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Everything posted by GRS

  1. Dang...working on Orbin took so long, wish i can get it done sooner...(Started Arkanus after Orbin, but Arkanus is done before Orbin)
  2. My method... 1.Directly get to Moho. 2.Apoapsis Inclination Correction. 3.Set Maneuver. 4.Set 2nd Maneuver until there's a Small Separation, then Tweak First Maneuver and Execute it. 5.Use 2nd Maneuver for final Correction, put Periapsis between 10 and 20 Km. 6.Execute a Bare Capture. And Congrats...you have been captured on Moho !!!
  3. How hot is Saiyraes (or whatever it's spelled) ? And SMA if you don't bother...? Making a Kerbol Hugger here...
  4. Largest was like 1750 Tons, though only like 1000 Tons of Payload is included...
  5. You need a Powerful Lander if you are to Land on Lower Areas and still make it through, that thing I posted was capable to land on Lower Areas, might also be able to Accomplish Sea Level Landings, Fairings play an Immeasurable role in Aerodynamic Huge Landers. Highlands are normally near The Seas, in the Different side from The Crater Lake, normally has 3 Km ASL...
  6. Depends on the Planning, but quite...yes, and here's my Direct Ascent Eve Lander.
  7. @Sigma88 He wants to put a Binary Red Dwarf, and put "Barry" in the middle of them, where The Red Dwarves' Gravities are Nullified...
  8. Nice...Spade has 12 Surface Multiplier considering it's Highly Irregular Orbit that should at least...Blow Your Mind (Inclination 135 Degrees, Eccentriccity 0.5, Argument of Periapsis 30 Degrees and Longitude of Ascending Node 54 Degrees) All bodies in Kronos Planet Pack has high Multipliers (revealed bodies : Arkanus (18), Orbin (16) and Spade (12))
  9. Watch for TWR, Delta V and Aerodynamics, with 12 Km/s and good Aerodynamics and Fine TWR, you can make a Direct Ascent Eve Ascent Vehicle (For reasons...i feel like...Eve isn't Monstrous enough), also, for Moho Orbiters, you need to Capture in The Inclination Intersect that's closest to Kerbol, Capture should be around 1.7 Km/s, and i recommend NERVAs, for Gilly Landers, try limiting Thrust.
  10. Thanks mate...I really like it...that Spade will be a part of a Bigger Mod, there will be 16 extra Bodies, 15 are Landable, 8 of them are "Easily Landable", while 7 are Hard bodies, currently, Spade is the only finished ones...
  11. @SpaceplaneAddict Thanks mate, though i also made a Dres Moon (That Spade thing is a Dres Moon named after you !!!)
  12. K, beware of Gregrox, he might be mad at Unrealistic stuff...
  13. ...Should i just...Release that one finished body now ??? (Beta Releases)
  14. I can still tolerate that, yes, I landed on Spade in your Kerpollo during the Finale.
  15. Hi Mates, GRS here... I'm working on this Planet Pack, I call it "Kronos Planet Pack", it'll envelope up to 20 Bodies in total. Red = Not started yet. Yellow = Working on it. Green = Finished. Underlined = Hard Worlds Bodies : Spade = A Ridiculously Inclined Eccentric Moon with mostly Green and Dark Gray. (6 Km, 0.002 Gees) Arkanus = A Super Mohonian that's Super Close to Kerbol/Sun.(400 Km, 1.7 Gees) Lotus = A far away Planet with the size of Minmus .(40 Km, 0.0385 Gees) Orbin = A Desert Super-Kerbinian world with Super Dense Atmospheric pressure.(675 Km, 1.5 Gees, 14 Atm Max Pressure) Nuuma = Moon of Orbin with roughly the size of Mun, maybe bigger...very likely.(225 Km, 0.25 Gees) Kronos = Large Massive Gas Giant with Borderline Mass and Red Colored.(9000 Km, 5 Gees) Shrek = A Minmus sized moon that orbits very closely to Kronos.(75 Km, 0.07 Gees) Aleph = A massive moon of Kronos that looks covered in Lava.(700 Km, 1.2 Gees) Zeruel = Large Super Kerbinian moon with Ocean and Oxygenic Atmosphere.(750 Km, 1.4 Gees, 1 Atm Max Pressure) Terriblis = A Giant world with High Gravity and rich of Copper Sulphate that makes it Very Blue. Baduraks = Largest Moon of Terriblis, and is a Super Tylo type. ---More Spoilers Coming Soon--- Spade Orbin Nuuma Arkanus Lotus Kronos Shrek Aleph Zeruel Thanks for all of you that helped me on these things... And Don't come here to say First !!!
  16. IDK, rarely seen him in the Discord lately...maybe He's only active every Weekend...
  17. Awesome... @Xurkitree, i was thinking about Orbin's Yellow Gradient before realizing that it made Orbin looks "Radioactive", maybe you can try putting a Yellow Gradient to make it look Radioactive, don't forget to add an Atmo if you'll do it, but still, it's just a Wild Suggestion, maybe a bit too Wild.
  18. @5thHorseman Rule Suggestion : Only 1 Science Grind is allowed per Mission (You can't just Grind some Science after Grinding them earlier except if you do a Mission before that Second Grind)
  19. 10/10 Cats are hardly Communists, putting a Male on another Male's area will trigger a fight, so you must be really special.
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