Starting now...
Settings : Hard Modified. (to allow quicksaves and reverts and also removing negative science and reducing Science into 50%)
Can't post screenshots yet because i'm in phone now.
With mah boi Simone Kerman (which i created with debug menu) here, nothing's Impossible(-ish).
Using Tylo's gravity to create massive tidal wave on the planet, or grab the Star Sunglasses to become Simon The Digger and reverse infected people to their initial state.
I'm quite good in Large rockets, sort of, guess i'll start after School (I'm in school when posting this), 50% Science, No Part Mods, You might see Hyperedit, but i'm not using it, 5+ Kerbs per mission.
Outdid myself...
Even Lighter now...
Removing Shock Cone Intake.
Terrier Stage.
Getting to SOI Edge with 2 Ion Power. (Which are clipped)
We'll be burning from SOI Edge.
Removing Extra Tank.
Periapsis Shot.
And here...we have...21109.2 m/s Max Speed.
Looks like a suggestion, @JacobJHC what file extension i'll have to use for a smooth video ??? (I'm still using .flv extensions and gaming max fps = 120 fps, OBS settings = 60 fps)
Well...i can, my profile pic literally means Simon The Digger, who's capable of altering fundamental rules of reality using his thoughts, even transforming counts if he wish, shortly, Simon is Omnipotent.