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Everything posted by flart

  1. In the VAB, if I open an alarm GUI in the game, and run AlarmClockScenario.AddAlarm(), added alarm is showed with the 0:00:00 and only after scene change it show correct value: In the case alarm is added without opened alarm window in the VAB, the alarm is added correctly. @TriggerAu Does it have some AlarmClockScenario.update() ?
  2. It's probably the same problem that I was talking about few post above: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/194876-18x-19x-waypoint-manager-new-dependency-added/&do=findComment&comment=3923539
  3. Version 1.4.0 new option: in the Target mode, while retrograde to target, the color of speed become red. new option: in the Target mode, split speed into 2 components: signed projection on the direction to target unsigned leftover (speed on the surface orthogonal to line to the target) restructure settings in 3 columns
  4. it supports an iteration, but there is GetListEnumerator() (not GetEnumerator() so it is not IEnumerable, so no foreach) var alarms = AlarmClockScenario.Instance.alarms; var enumerator = alarms.GetListEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Log(enumerator.Current.title); }
  5. Until, hopefully, examples appear in the Modders Notes 1.12, it is the place where you can share your shenanigan or ask questions. For a starter, there is a api/class_alarm_clock_scenario.html, where you can start your research. there it is, @R-T-B @TriggerAu you also probably may want to have a link to that thread. Could someone publish "Example Usage" as https://triggerau.github.io/KerbalAlarmClock/api.html, but for the Alarm Clock App? List the current Alarms Create a new Alarm Delete an Alarm Use Alarm Events
  6. @TriggerAu could you publish "Example Usage" as https://triggerau.github.io/KerbalAlarmClock/api.html, but for the Alarm Clock App? I couldn't figure out from the ksp/api/index how to iterate over AlarmClockScenario.Instance.alarms or how to get alarm by title.
  7. yes, I was talking about adding alarms in the VAB/SPH scene via GUI and/or code (API)
  8. I have the same problem, through all appended lines are not patches, just comments. partVolumes https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h2VGnvZKnKu49PRj?e=nsEwDX ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h2aJ4pmoajoxNAJn?e=zxr3Sc player.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h2nBds7MRzeiU_0n?e=vqeZXb
  9. ok, I will add it to the TODO list, but since I'm not using mk3 Expansion this could take a while. you could help me with the PR. Original localization file of the Mk3 Expansion: en-us.cfg Example of the CPT support for the Mk2 Expansion: CPT_Mk2Expansion_loc.cfg
  10. @TriggerAu Could Alarm Clock App be available in the editor as KAC does (GUI and API) ?
  11. Version 1.3.9 option in the Surface mode: while descending the color of speed become red. (idea from the Vertikal Speed Indicator) option in the Surface mode: split surface speed to horizontal and vertical components Both options are disabled by default, and irrespective to vesseltype or situation for now.
  12. @Errol Yes, I was implementing this feature, when I discovered the Vertikal Speed Indicator, but later held release, because wanted to playtesting a little bit, but never was getting there. You can check a prerelease on github now. By default the option is disabled. https://github.com/yalov/SpeedUnitAnnex/releases Do you find it useful for every not-landed VesselTypes in SurfaceMode as it is now in the Vertikal Speed Indicator, or I could limit the option for some VesselTypes and Sitiation. Based on the description of the VSI, feature is intended mostly for Landers.
  13. Nice idea, that makes: 5M → 0.00005^(0.4) = 0.019EC/s 100G → 1EC/s 10T = 100^0.4 = 6.3EC/s iirc :LAST appeared for a reason, through idr why. JNSQ doesn't look like it, it has :LAST[JNSQ] so my patches still run before JNSQ ones.
  14. Discharging capacitors, when there is no EC and no probe control is a bug or a feature?
  15. The stock game has Ap/Pe on the flight screen since 1.7: Another mod, isn't mentioned there
  16. I found the bug there https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/25730
  17. RemoteTech-redev is not a RemoteTech, RemoteTech-redev is just an antennas from the RemoteTech, so remote comms system will not be re-designed with the CAE.
  18. @JadeOfMaar In the case you missed it, there is PR, what fix some bugs, discussed on the last page: https://github.com/JadeOfMaar/RationalResources/pull/31
  19. On the first start I had fully commented output, probably because of the my personal ModuleCargoPart = -1 to all parts patch, then I removed my personal patch and there is no output on the next starts ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-hm_SZty_-jqFnVii?e=Pdqm5E player.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-hnAJx1y_cxKJ7et6?e=C2duBB
  20. Could you make an option for generating output for all parts? (including the ones with the ModuleCargoPart) I want to see full output and compare volumes.
  21. On the first run it created empty partVolumes.cfg, and there weren't any popup warnings I have a patch that make all parts manipulatable in the eva by adding ModuleCargoPart with a volume -1. Do parts with the ModuleCargoPart appears in the output, but HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCargoPart]] make the MM ignore the patch or the parts with the ModuleCargoPart ignored whatsoever? The last case would explain why the output is empty. ksp.log: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-hm1M2fbnCOesw2g7?e=7z5xRA player.log: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-hm5H70FdGFno1NP_?e=JAWAdS
  22. I find out, that lowering asteroid mass, when you mining it (the mass in the PAW, the PART[PotatoRoid]/MODULE[ModuleAsteroidInfo]/currentMass) does not propagate to the real mass of the asteroid PART[PotatoRoid]/mass, that is used for the dV calculation. Most likely, it is also the stock behavior. (tested on JNSQ) @R-T-B Could I request a fix in the Kopernicus?
  23. Yes, stock isru have these patches in 2 places: in the common opt-in system and separately. I made PR for removing duplicates: https://github.com/JadeOfMaar/RationalResources/pull/31
  24. :NEEDS[KIS,KAS] then? Or add a mention of the KIS/KAS in the description of the part, please. Also I just find out about the arm staging with the help of the Animated Decouplers mod. Add please Animated Decouplers in the OP Recommended Mods section.
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