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Everything posted by GRS

  1. -2 (+) *sigh*...Team positive seriously lacks competent members...
  2. Banned because i liked your post...
  3. *Le waiting for Jacob to review my entry* @JacobJHC, got ur freetime ?
  4. It took quite of an effort... My Ultimate Challenge didn't end with an abort... Now @IncongruousGoat sent me to the winner circle... Hope The Challenge Thread won't be gone in the vicious cycle... Simone and his friends shall rest...as their conquest will never end...
  5. Gets @The_Cat_In_Space Inserts a Sadistic Yellow clock with some shiny orange and blacks on it which people call "Nightmare".
  6. Unfortunately, it's just made of Tissue paper Fortunately, i ate a Tuna.
  7. Banned for not specifying that they're on my Signature.
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