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Everything posted by SpaceN00b

  1. i would love to add it to my modlist if you update it!
  2. As someone who played the last 4 betas for Icarus and was around for the atrocious launch, RW has turned it around into (imo) a pretty good game. Is it for everyone? Absolutely not. Did they have one of the worst launches in history? Absolutely. However going from that and looking at a player base that was no happy and instead of moving on like most games they instead turn around and have released 153 free weekly updates ranging from minor improvements, expansions to maps, new animals and mechanics, to major backend adjustments and support for dedicated servers. I honestly don't know of many others that release updates post 1.0 with the frequency they do besides Rust lol. About the expansion pricing the map expansions are quite reasonably priced. New Frontiers came with 45ish hours of missions if you are experienced and it just got a major free update with more missions (I think 20ish hours ) and costs 40 bucks, so about $0.62 per hour if you only play the missions and don't dabble in the OW. Styx has somewhere around 30 hours of gameplay and is $20 so again $0.66 per hour if you only play each mission once. 4 $14 dollar cosmetic dlcs that RW is very transparent about being used to fund the development of the game. If you don't wanna buy you don't have too. And with all the DLCs the only thing you are restricted from is crafting items unique to the DLC or in the expansions case, launching the mission. If you have a buddy with them then you can play every mission and use everything in the game. Regarding Stationeers the progress is slow because it is a small section of the studio that is working on a game that is consistently bleeding funds.
  3. Hmm i had installed everything from ckan so i guess something on the mk2 and sxt ckan entries aren't up to date but that's ok and i got it fixed. Thanks for helping me out!!
  4. Ok so i am getting a fatal error from tweak scale and the warning message told me to come here KSP log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1u2SdUfEQdUSeadOReodyHILj2UF-ihRD
  5. yeah it is but I can't afford a new one so I'll live with it. Also i just loaded it again and dropped another 30 seconds off
  6. I'm using a i3-3240 CPU, 512 Gb hard drive and 8gbs of ram. I have RO and most of the suggested mods excluding Nerteas mods and TAC life support. I also RP-1 and Kerbalism running with their recommended mods. And yes i have a decently stable/smooth running build once it gets running. Edit: According to CKAN there are 83 mods installed
  7. Without: Loading Systems: Elapsed time is 1473.507s With (first load): Loading Systems: Elapsed time is 857.4781s Second loading with it: Loading Systems: Elapsed time is 767.0156s I'm very impressed nearly a 50% decrease in the loading time for a very heavily modded install
  8. Skip me my install is bugged. trying to figure out what is going on with it.
  9. Hey, I'm getting an error that says that KCT is having an issue getting data. Here is the log. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B6RhPG70irwL2IuQq7auoxh5L7V8mp5J
  10. Can I use 1.4.2 or above? I don't have a copy of 1.4.1
  11. Nebraska's pretty empty also it is either go to the tractor museum or a corn maze.
  12. I am trying code a patch that will adjust crew r&r's recovery time when a kerbal experiences health issues due to kerbalism. I know that need c# to write the plugin but am lost as to where I should start. I should add that I am still learning C# so I am not super knowledgeable about it.
  13. @linuxgurugamer Would it be possible to write a mm patch that will affect the recovery rate formula?
  14. Quick bug report in 1.4.2 none of the info panels work in flight. Please let me know if there is a better place to put this.
  15. @DarkOwl_ But if you are going to try then youll need to step up your game as The Last Unicorn an average chapter length of 23,000 words.
  16. Sorry about that that the forum posted two copies of my comment
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