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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. I think you're asking how a satellite will get power after we send it off? I bet the game will have solar panels, fuel cells, or even small nuclear power sources. I hope we get some new and interesting things, though. Imagine solar sails, laser ablation drives, nuclear pulse engines!
  2. I think your post title could use some more explanation points. In a serious note, I've never heard of a Mün launch site. Sounds like a cool idea!
  3. But Microtransactions are still a possibility. I'm not going to stop worrying about them until KSP 3 is released. Just imagine: "200 KerbCoins to unlock this part of the tech tree early in our official KSPOnline servers!"
  4. Oh, I'm not defaulting to "publisher bad". Microsoft has been a net positive for Mojang and Minecraft as a whole (funding, advertising, better console support, ect..) I just meant how there's microtransactions and Minecoins and paid mods and paid skins. I just vehemently hate microtransactions. I also really hate how they've taken the Bedrock edition of the game, which is just the pocket edition (dumbed down, features like the redstone system completely different from the original version, some features like official raytracing are Bedrock-only) and have started marketing it as the main Edition, leaving the older and more popular Java edition as an afterthought. Many things that work in the Java edition just don't work in Bedrock. With that ramble out of the way, I really just meant I hope T2 doesn't try to over-monetize KSP 2 with microtransactions and such.
  5. I think indie games spoiled me. I could suggest a new UI feature or a new skybox or something and have a conversation with the singular dev about how it could be implemented and what balancing problems it would introduce. With AAA companies working on multi-million-dollar franchises, what management says PR says the community wants goes, with the stipulation that the time spent implementing the feature will increase sales enough to make the time spent worth it. People need to stop expecting this to be a small community project with dozens of pre-release versions and blog posts and community input and take it as it really is: a triple-A game from a triple-A publisher with a triple-A development timeline. It's not a bedroom blog post anymore, it's a boardroom meeting about development costs and profits. It's like when Microsoft bought Mojang. The game got support from one of the biggest tech companies on earth, but you couldn't reblog Notch's Tumblr posts and ask if he could implement a hunger bar. I really hope T2 doesn't do to KSP what Microsoft did to Minecraft. Seeing the "Bedrock Edition" still makes me a little sad
  6. A good question to ask is "Will there be a Big-S rudder in KSP 2?" I feel like it's a bit early to be asking about the features about specific parts. It's a really cool idea, though!
  7. I bet someone could make a craft file converter, but I doubt we'll get it on launch. Sounds like a fun mod to try down the line, though!
  8. I think just a few reef-type ocean plants and some cliffs would be sufficient. After all, it's an aerospace game. I'm saying that like I haven't build multiple battleships lol
  9. I still love 1.3.1 even though bigger and better versions are out, but I doubt I'll still play KSP 1 after KSP 2's release for any reason other than nostalgia or challenges or something.
  10. I don't know, I liked the little poofs. It's an efficient way to scatter your Kerbals' ashes. I'd rather not have to deal with vacuuming up the fine green mist after crashes or recovering bodies, it seems a bit too morbid for a game rated E for Extreme Silliness. I wouldn't mind being able to recover and scrap wreckage (maybe generic broken or rusted-out tank models spawned in the general area you crashed?) for a chance to get some money back, though. The only crash-relates thing I really want is singular explosions based on part count instead of parts scattering like confetti and poofing once they hit something.
  11. I like how shiny it is! Will it be slippery when landing?
  12. I bet all Kerbals' stats and all engines' thrust and efficiency are divided by 10.
  13. I gotta be real, I really don't like Elon Musk, but I would love parts styled similarly to SpaceX's Starship. Retro-futurism and shiny bits are 10/10 in my book
  14. Well, in the name, "Kerbal" comes before "Space", so why not show us the Kerbals first?
  15. I use as many syllables as possible- "Lay-ah-yuh-tuh-huh-eeeee"!
  16. It's a whole different deal. Some reason you paid for GTA:V even if you owned San Andreas- it's a different game! They're not tacking multiplayer on to the old game, they're completely redoing everything from the ground up. New models, new physics, new graphics, new parts and mission, new planets. It's a sequel, not just an addon. If you want Multiplayer free of charge, may I direct you to one of the multiplayer mods?
  17. I feel we're deluding ourselves into thinking that the original is "good". It's boiling over with gamebreaking, time wasting, and demoralizing bugs and glitches, the controls are difficult to learn and unintuitive, the graphics are charmingly outdated at best, and the main focus of the game- space exploration- is left really vague. You can go out to planets and it's cool, but then what? You can look at 'em? The community and modders and using your green guys to make your own story is what made the game last this long and keep a dedicated following, not because the original game is "good". This is meant in no offense to Squad- they've kept it wonderfully updated and running superbly for a long while now, along with being great at interacting with the community- but the game itself is ageing noticeably. I believe there's a good chance that 99% of the content in KSP 2 will be a direct upgrade from that of KSP 1. Yes, the "go look at 'em" part is a bit hyperbolic and intentionally simplified for the sake of comedy, but I feel my point still stands. "But you can make bases and refuelling stations!" To do what, make it easier to look at the planets? Whee!
  18. I completely forgot about Blue Origin. Get outta here, Bezos bot.
  19. I like the plant cells idea for the sake of community-supplied lore (I remember hours of debating weather they photosynthesize or eat snacks after they sprouted) but it looks a bit creepy. I bet the cells idea would look great if they were smaller.
  20. Alright, why do Sith Masters give their apprentices the dumbest stupid names? Why not "Darth Super Powerful Guy"?
  21. Come to think of it, why do Sith lords name themselves the dumbest things.
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