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Everything posted by GRS

  1. N-O-P-E Nope. @Xurkitree, lets see will he dab his way here.
  2. Oh...so you're a College guy, well, better do this after you finished your Bachelor (or Master or higher) degree and good luck on your studies.
  3. Can't help with that "Don't have time", and lightest thing here is @Stratzenblitz75's 48 ton fully reusable craft, The Admin's first Jool 5 took over 15 days of real time.
  4. Gak harus gede pesawat/roketnya, kualitasnya brp sih ? punyamu versi berapa ? Bisa juga sih pake ISRU, buat ngebor dan isi ulang : ) saya sudah coba Jool 5 dua kali, komputer saya punya 6GB RAM dan 2GB Video RAM, kualitas mendekati minimal, saya dah panggil beberapa Indo di thread Jool 5 yang lagi aktif.
  5. Summoning some Indos @Mukita12 @[INDO]dimas_1502 @BlackWing Pilot @YNM Come here and try this out !!! IT'S SUPER FUN !!!
  6. Banned for super wide flapping cheeks.
  7. C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER !!!!! @Triop
  8. Sounds cool. TUBM likes being first child.
  9. "Absolute Madlad"...well, THANX MATE, there will probably be a Sheep v3, which will be Grand Tour (hopefully) then, and only then...The Millenia shall launch...
  10. Dres' BFFs, i also visited Dres on both of my Jool 5s, because i wanted to. (Both used no ISRU and refueling), my Jool 5 lander rests peacefully around Dres now.
  11. 5/10 Some games and my challenge thread.
  12. Banned because you ARE on Kerbin, we're Kerbals (here).
  13. Just now... TUBM is the oldest child of the family.
  14. Banned for putting a tie on a cat.
  15. Banned for testing airplanes in misty mountains.
  16. Tylo takes like 5400 to 4540 mathematically, Laythe should take around 3000, over 5000 if its not aerodynamic. @JacobJHC, here's a submission (hopefuly Level 2) Album here. Craft here. KSP : 1.5 Mods : KER, Nereid FF, Trajectories. Mass : around 3000 tons. Parts : nearly 400 parts. Delta-v : over 19000 m/s. Crew : Simone Kerman, Jebediah Kerman, Valentina Kerman. Additional stop(s) : Dres, Minmus, Mun Feats : No shock absorbers (again), One lander only (again). @SiriusRocketry Maybe you can take Matt's first attempt (may not work).
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