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Neil Kerman

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Everything posted by Neil Kerman

  1. Do you have any established Kerbalverse cannon? If you do I’d love to get some sense of what it might be. I really like your craft and do a lot of role playing with them.
  2. I’d love to write a story or series of stories using the Ranger Corps concept and the Kerbalverse @Raptor9 has put together, maybe something like an extended version of The Right Stuff. I really love these craft and the whole universe around them!
  3. Does anyone know how to use MechJeb for a long interplanetary transfer burn, as I keep running into an issue where MechJeb only starts a burn after half of the burn time has already elapsed.
  4. I want to give the Munar Excursion Module from the Making History DLC a reaction wheel. How can I do this?
  5. I can't seem to find the guppy cab when I install the newest version of the mod. Is it because the guppy hasn't been added yet?
  6. I've created a craft which I'd like to share. I'm posting it here because I borrowed sections of designs which came with the mod. here is the link for the craft https://kerbalx.com/Ross/A-51E-Flapjack-Caractacus-Pott
  7. I've fixed it, it turns out i just needed to update Pathfinder and Buffalo. It's really awesome! Thanks for making this!
  8. I tried it, the gravatic engine doesn't work. Here are the logs. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CwrJmW7QO50yFHrl-Lab6h8dOodpPc4X
  9. Does anybody know if most mods that are compatible with 1.4.0 are compatible with 1.4.1?
  10. Does anyone know where I can download all of Raptor9s craft brochures?
  11. Does anyone know how to get tweakscale to work with parts from this mod in the pod category? Here's the log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pGxcaPb5m-MuZGGiEKr3Py1CNEDWFi51
  12. Tweakscale isn't working when I use it with parts in the pods category, Please help! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pGxcaPb5m-MuZGGiEKr3Py1CNEDWFi51/view?usp=sharing
  13. Does anyone know how to do anglyph red and blue 3d for KSP?
  14. Here's the crash dump https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kBgKqyt4xFg_WizEEXQvpszO-deEZRKE
  15. Does anyone know if the expansion will only be released for the latest version of KSP, or if they will have a version for 1.3.0?
  16. I have a ton of mods on my 1.3 save and updateing them all would be a massive undertaking
  17. Does anyone know where I can find the 1.3 versions of the stock craft, as the craft I found in kerbalx are not working with my 1.3 install
  18. If you know where to find a mod that does this please post the link below
  19. Logs https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B76hhQgc047_ZjlmampvQmExejg
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