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Everything posted by Saltshaker

  1. Yes, your progress will be saved just like any other update. However, as always when updating, make a backup.
  2. Congrats on the update! Your revamp is really coming together now!
  3. B9 Aerospace has a Mk1 size cargo bay in the style of the Mk2/3 cargo bays, i.e. it opens the same way
  4. The cargo variant is already included, just put the "DuBois" inflatable on the descent stack.
  5. On the subject of Pyrios's diameter, a quick look at a pdf about it and comparison with Orion's diameter leads me to believe it should be 3.125m
  6. SSPXr had the command "bridges," but yea inline crewed command parts are quite rare.
  7. Here's the mission plan, all launch on the Saturn Multibody H03 and the crew launch places the Apollo Block 5 above the lander fairing. (And BDB has it, use the Sarnus orange tanks.) 's
  8. I was thinking the same thing, it does look like the Apollo Block 1.
  9. Courtesy of KmKonnell Aircraft's Trails Mfg. Co.'s capitalistic drive, we have presented a line of large bois new parts for expansion of our Leo spacecraft line!
  10. Yes, but at your own risk (hence the Mostly functional). If going from a 1.3.1 save to 1.4.2, make a backup.
  11. You may be confusing the edited cupola in SSPXr with the one from Ven's, since IIRC the original SSPE didn't have any shutters.
  12. There is a 5 meter shroud for the Mk4-1 Heavy Command Module, although a dedicated pod would be really cool. And commissioning is an interesting idea, especially with talent the likes of which we may not see for a while.
  13. Whoa, what are those Energia boosters/Polyus from? Contares? Old Tantares? Pretty cool, whatever they're from.
  14. Partly made with BDB pieces, I made a very small orbital rocket. Also, this thread should also be a non-replica Bluedog repository as there aren't many others. https://imgur.com/a/8rWwV
  15. Or when AB Launchers is released... Oh wait, it's been around since 1.1 and works in 1.3.1!
  16. Absolutely amazing! I can't wait for a dedicated large lander design, especially considering bcink is developing it! EDIT: Now that there's a version number in the title, does that mean the alpha/pre-alpha is released/will be released very soon?
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