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Everything posted by flart

  1. You also have this @JadeOfMaar? Structural Fuselages from AirplanePlus miss their subcategories AirplanePlus + Stock: Also Mk1 Structural stock is in Nacelles for some reason UPD. Got it! So, CPT moved the mk3s1p5hull from Payload to Structural (since it doesn't have any doors), and VABO is there to create Cargo Bays for that part now under Structural. And now I am asking why other structural parts from AirplanePlus is not in the same Cargo Bays, which is not suppouse to be there in the first place.
  2. @PART[*Wheel*|wheelMed]:FOR[VABOrganizer] { %VABORGANIZER { %organizerSubcategory = wheels } } I think *Wheel* wildcard there is pretty bold
  3. @Nertea SystemHeatHarvesters/genericHarvesters.cfg also need ModuleAsteroidDrill and ModuleCometDrill patches from SystemHeatHarvesters/Squad/SystemHeatDrill.cfg
  4. hi, it's probably possible, but not in this mod. It's easier to make a parts limit larger using Custom Barn Kit
  5. It's better to fix these MM errors to ensure the cache is saved. I checked my MM patches, the Consumptor only created for the RELAY and DIRECT antennas, but not INTERNAL, so it's probably something else.
  6. @Bit Fiddler Most likely there is some mods conflict, 12 EC/s for small plane is not ok. I don't know mods that make all internal antennas very powerful (probably something around 10T), but in this scenario any part with internal antenna will draw 6 EC/s (because of 10T power) Share KSP.log and GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache — not on the forum, load somewhere online, and put links there.
  7. CommNet Antennas Extension 2.1.9 added bulkheadProfiles updated Chinese translation (thanks to github.com/zhangyuesai) updated MM 4.2.3 CommNet Antennas Info 3.1.4 updated Chinese translation (thanks to github.com/zhangyuesai) CommNet Antennas Consumptor 3.5.8 updated Chinese translation (thanks to github.com/zhangyuesai) updated MM 4.2.3
  8. CommNet Antennas Info 3.1.3 The vessel rating in the Internal Antenna PAW accounts for the antenna strength modifier in the difficulty settings (thanks @SergeantBlueforce for the bug finding)
  9. CommNet Antennas Extension 2.1.8 VABOrganizer patches (thanks to github.com/Adventurer13)
  10. Yes, if you have a relay somewhere, then it could be helpful for designing a new vessel to be able to connect to the relay, but not something else.
  11. you set it to the rating of an other vessel, click recalculate button, and the distance between current vessel the "other vessel" will be recalculated
  12. Version 1.6.1 * Chinese localization (thanks to zhangyuesai) * option to split speed only for descending landers
  13. Hi, the toolbar button was never requested, units suppouse to be changed on-the-fly, without another gui. Also type of the vessel could be changed to have some specific units. However, there is now so many options, so I understand where the request came from. Then SUA solution would be to add option for auto-split speed horizontal/vertical only for Lander type — and maybe only for descent — that make sence What do you mean? The game sometime does not reconize vessel type correctly, and there is gui for changing type, and the SUA's "virtual types" are straighforward:
  14. c ≈ 300'000'000 m/s, 1% of c is 3'000'000 m/s, if you enable kerbalized c — 10 times lower — 300'000 m/s
  15. Hi, I was not able to reproduce the problem, there are SUA and FAR, and SUA shows Mach and IAS You have many mods, try to troubleshoot by removing several mods at a time
  16. Version 0.10.3 * new: * DodoLabs * Luciole 1.9 * updates: * rework SEQ for storage containers * small different updates * add Naming-Spec.md to mod folder * MM 4.2.3
  17. Hello @SuicidalInsanity, RCS Chine Cap has thruster power 60, while other RCS Segments have thruster power 6, is it a bug ?
  18. CommNet Antennas Consumptor 3.5.6 icons in the "Filter by Module" in the Editor
  19. Version 1.6.0 Added support for HUDReplacer (ZTheme): more data fit into wider panel of ZTheme center alighment of top line optimization
  20. So no possible optimization there, on Harmony level? Like, for example, for the start of career temporary disable other planets? Another one, a limit of a zoom in the map mod. It makes complicated to target vessel, that is close enough to active vessel.
  21. The clean install with the CPT still have the cockpit, so some other mod is related. Probably some other mod (most likely airplanes related) added new cck category, and you could find the cockpit there. Do you have Community Category Kit installed? Another worse option is some mod added cck-* tag to the cockpit, but there is no related cck category. In the GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache, find mk3CockpitShuttle, and check tags field.
  22. after 9:40 mark, Raiz Space has a problem of openning KH GUI in-flight https://youtu.be/FhDTuwjBCL0?si=WTe0S2r1cnQ0xbxI&t=581
  23. Feature request: Maybe it makes sense to generate all volumes at runtime in this mod, because the KSPCF could also regenerate volumes if related settings is changed without requiring a game restart (how the KSP part volume works). Feature request 2: Option to disable all bodies except for home planet, its sun, its moons. It is for quicker load / performance impovement if for testing purpose user do not need other bodies for now.
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