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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. I wonder what this post box does...

    1. Piatzin


      It's one of those portals to Facebook

  2. Kernel Kraken


    Oops. Well, this is more fun. Finger to post button.
  3. Just saw 11:00 pm April first. Derrrr. Ooh crud... I clicked this.
  4. Ok, started working on a medium-sized jumbo crossover jet, with a lot of inspiration from other planes. This'll probably fail but I only used parts from the best ones. I think.
  5. But we're in the same hill... Er... Bunker. Or are you attacking a different hill? I put some stuff in the F-22. It is now a K-22. Because it is one of my crappy replicas, it fails to take off. I proceed to live in the raptor. I paint a Nirvana smiley face on each rocket.
  6. Kernel Kraken


    Wall to border, wink wink. Flux Capacitator to DeLorean. Major Tom to ground control.
  7. Dude, you're the evil HR guy. You can kick him in the face and no one would be the wiser. Waiter, @HansonKerman and @roboslacker are eating my soup.
  8. I strike a deal to kerbiloid, he gets residence in my bunker and I get sweet, precious funds. I buy an F-22 refitted to become a ground attack aircraft.
  9. Well, it's April first. Now what.
  10. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DD9qcV89oFIw&ved=0ahUKEwi1xabVgpTaAhVDnq0KHYfLBtwQ3ywIJzAA&usg=AOvVaw0G5BzENs75Z0aOSG8PRCpE For the complaining thread in a tangent about generation. Names.
  11. Kernel Kraken


    0 to 60 in three seconds!
  12. I don't see the point of a cloud based GPU- how does it work? I would grab a GTX 1060 3gb, still cheap- ish but can run any triple-A title.
  13. I heard it's baby boomers, gen X, mellinials (probably butchered the spelling on that) then generation Z for those darn kids on their i-phones and their computy-gadgets. There's also a term 'Xennials', to bridge the gap between GenX and Mellinials, who were born in the late 70's, who were born into analog technology and had to learn digital stuff. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DD9qcV89oFIw&ved=0ahUKEwi1xabVgpTaAhVDnq0KHYfLBtwQ3ywIJzAA&usg=AOvVaw0G5BzENs75Z0aOSG8PRCpE
  14. We have a half off menu if the rest of the food isn't good. Did you know that if you ask they'll serve you fries at Olive garden?
  15. Whosawhatsit-ilies? Waiter, I want 2 number nine's, a supersized number 45...
  16. Did y'all blow up the moon crater or my house? I buy an MG-42 and mount it on my dugout for defense. I build another dugout in the side of the crater.
  17. I dig my crater to a width of roughly ten meters and a depth of about 8, then I build a small dugout in it.
  18. Y'all still got it wrong. It ain't a torus, it ain't a tetra- whajamacallit, it ain't a frisbee, it's a dodeckagon! I probably butchered that spelling.
  19. What's stopping you from shooting up the place then taking the money? Waiter, I want a chocolate covered A380.
  20. Kernel Kraken


    Warp drive to Ludicrous Speed!
  21. Kernel Kraken


    Attention to this sector!
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