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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. It is, and if you shop around you can get good stuff for cheap. Lowest I paid was $12/kg for Makergeeks, which is actually made ~2 miles from where I work. They have a grabbag where you get get it for $15/kg (you just can't pick color), and I had a 20% off code, which there's almost always a code. Filament won't suddenly "go bad" because the printer has decided it's time for you to buy more, either. I've got stuff I bought with my first printer over a year ago that still prints fine, and I'm not even storing it properly.
  2. Assembling this mining station in orbit around the Mun got annoying, so decided to do it in one go. Anticipated this barely getting it to orbit, then sending up a tug to assemble it and haul it to the Mun, but looks like I got enough fuel left over to get me there. (I have no idea, this game is more fun without math). I was rather surprised I got it on the first shot. 4 Mammoths and 32 Vectors ready to go. No Kerblosions on first stage. Perfect second stage too. It's kinda funny how the thrust graphics are always behind the fairing. In orbit and undressed, plenty of fuel left over!
  3. Check out the new Monoprice Delta Mini. Should be available on their website soon, and it can do incredible detail. ~$160. One of the other beta testers was experimenting with 0.01mm, which is insanely small for FDM. Did get better results at 0.05mm. I did this at 0.025mm https://www.thingiverse.com/make:359120 If you're patient enough to get it to print in ABS, you can then smooth the parts with acetone vapor and make them look injected. From what I understand the SLA material is quite pricey. I wouldn't consider them comparable machines though, they don't do the same thing. Comparing speed doesn't make sense to me. Using a 3D printer to create 2D objects kinda defeats the purpose of the third D, so it really depends on what you intend on making.
  4. Am I the only one seeing a Portal turret here?
  5. Got Jeb and Bill a new mode of transportation... because the vehicle they're in is just, so terrible, you guys. I have no idea how far away they are, since I didn't get the yellow brackets with distance at any point, but close enough. On the way, since last night I learned the hard way that you need relay antennas to... relay.. and I had to launch a new CommSat into orbit around the Mun See? Terrible. That thing was super fun to land. And remember kids! Always, always, always disable all the reaction wheels on your rovers. This thing has exploded too many times.
  6. Just gotta tuck'm away under a lander! This is the only way I can do it, since I still haven't figured out how to even put stuff inside of a Cargo Bay.
  7. I can't line up a plane with a runway to save my life, which is usually what's needed.
  8. My i5 would usually run about 60 when I was playing KSP, with the stock cooler. Ditched the onboard graphics and got a big-boy GPU, now it usually sits about 45 when running KSP or BL2. Haven't set up full time GPU temp monitoring yet. Should probably do that.
  9. Just discovered this. Easy to install. I have no idea how to use Blender, but now I can convert the .mu files to .stl. You've made my printers very happy. Thank you!
  10. This pretty much sums up the last two days.
  11. Ssssshhh. I was gonna make a comment about the joke going over their heads, but figured it would evolve into a discussion about geosynchronous orbit and circular orbits and whatnot. I'm enjoying the discussion.
  12. Boldly and clumsily went to orbit. Figures the first time the thing doesn't explode in the atmosphere is the time Jeb was too afraid to get on board.
  13. Started a project... ... that is not going well.
  14. Was there or will there be any improvement in multiport docking? Only the two circled in blue are docked, I can't get more than two at one time. From what I've read I should just scrap the project and re-design.
  15. In honor of Take Two taking over and my unhealthy obsession with BL, I suppose
  16. Eh? Couldn't possibly not work, right? I mean it's right there.
  17. @linuxgurugamer Thanks, I'll give it a shot. Not sure why this didn't show up, "highlighting" was one of the things I searched.
  18. Is there a way to increase the glow and/or change the highlighting color of parts in the VAB/SPH when I hover over them in the staging area? It's usually just a problem with sorting out the Sepratrons while setting up asparagus staging. I can't tell you how many times they've fired at the wrong time on me because I can barely see them when hovering. I've tried searching, but none of the results seemed to apply to this particular scenario.
  19. Well it only need to touch at the top. Like so: If it's not touching like this, it'll likely 'splode: I've found that if the "Close Fairing" is in blue, when it's touching you should be ok. If it's not touching, and "Close Fairing" is in green, you won't be.
  20. If the fairing is touching the payload you should be fine.
  21. Of course, brain fart. I still think it's more hassle than renaming the folders, but not by much. Same result, just different road to get there. It clicked when I was poking around to create the bash script that I remembered that moving files and renaming directories use the same function. I tried that, and it would give me 3 or 4 errors, then wouldn't see the KSP installation. I've only got 4-5 mods installed ATM, so it's not worth the hassle yet. It still uses mono, which is temperamental. Now what would be neat would be the ability to shut off an enable mods in game, but I realize that's not feasible.
  22. This. It doesn't make sense to buy a property, and then give away everything for free. I just hope KSP 2 lets me land on Pandora. First thought I had when I saw it was bought by Take Two.
  23. @Kerbal101I think renaming two folders is much less work than selecting certain files and transferring possibly hundreds of MB back and forth. Although, writing a bash script to rename the folders isn't a bad idea... Of course, from what I'm seeing, mod management is much better handled with CKAN, which I tried, but it wasn't playing nice, and I hate fighting to get programs to work with mono/Wine, so I gave up. If someone ever created a native Linux mod manager like CKAN, I'd be all over it.
  24. I ran into it too. Got around it by making sure the top of the fairing was touching the ship. This is stable: This is not:
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