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Everything posted by Pudgemountain

  1. Ballisticfox and Zorg has Vintage filters for TUFX available to the public, I use BF's vintage filter, no photoshop.
  2. 1: Neither they're from Area 51. 2: Yes it was, damn Commies we could've saved it for a museum. 3: Why it just looks like he made a model of a Pendulum rocket lol. In all seriousness I think its both myself wanting to see someone create them and inspiration.
  3. After weeks of busy schedule, I slowly modified my files and started a new Career in Stock size KSP with OPM and GU. I also turned on the Pressure and Gforce and is using TAC Life Support along with Skyhawk's Tree. Ofcourse BDB is a must have modpack I am using lol. Didn't do much but I got some Sounding Rockets I dubbed Kes which mainly used Scout boosters to launch. Whoops. Hopefully soon I will be able to build a Redstone.
  4. I am still working on my KSP files mainly to get them to work with GU and not use mods incompatible, so I can't really make them, but I forgot I tried to make an Apollo landing picture in the Retro Sci Fi art style in Dall-E last month. It did not work well. Not gonna lie the third one looks like a Gemini Capsule with legs lol. Anyone can make ships from these pictures, again I can't make them at the moment.
  5. Everyone is allowed to feel free to make these, I know i don't have the skills and patience to make these lol.
  6. Not KSP and not what I intended but I don't know, these might make interesting Kitbashes with BDB parts if done by someone with enough skill and paitence.
  7. There are mods made by someone that changes the space sky to a few or even no stars unless Distant objects and and planet packs. But I forgot the name and who made it. As for the TUFX profile I mainly use Ballisticfox's Vintage HDR profile which gives it that nice feel to it but a warning it makes the terrain darker and hard to maunever in some places.
  8. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the basis or inspiration for that Rover. What TUFX profile did you use?
  9. As promised my final mission in my KSRSS career. A Manned mission to Halley's Comet. Due to a part update, Roddenberry was deleted so I had to hastly make a new Gemini Phoenix. After Jeb entered the lander named "Twain" he made his descent which even a Gemini Lander is OP here. Houston we had a problem. Sorry for it being dark and no flag but the gravity is so small that I only have a split second to be on the surface lol. That was harder than it look and do I reccomend landing a kerbal on Halley's comet.......no its not worth it and you'd have more fun landing on Ceres.
  10. 1: I am surprised my laptop or external hard drive had not caught fire yet lol. 2: My brutal honest opnion about it. That is one of the least cursed rockets I seen in this topic lol.
  11. After many thoughts I decided a trip to Halley's Comet will be my last mission on my current career because of many reasons including, a full science tree and so much stuff it's laggy. However I will start a new career with Stock KSP system, planet packs and GU and maybe Life Support. To Commemorate this career I decided to post (In Spoilers) Some but not all of the most famous missions and machines I did in this career mode in chronological order. I really don't know what to say other than keep up the great work and boldy go where no Kerbal has gone before.
  12. The only Voyager part I know that is currently around are the RTG generators but from the sounds of it, they might be implemented in the future. As for a substitue Probes Plus and RN US Probes has the Voyager probes.
  13. My first attempt at using the ALSEP, turns out they were not connected. Oh well I got enough science in this career. Now I need to connect them and learn how to get the LRV working. Maybe next mission lol
  14. Since Minmus is not made of ice cream, we can use this telescope to see if Vall and Eeloo are made of ice cream.
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