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Everything posted by flart

  1. Try to check KSP.log, if something is spamming there, that mod is probably the problem. Or try to remove mods one by one.
  2. Version 1.4.2 new option: Display EVA Propellant instead of Kerbal Name (disabled by default) The update is mostly intended for the ARP users. The ARP is not showing the EVA Propellant now. Version 1.4.3 new option: in the Surface mode, Display Rover speedometer for all "other" types: Ship, Lander, Probe, Relay, Base, etc ( @dresoccer4 suggestion)
  3. @TriggerAu ARP doesn't show the EVA Propellant from the inventory as the stock panel does. Probably this one: FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.evaController.FuelCapacity FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.evaController.Fuel UPD. I added an option for showing EVA Propellant in the SpeedUnitAnnex for now.
  4. Is volumes calculated the same way as in the KSP Part Volumes ? https://github.com/.../PartVolume.cs#L200-L214
  5. looks like the mod doesn't know new RCS variant switch. This is restock-rcs-block-multi-2, choosed second variant with the 4 horns, 2 blue arrows are correct, but the other 2 blue arrows are in the place of the missed fifth horn from the first variant. ksp.log - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-iAGMd_qjAebGLsHT
  6. is it like 90% of what @IgorZ is planning for the KIS2 ? ==================== Also about the naming, one of the "Configure Vessel Naming" and "Rename Vessel" was placed in the Vessel Naming group in the stock, and how I understand it, one of them was "legacy", another one was added later, and supports several parts with the different priority. So, maybe hide legacy one whatsoever, and put a new one in the Vessel Naming group?
  7. So, to summarize: Max physics delta-time per frame slider to the right (0.12): game_time is closer to real_time (less slowdown aka the clock is "more green"), but in the cost of visual FPS and stability (less FPS, more chance for kraken), Max physics delta-time per frame slider to the left (0.03): max out stability and visual FPS (more FPS, less chance for kraken), but in the cost of game_time/real_time ratio (more slowdown aka the clock is "more red" aka 1 game second will last more (2,3,4...etc) real seconds) Correct? UPD. Also, FlightSceneLoadKraken bugfix in the KSPCommunityFixes makes Max physics delta-time per frame temporaly low on the LoadScene, that makes game a little bit more stable even with the large Max physics delta-time per frame
  8. Could you specify groups in the PAWStockGroups in the settings file or in the forum ? In the editor, if you use Inventory mode, and put some parts in the inventory there, PAW inventory group title is not updated
  9. General Swing Arm (Small) makes exception in the editor ksp.log - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-iABdI1A_ikb4ZD1D UPD. also in the log [ERR 22:37:24.546] ModuleStagedAnimation: Cannot find fx group decouple
  10. Then don't use the new scatterer. I don't if or when JNSQ will update. ok
  11. Does scatterer update need some configuration update? Also does scatterer settings in the alt+f10 GUI work as expected or JNSQ replace them with the configuration settings?
  12. it's intentional, since an experiment processed in the lab are not considered done, and can also be sent (or recover) to the KSC
  13. @Morse Feature Request: AN, DN buttons are set to the Equatorial AN and DN, when there is no target. UPD. Feature Request 2: support of the the stock Alarm Clock App ("Alarm" button) my quick fix is there https://github.com/yalov/KSPPreciseManeuver/releases/tag/Unofficial.2.4.5 but I will not make PR, because it is doesn't support several nodes, or KAC/ACA switcher Feature Request 3: Option for disabling tooltips. for example, it hides inclination there
  14. it is not about the KSC, kerbal stats are different depending on the vessel is loaded or unloaded (in background). (on an active vessel, a kerbal HP Change is 0.54, I switch to an other vessel, and the same kerbal HP change on the unloaded vessel is 0.02) ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h37XyFVvyc0ovqEH player.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h39t8W38tNFTZWx3
  15. Could you add an option for a Ship Manifest сrew кransfer without the sound and delay? Also some settings for the height of the window. It is only 4 parts at ones in the Fuel Transfer, Crew Transfer, etc
  16. @OhioBob @linuxgurugamer Difference between time and time that DatedQuickSave sets to the filename is 6 hours, probably related to ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h3yOCRKVOLtb2Zki Also this problem of Kronometer, in the create Manual Time Alarm input, a day is still 6 hours
  17. You missed SCAN-12 "MS-R", hyphen in the SCAN-43, quotes in the SCAN-52 "R2" and probably you could sort them by titles UPD. I make a dark version png spreadsheets
  18. I never test it, but that suppose to be working. On the next week I will look into.
  19. @JadeOfMaar while you looking in the JNSQ, JNSQ/master from several weeks ago was having this (ALeonov), though maybe it was my local bug. Also some new 1.12 Launchsites/Anomalies are not just underwater, but under bottom of oceans, for example
  20. RemoteTechRedevAntennas Reflectron-128 is Extended by default, but the button show "Extend Antenna" and an animation start playing from the retracted state.
  21. CommNet Antennas Info 3.1.0 add Vessel Antenna Rating and Vessel Relay Rating a button in the PAW of Internal Antenna (probes, pods) in the Editor and Flight support NF:Exploration optimizations MM 4.2.1 CommNet Antennas Consumptor 3.5.2 ksp 1.12.2 MM 4.2.1 CommNet Antennas Extension 2.1.5 lower volumes based on bounding box MM 4.2.1
  22. KSP 1.12.2, JNSQ, "very low" preset dims light underwater, but vessel's lights also are not working, so it's very dark there. I temporally disabled "ocean" and "dim light underwater", and located the stock Mahi-Mahi launch site, that in the JNSQ is underwater. Maybe default very low preset need to not dims light underwater ?
  23. Stumbled upon https://forums.getpaint.net/, the dark theme is soo nice!
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