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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. I'd love it as a difficulty option. I'm not much of a hardcore player, and I don't tend to attempt super difficult things. When I'm just screwing around on easy mode, sending my garbage to the moon and sinking all of my funds into launching uranium waste into Jool, I'd love the option to skip all the fiddling and pain! That way, you could keep the normal, 6-axis dragging system from the original game and give the people just playing for shiggles a simpler way to do so.
  2. What's blue and really bad for your teeth? A very, very speed glitched Kerbal.
  3. I'm going to see news of it's release, watch the inevitable 26 hours of IGN gameplay and review made less than 8 hours after release, then wait.
  4. - Finish my PC and re-install the game - Land on the moon and come back successfully since I haven't done that in my 5 or so years of playing - Play career mode and actually do good -Watch more Scott Manley tutorials I never really did much more than build in-atmosphere planes and I want to try and play the game better. I still don't know how to rendezvous in orbit or do a transfer burn or find a transfer window or consistently get to orbit, and I want to change that!
  5. This actually makes some sense. It reminds me of a Mario Kart time trial-esqe system. My brain is struggling to wrap around the diagram, but it does make some sense. I can see this being the actual multiplayer system if it ever gets revealed. 10/10 post.
  6. Will the colony parts be different from ship-based parts, or are they interchangeable?
  7. I guess you're right. I feel like super-specialized colony parts would be good as an expansion to be released later. I have played around with airship mods for KSP 1 and they're the excrement- I kinda changed my mind on that. I think a mid-tech tree pack of hydrogen envelopes and rigid airship parts (maybe put envelopes inside fairings?) Would be an interesting addition I would love to play with.
  8. I've already started buying parts for my first PC build, and I used KSP 2 as my excuse. At least I have more time to find a GPU now that the game's delayed!
  9. Yes to all three! I'm not sure how colony building will work, but buried colonies would probably have to be in naturally generated caves and not just shoved into the ground. From what I understand, there isn't voxel deformation so we probably won't be able to dig. Floating colonies and submerged colonies are easy, though. Just give floating colonies huge solar-powered rotors to keep them in the sky and put weights on underwater colonies- people already do that. EDIT: I read the post. I don't think the airships or crazy sci-fi underwater structures are necessary. Just take your normal colony and sink it.
  10. I'd be willing to bet all of my Dogecoin that they'd include a few references to it in the game. The Kraken is the most well-known inside joke, and I knew what it was before I even downloaded the game. The devs would be shooting themselves in the foot if they didn't. I hope they don't recycle the same Easter eggs, but we'll have to wait and see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. That's a bold assumption to make. I hope there's kraken bugs on launch for me to play with!
  11. abcdefghijklmnop I feel like more font sizes are needed. You go from an interval of 2 to an interval of 24 pretty quickly and doesn't scale up good.
  12. I have not a shred of doubt in my mind that KSP 2 will be a masterpiece to outperform all other space Sims that I will no doubt spend hours and hours on. Knowing all this, I still say the day my honor is gone and I am not to be trusted is the day that I give a company money for a product yet to be delivered or reviewed. If I ever do, I want one of you to shoot me.
  13. Personally, I'd love for them to find the bugs early on and keep fixing them. That way, I can find where the fixes are and remove said fixes. The compilation videos of bugs from people like @Danny2462 and @Xacktar are what really got me into the community. I feel like KSP wouldn't be the same without wild brokenness. It's the same for me with Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. It's too polished, and half of actual Minecraft's features are just bugs caused by it's awful groundwork set over a decade ago degrading into a pile of unreadable Java. The bugs made the game what it is for me.
  14. Zero. I've never had any trouble with anyone past a small argument over something I'm probably in the wrong about anyways. Everyone here is so nice and produces such funny and creative and genius content they I couldn't bring myself to block anyone- I would hate to miss out on a fan story if they happened to write one or a massive monstrosity if they happen to build one. The forums are great because I know everyone just well enough that first impressions are out of the way and I know that anything rude or annoying is just temporary.
  15. I just found out this was a thing. Only took me 3 years of only posting in The Lounge and letting it accumulate rep
  16. They put radium in drinks for a while, so I bet Minmus fro-yo is fine in moderation.
  17. Oh man, forgot about this thread. I haven't played KSP since early 2019, probably before then. Planning on downloading it and being able to run cool crafts when I can find a GPU. I bet I'll leave the 1.3.1 club when it happens. I want to try the DLC!
  18. Stop spreading lies like these. If Minmus wasn't mint ice cream with shamrock shake oceans, what else could it be? This screenshot looks doctored to me. You won't get away with misinforming the public.
  19. No, we live in a more rural southern area. All of value is just in valleys.
  20. American, can confirm. My family owns three valleys up in the Pacific Northwest. They're my entire inheritance. I'm just glad I'm not stuck with Death Valley :p
  21. Yeah, but eventually they have to end in a point or go back to 3.5 meter pieces. They are a really cool part for nose cones and such, though. >:(
  22. It's almost jarring going from the count-the-polygons-on-two-hands graphics of the first game to the i-can't-tell-there's-even-polygons graphics of this. And is that a tiny Kerbal standing on a ring around the reactor at ~0:50? (Bottom of the screen, tiny white and green thing). If so, then those are absolutely massive. A large puff of steam and a shockwave if you're unlucky, or the reactor just turning off if all goes well.
  23. I remember the old, ugly, angular cockpit models. Don't really miss 'em, but it's hard not to feel nostalgic when you see them in an old let's play.
  24. There's going to have to be a balance between realism and making the game actually fun to play. I doubt it'd be super fun managing Kerbal's radiation exposure when ship parts already block radiation, sewage removal just sounds like a tedious thing to do once and forget about it, and handling trash sounds like a boring chore. If the automated supply missions are a thing, I see no reason why automated sewage treatment (in a special part for sewage treatment, of course) shouldn't be done automatically, same thing with trash management. The others sound much more fun. Playing with radioactive waste sounds like a great source of content for those YouTubers who like to torture their videogames. Sending rovers to measure water levels to make sure the planet is habitable sounds interesting and a good reason to have probe cores. I would love a progression with the power systems, from wind to geothermal. Imagine hydroelectric turbine parts that have to be deep underwater to work! A special greenhouse dome for hydroponics or algae or just a generic "snacks" resource would be a good looking part to keep on your base The issue is how complicated you want to make it. I feel like there should just be a few main resources: Water, Oxygen, Snacks, and Material. All do what they sound like- water is consumed and used for irrigation, oxygen is used to breath, snacks are snacked on, and material are used for in-colony VABs because I doubt you would need to deal with Kerbin-side part contractors shipping parts to space. Greenhouses on the higher end of the tech tree could produce oxygen as well as snacks, and water recyclers would be a late-game option so you don't have to spend material on ice-mining rovers. On the topic of nuclear waste: I think it should be a very late-game problem that most players won't have to deal with. Nuclear reactors last years with a small amount of fuel, and produce massive amounts of power. Advanced designs also produce very little waste. Full-blown reactors would be able to power your entire colony while producing little waste and not having any serious downsides other than having to dump waste material into a crater somewhere. They would need to be balanced, like needing a large amount of water and a backup generator to run or risk going offline, because otherwise it would take the entire challenge of energy generation out of building and managing a colony. On the subject of energy generation... how do we feel about long-distance energy transfer with heating lasers and things? Imagine a tidally locked planet close to it's star. Once you've set up solar farms there, you could fire high-powered lasers at a colony on another planet as a form of energy generation. That would also facilitate structures like Dyson swarms and other fun megaprojects. For water gettin' and storage, I feel like you could use normal drills used for getting material. If you drill in an area with ice, it sends ice into your ore tanks that can be sent back to your colony and melted to be filtered. That's just my two cents, though. TL;DR: Keep it simple with just a few resources, and keep automation high so it doesn't become a chore simulator instead of a space exploration game.
  25. I mean, real rockets don't split into a bunch of different parts then explode. It's one cohesive fireball and shockwave. I feel taking the mass of the rocket to decide the size of the explosion, then just starting it at the impacted part would make sense and be easier to render than a hundred separate particle emitters.
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