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Everything posted by flart

  1. @linuxgurugamer if you missed it — https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSP_PartVolume/pull/4 otherwise in the case "time has not come" yet - it's ok
  2. using the https://avatarmaker.com/ and some ksp wallpaper — png (or svg):
  3. the solution is Vector3 offset = nodeA.owner.transform.rotation * nodeA.position + nodeA.owner.transform.position - nodeB.owner.transform.rotation * nodeB.position + nodeB.owner.transform.position; or simplified: Vector3 offset = part.transform.rotation * (nodeA.position - nodeB.position);
  4. So you talking about roleplay concept, that IRL harbors will not be placed where the WLS is placed, but not the safety in the game? That's probably true. WLS is not on the East of Launchpad (that would make it unsafe even in-game), but on the North-East (latitude of WLS is in between Launchpad and Runway), that would make WLS in-game pretty safe and interesting (sic!) — you will see WLS and sea-ships around it on a plane or a rocket takeoff, but at the same time they are pretty safe. WLS is visible on the default camera angle on the KSC scene, and iirc bottom of the water on the East is more suitable for the underwater Launch site. I remember there was some problem on the North bottom, though don't remember exactly. Also on the picture you provide there is a JNSQ Harbor (or some Extended KSC harbor), so you have place to roleplay-safely store and launch sea-ships, and why you want to have WLS almost in the same spot? To summarize, moving the WLS: pros: IRL roleplay concept cons: less interesting (hidden by the ground on a rocket/plane launch) no visible on default camera angle on KSC scene possible problems on the bottom for the underwater launch site other mods harbors already there Finally, I heard that the last version of KK fixed the Ctrl-K GUI problem, so you can move the WLS as you want, and I include patches or KK-configs as .txt files, ready for the replacement by users locally
  5. I have this function based on the one in the Konstruction mod: private Vector3 GetOffset(WeldingData wData) { //var nodeA = WeldingNodeUtilities.GetLinkingNode(wData.LinkedPartA, wData.part0); //var nodeB = WeldingNodeUtilities.GetLinkingNode(wData.LinkedPartB, wData.part0); //Vector3 offset = nodeA.position - nodeB.position; // offset in wrong direction, depends an an angle of the craft? //Vector3 offset2 = nodeA.nodeTransform.localPosition - nodeB.nodeTransform.localPosition; // // nulref // works for a stack of simple simmetrical parts (tanks) Vector3 offset3 = wData.LinkedPartA.transform.localPosition - wData.LinkedPartB.transform.localPosition; offset3.Normalize(); offset3 *= WeldingNodeUtilities.GetPartThickness(wData.part0); return offset3; } // ..... partB.transform.position += offset; Idea there pretty simple, we take vector (direction) of an future shift as difference of positions, normalize it, and then give it the desired length. offset3 use linked parts for that difference, while mathematically it's enough (and make more sense) to use corresponding nodes of the part0 for that difference. Also this way it will not be dependent on models of linked parts. (I consider .transform.localPosition as some kind of center of a part). I have tried to use nodes (offset, offset2), but it is failed. How to switch to using nodes?
  6. the person just need to not include changed .sln / .csproj in the PR. Also looks like Source\Repo-Kaboom112.sln include only Kaboom.cs and no other files. I tried to add them, and there is some problems: the Constants could not be found, and config.cs is not in the Kaboom namespace so it can't find Log
  7. @zer0Kerbal do you miss the VS solution/project files in the repo or was using some other ide/tools? I was trying to look into https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/Kaboom/issues/5 but couldn't find the .sln or .csproj
  8. Version 2.0.0 mass using stock resource system (thanks to @JadeOfMaar): enable number mode (#) in the PAW and set any value from ranges: kg: 1-1000 ton: 1-500000 mass b9switch is leaved for a compatibility and it's quicker to use it for the most round numbers. default mass is 0t instead of 1t mass lower than 1t is removed: use kg resource. added 5.0m size
  9. Version 1.0.1 bump version, no changes needed =)
  10. @NathanKell check this out https://github.com/GER-Space/Kerbal-Konstructs/pull/147
  11. iirc KK:WLS marinas was depending on MakingHistory, and since billboards is on top of them, billboards are hidden without the MakingHistory, but billboards themselves need only KK.
  12. Will all items without config volume, have autogenerated volumes, based on model boundaries ? Will it include/support PAWCollapsedInventories from KSPCommunityFixes ?
  13. does someone have access to releases on github? There are many PRs and tweaks in the master since 0.9.0, and they could be packaged as
  14. change settings for rover or airplane to mph, and set type of the vessel to rover or airplane, then you will have mph on the top line
  15. On the Flight or KSC scene press Escape, then "Difficulty Options", and then Speed Unit Annex - all settings placed there.
  16. sorry, I can't find this option too. Is it in "Difficulty options" section?
  17. "Split target speed into 2 components" is useful when you maneuvering (docking/capturing) using RCS, but not so useful when you are rendezvousing and killing target speed, so Version 1.4.1 * new option for splitting target speed into 2 components only if RCS is enabled
  18. My mistake, I have not noticed 0.5 combinability exponent on the F-RA antenna, so it's working as it is.
  19. Version 1.2.4 added 1000 − 5000t ( ≈ stock asteroid Type E) added 10,000 − 500,000t if JNSQ is installed MM 4.2.1
  20. Any chance the mod will get support for the Reflectors from NF: Exploration ? (Antenna Rating value)
  21. it's funny, I was asking to add process "-1" feature, and now it is conflicting with one of my mods. CommNet Antennas Consumptor adds moduleAntennaToggler, and ModuleDataTransmitter/DeployFxModules need to have an index of that module (I patch it there). Removing ModuleCargoPart what is there originally and appending it on the end of PART, change the index. Could you instead of removing and adding for "-1" case: -MODULE[ModuleCargoPart] {} MODULE { name = ModuleCargoPart packedVolume = 100 KSP_PartVolume = true } to make it a patch like @MODULE[ModuleCargoPart] { %packedVolume = 100 %KSP_PartVolume = true } so an order of moduleAntennaToggler doesn't change?
  22. how to add waterfall effects to the cheetah on the game with restock and waterfall-restock? adding only StockWaterfallEffects/.../Cheetah.cfg doesn't work - there is no effect of cheetah, and waterfall gui make exceptions ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h3ta4Ej3HrJUX3pr
  23. @Lisias Do you encounter this on your tweakscale research?
  24. Anyone was able to write a MM patch for a proper scaling of the robotic parts? my attempt have a strange bug that when you revert back from a flight, parts connected to a servo is scaled as the servo +PART[rotoServo_04] { @name = rotoServo-50 @title = Rotation Servo M-50 // Rotation Servo M-25 %rescaleFactor = 2 @NODE,* { @size=2 } @node_stack_bottom[6] = 4 @node_stack_top[6] = 4 @node_attach[6] = 4 @entryCost *= 2 @cost *= 2 @mass *= 8 @MODULE[ModuleRoboticRotationServo] { @maxMotorOutput *= 8 } }
  25. @linuxgurugamer Kronometer-v1.12.0.zip includes Kopernicus.Parser.dll, that prevent ksp from loading (probably if there is Kopernicus) I tried to remove Kopernicus.Parser.dll and it worked ok. Kronometer-v1.12.0.zip without Kopernicus.Parser.dll and QuickSave again have a problem with dates. Way to reproduce: jnsq master, Kronometer-v1.12.0, new sandbox game, launch vessel, warp untill Y2D1_H3, press F5, date on a save file will be Y1D365_H09 ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h3mTqYJHkVCGhyGO player.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h3oICA4vdibFP6g6
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