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Everything posted by callsignblaze

  1. hi there im trying to remove textures unlimited from the b9 procedural stuctural wings. i cant find the folder its in and i can use the help
  2. that likely a conflict with textures unlimited. i stopped using it after i found simple repaint
  3. new question t35 pit. how do you use the holow veiw (it says hello word)
  4. so i got the mods. only issue i see is the su30 glass isn't see through. am i missing something?
  5. you wouldn't happen to have a link to their mods do you?
  6. also the frx-99 iva as well as the sylphid cockpit they teased do you think they may give the liscense to linux?
  7. so i've had an issue for months where i upload using the mod but i the pictures doesn't load with it. anyone know the reason?
  8. https://spacedock.info/mod/3198/Precise Editor Continued
  9. Something you may see in the fjrt III competition
  10. heres an alternate you can use. simple repaint (you would need to remove turd to use it on all parts)
  11. this mod was made way before the hitpoint system was implemented. it haven't been updated for a very long time. it will likely need to be overhauled to get it to work again
  12. i shall watch for your mods with great interest! seriously these two mods of you are pretty good and your kerbalx is impressive
  13. is anyone having an issue where main menu button wont register. its only happening with the current bda+
  14. oh i didnt mean the explosive range i meant the travel range
  15. doubt it its being used in the fighter jet round table currently
  16. you can build any fighter jet you would want. be it replica, concept or original content. you can make stock and/or modded. requirements: 1. able to have enough fuel for long range engagement. (the other side of the ksc continent is a good range point. 2. must have the ability to combat air or ground forces. 3, can be piloted or uav 4. post you plane and hype it up but if someone challenges you try to make video with your plane fighting the challenger if you can 5. (optional ) send the plane to me and ill try to make a video of the fight on my youtube channel 6. list the kerbalx or send the craft files with a list of mods remember the forums rules still apply here below is my example/submission: https://kerbalx.com/callsignblaze/FAF-VEF-15
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