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Everything posted by flart

  1. Version 0.9.0 * updates: * Full LF Tanks rework of all supported mods: AB-<diameter>-<capacity> (Many thanks to @MinchinWeb) * FL ("Fuel Level") -- regular liquid fuel + oxidizer tanks * FS -- single-ended liquid fuel + oxidizer tanks * FV -- adapter liquid fuel + oxidizer tanks; i.e. tanks that have different diameters top and bottom * EO -- for monopropellant tanks * Ar -- for Argon tanks * Li -- for Lithium tanks * Xe -- for Xenon tanks * UH -- Holding tanks (for Ore) * NL ("Nuclear Liquid") -- liquid fuel only tanks, for use with Nuclear engines * YD -- Hydrogen Tanks * new: * Indicator Lights 1.8.1 * JX2Antenna 2.0.5 * Remote Tech 1.9.12 * Sounding Rockets 1.4.0 * SSR Microsat Revived 0.1.4 * KSP WarpDrive * FTLDriveContinued * AlcubierreStandalone 1.4.0 * JxFabUtilitySystems v0 * MoreServos 1.2.0 * SLOTH 1.1.1 * KerbalMotorbikes 1.1.0 * PhotonSailor 1.7.3 * ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads * Sandcastle 1.0.1 Version 0.9.1 fix: CryoTanks 1.6.4 (10m tank)
  2. The problem with contracts creating kerbal is back ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-iB_Erp_j_jjlFk6T Also Meg in the Panic cycle - she is acquiring panic condition every time she is losing it I was trying to manually remove Panic in the save file, but Meg was getting the Panic condition a few moments after loading save. For now I fixed the problem by removing Meg, and creating new kerbal Meg Jr.
  3. side effect of a new system: panicking Meg, that became tourist, has better health change than others
  4. \RationalResources\CCK\Categories.cfg have :NEEDS[RationalResourcesCompanion] on some patches, but not on the others, so without RationalResourcesCompanion (only the RationalResources) the RR category looks not how you probably wanted. The CCK folder is placed in the RationalResources (not in the RationalResourcesCompanion), so you probably not need :NEEDS[RationalResourcesCompanion] on the stock parts there.
  5. CKAN install of the SimpleConstruction! v4.0.2.7 doesn't have any dlls
  6. Does it work correctly with the KSPPartVolume? The KSPPartVolume have :FINAL on all of its patches for adding ModuleCargoPart, but the WBIPrinterRequirements is depends on that and added before :FINAL @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCargoPart],!MODULE[WBIPrinterRequirements]] { MODULE { name = WBIPrinterRequirements } } for example the part has ModuleCargoPart, but Sandcastle gave it some placeholder
  7. a radiation of the in-flight kerbal is reset to small values (33 and 47), 4 in-flight kerbals for some reason got new quirks 2 of the quirks message has an empty effects field ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-iB6DNxef0JNlwBfi one of the KerbalHealthStatus compare from the saves files - health, dose, radiation, quirk are changed https://www.textcompare.org/?id=61fc57d5af63783351c6a346 was is:
  8. Also selecting multiple nodes with Shift+Click+Click would be helpful for deleting or moving up/down I was thinking about something like that - "i" button enable/disable lines amounts and indexes
  9. v1.5.6, on accepting the asteroid Tourism Contract ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-iB0g0CqBzVjUBG1R
  10. looks good, what are the Calculated tank volume and Calculated tankVol (max x min) volume // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Calculated tank volume: 20978.8 // Calculated tankVol (max x min) volume: 7556.8 // Squad/Parts/Aero/airlinerWings/MainWing/airlinerMainWing // Dimensions: x: 11.33, y: 7.82, z: 0.92 // Bounding Box Size: 81664.4 liters // Volume adjustment: 10% // // Bypass reasons: // size exceeds largestAllowablePart: 64000 // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. I have restarted 3 times, the restart message still appears
  12. I have found some problems in the beta: enable "process maniputable-only parts" and "stock parts" after every restart and without any changes, the restart window will be appearing This problem was also on the previous version. New problem: with the settings as above, the patch looks like that // Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-4kBattery/z-4kBattery/batteryBankLarge // Dimensions: x: 2.63, y: 0.25, z: 2.50 // Bounding Box Size: 1645.653 liters // Volume adjustment: 10% // @PART[batteryBankLarge]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCargoPart]]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleCargoPart] { %packedVolume = 1811 MODULE { name = ModuleCargoPart packedVolume = 1811 %KSP_PartVolume = true } }
  13. SandCastle + B9PS and no EL make B9 to have fatal error ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-iByV5zlPAkzj6nh_
  14. I just wanted to remove some quirks from the save file, and found TRAINED_PART and TRAINED_VESSEL for every kerbal and probably every part, though the training is disabled in the settings. if there is a quick fix for not saving it, the savefile with be lighter for 10000 lines
  15. I want to figure out what takes most of the place in the save file: maybe some mod SCENARIO is huge, maybe just FLIGHTSTATE is huge, etc. Line counter for every node on every level could be helpful. It could be switchable if it will be notable perfomance-wise
  16. EL-M Construction Marker is not hidden if there is no the Extraplanetary Launchpad Parts and it nodes reverted (in the construction mode on the surface attached marker other part tries to connect on wrong side, without the writings ) Cargo/boxOfGenericSpecializedParts/boxOfGenericSpecializedParts/ Cargo/elSurveyConeDispenser/coneDispenser/ Cargo/elSurveyCone/surveyCone Cargo/KonstructionMarker/konstructionMarker more like Utility category
  17. Community Fixes could fix some problems of the Kopernicus (or Kronometer) and Alarm Clock App compatibility.
  18. [bug] Changing the Realistic Res Transfer settings and clicking save, doesn't show the hidden resources at once. They appear after clicking any other resource in the SM windows. https://streamable.com/zxygeh [Feature Request] Ability to Dump specific amount of resource. same Xfer interface, but it is "Dump" instead of Xfer, and it is active if there toggled resource only on the one side of the window. Also it clears all "Dump" buttons for every resource and give more width space for text.
  19. Is this suppose to work without KSP Interstellar Extended ? The parts haven't a "deploy" button in the VAB in the both sandbox and career mode ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-iBmMH5p7zezgGEJz
  20. @NathanKell could someone check my old PR, since I have not understood why icons cannot be just replaced, it was working on my side https://github.com/GER-Space/Kerbal-Konstructs/pull/147
  21. the main problem is what some mods that not supported by CPT could add new parts with the stock prefix, and changing that prefix will brake their placement. Now parts is sorted with as small changes as possible (2.5m are the only one that changed). 0.625m - FL-S** 1.25m - FL-T*** 1.875m - FL-TX*** 2.5m - FW-** 3.75m - Kerbodyne S3-*** 5.0m - Kerbodyne S4-*** ,where ** - number, relative to volume. Since I very don't like the Kerbodyne S4, S5, and consider 50, 75 much more clear, other tanks from some other mods already have this <diameter>-<capacity> system, I think it is maybe time to make this changes, even if it will break placement in some unsupported mods. btw, if you know that kind of mods, let me now. Also check please other supported mods for the same LF tanks changes. Engines also have the similar problem — modification of Mainsail created by someone most likely will be named RE-M1 or M2 or M4, etc) and I don't want to break that. Also their default numbers also some sort of names, like the LV-909, T30, T45, and there are several mods that play with that: LV-303, T10, T15 Also the most of engines have several variants and several sizes now (especially with the restock), so stick one size to title is not desired.
  22. Originally it was mostly localization files, but more and more mods without localization was supported using patches, and now it is 28 locs/22 patches. I removed statement, that it is just a localization files, because it's not true anymore. For replacing a localization, the localization files need to load first, so there is 002_
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