that was an option..i just knew about the xaxis location option. I do like em...i just dont like its placment and that xaxis setting doesnt really help for me.

    Dont mind me...carry on lol

  9. Hi, im not sure if this would be easy or not, or if youre even up for it for that matter...I know you maintain just about half of all mods on the forums. And perhaps this has been suggested before, Im not sure but Id like to suggest it anyways in case it hasnt. I love EER very much..however the vessel/resource overlay tabs are a tad bothersome to deal with or use(especally when many mod that include vab/sph icons are used) and in turn I tend to not use them at all or I use Quickhide and Adjustable Mod Panel rigorously. My suggestion would to change the overlay location to the right side of the screen and settings parameters have it slide up and down rather than side to side. that way when you click to show you are not clicking the icons directly behind them, also it would be easier to view the data they give and be kinda out of the way when you dont need it.

    the toolbar mod button provides a very neat feature of locking/unlocking position with the ability to hide when put on the border when not hovered over. perhaps the EER info overlays could incorporate part of that functionality? such as hiding when not mouse hovering.

    I suppose the more simple approach would be to add a button to the setting menu to hide those overlays, wheres the info provided is easily obtainable via different mods. EPL for example has a button in the editor for displaying some vessel info/resources as well as a few others mods. But I really like how EER shows it...I just really dislike its overlay position.

    Thank you for your time and listening to(more like reading :)) my thoughts! 


    Edit: Im also aware that this mod uses clickthroughblocker. but i suppose for whatever reason it ignores the overlays I speak of. Perhaps thats a different route that could be taken regarding my thoughts.

  10. glorious and beautiful!! i could kiss both of you!! Thank you damonvv and omega!! ive been thinking about doing such a thing but never decided too. Im glad someone did it. I look forward to seeing different possible configs, currently its still glorious and beautiful...but Ive always liked having options. this mod config has tons of possibility, almost endless!!


    I also assume considering how rss and any scaled planet gamesave works....those will need different configs all together. if the mods themselves are compatible with said ksp version being used...I have no doubt theyll turn up eventually. there are lots of rss and scaled planet fans out there. patience lads! :)

  11. 7 hours ago, TimothyC said:

    Like the standard RCS translation controls "H" is forward, and "N" is aft. The game treats the MMU as a craft just like any other, and not like the EVA packs on the kerbals.

    Ahh...i didnt even try H or N..durp. Ive always let mechjeb do docking manuvers for me as i find it very simple so im not familure with translation controls.. Thanks m8!

    Ill have to do some more research for hotswapping the layout as I still find standard eva controls better for me personally but atleast i can use the MMU now.

  12. I have...probably a noob question, sorry in advance... hopefully someone's around that could help? Ive been trying to maneuver the EMU but I dont seem to be able to do it very well...any tips would be helpful as it seems to function differently than standard kerbal eva. For one..I havnt been able to figure out how to go backwards using the for thrusters. 

    Normal EVA(just a kerbal):

    W=forward, A=strafe left, S=backwards, D=strafe right

    using the EMU chair:

    W=Pitch down, A=Rotate left, S=Pitch up, D=rotate right

    IJKL keys control translation down,right,up,left

    Shift or Z controls forward thrust kinda like engine thrust..but it certainly isnt controllable from what I can tell(either full thrust or none)

    cannot find what controls backwards thrust. <---this is what id like to know for the most part


    Id also like to know if I can configure how this part works so its more inline with stock eva control(my idea would be to use wasd keys how kerbals use eva and then the IJKL keys would control rotation and pitch if need be. I find it a bit...strange...especially since translation is used more than rotation/pitch in most situations. The CFG for this part contains the following:

            enablePitch = false
            enableYaw = false
            enableRoll = false


    however considering that wasd keys control pitch/yaw/roll via reaction wheel...I dont know what these parameters are preventing, It is part of the RCSFX module..so Im going to assume it prevents translations and rotation at the same time with the reaction wheel...


    Thank you for yalls help!!

  13. @Daniel Prates oh I have lots of faith in LGG, hes done great and tremendous work over the time ive been on the forums. Im not doubting LGGs work, I just want to make sure Im getting my facts straight. ckan doesn't give the most precise information all the time and this thread title here doesn't state 1.7.0 yet, so I felt inclined to ask for a bit of clarification is all.

    I dont have a career game to risk or anything. Im just asking, and I meen lets face it...if I dont get a reply...ill probably download it anyways :D. thats how much I miss this mod

  14. Thank you for your hard work! Ive really missed this mod.

    Im a tad confused tho, perhaps you can help with that? Spacedock has this mod labeled as recently updated to 1.7, however ckan has it labeled for 'any' version so I checked out the version files. is for ksp 1.4.5-1.6.1 correct?

    can I assume is for ksp 1.7+?

    currently I need to check 1.6.1 compatibility in ckan for the mod to show up, however the version it gives is for 1.7.0 per your version file information. Just trying to make sure Im getting the proper version of the mod.

    Also Im aware this thread is only a few hours old, so I apologize if I sound like im rushing things, I am more than happy to wait if things arnt ready. Im just going off of what I see on spacedock, and after reading the OP it made me go "huu??"

  15. Ohh..sweet to see a release! 

    I agree with possible b9 parts implementation. Ive always used b9 parts sparingly simply because the textures and colors dont match up very well with stock in my opinion.

    Ohh and I played around with this mod for about an hour last night. The MK2X ram intake part is probably one of my fav intakes. But the recoloring only gets applied to the back half of the model. Has anyone else noticed this? Wanted to report it but perhaps i have too many mods installed or something. I can post a pic later if need be but im not at my pc atm.

    @mindseyemodels from what i can tell  so far you can recolor any part individuality. But if you have a craft built in the editor then recolor the root part it will be applied to the whole craft. Ive also come across a bug where it will turn the part all white but im not sure how. I havnt been able to recreate it(i havnt really tried honestly) but deleting the part and grabbing it again from the side part menu will reset the process to default colors(i think)

  16. On 2/22/2019 at 9:24 AM, Jiraiyah said:

    if anyone is familiar enough to do the job faster, would really appreciate it.

    Reddit user 001 made a script for easy adding of models for TU. Sometimes it didnt work out...but mostly it did. If it didnt...assumed the model was created unorthodoxly perhaps. Id look into it if you want quick configs..then tweak it to your liking after with more detail or different shaders.

  17. Huzzaaa!! Thanks to the showcase vid..i as able to eyeball the one engine ive been searching for..for almost a year!! Your small black/white lfo engine that kinda looks like .."a bullet?". I loved attaching those radially for vtol reasons. The low profile is just..superb. Im glad to find it again!


    These mods have developed into quite the plethora of beautiful parts. I hope my computer doesnt melt :D. I may need to do some folder pruning..no offense. 

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