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Everything posted by MoarBoostersRUS

  1. Made a rocket with only boosters 8 parts total got in to orbit in like 2ish min
  2. Finished my Galileo hard career playthrough!! Now I think I'll do another RP-0/RSS playthrough With 0 starting funds, 50% science gain, No reverting, no crew respawn, TAC LS and some other fun difficulty mods
  3. Same! thank jeb for vanguard technologies lol. Best is when your doing S turns to bleed off speed and the tail fins fly off and send you into a flat spin gives ya a whole new appreciation for the designers of aircraft/spacecraft and those that pilot them
  4. Looks nice! It's super easy once you get a feel for it, been using USI for awhile now. Makes getting funds on hard mode a trivial matter and really enhances the need to monitor everything. I suggest getting kerbal alarm clock mod if you don't already have it.
  5. I'd love to see all of these as well! I'm more of a rocket person but FAR and KAX make flying rockets so much better also would like to have deadly rentery, some Life Support system and rentery particle effects To enhance difficulty and visual awesomeness.
  6. @katateochi you should add Rentery particle effect mod. Makes rentery look so much more spectacular. Priceless
  7. @Galileo I'm actually almost done with your planet pack lol should be a day or two more been a ton of fun thank you for making such a beautifully designed system!!
  8. So I have the next week and a few days off work and I've been thinking of what type of shenanigans to do in ksp. I've already finished (Filled tech tree and done maned missions to all planets and moons) Stock(Hard) -No Mods RP-0/RSS (almost hard {started with 0 funds but left science gain at 100%}) - USI + TAC LS Interstellar (Hard) +Extra solar systems+ Colonize all Planets and moons with stations and land bases Unmaned Before Maned (Hard) + Interstellar + Extra solar systems+ Colonize all Planets and moons with stations and land bases Engineers Tech tree (Hard) + Interstellar + Extra solar systems+ Colonize all Planets and moons with stations and land bases GPP (Hard) (Almost Done)+ Interstellar + Extra solar systems+ Colonize all Planets and moons with stations and land bases {Thank You Galileo for reminding me to add} And by Hard I mean start with 0 funds, only get 50% Science, no reverting of flights, No extra ground coms stations, pay to unlock items in tech tree(kinda cheaty since you only have to pay for what you'll use ) no crew respawn, USI full So I'm not sure what to do now.
  9. @LegendaryAce I'm totally with that. Like I'd love to see RP-0 on Xbox and I'd be willing to pay for it but only as long as I knew the creators of the mod gave consent and if it is a paid dlc they are getting a portion of the profits. It is truly a shame when big game companies trample over modders and steal their content and make a profit off of it.
  10. @steve_v Yep!! But those that didn't left their mods open to exploitation
  11. I have to agree. Taketwo was hard on modders of GTAV because it wasn't meant to be modded. But Squad has openly encouraged the development of mods for KSP. Though they may fall to temptation to make some mods that are available on pc as paid dlcs but I find it highly unlikely.
  12. Lol who doesn't send love to dres? I generally use dres as a coms network Base for distant missions got a few landed and a nice network around the little planet to keep coms open
  13. And if done as a single craft the first two points can be combined with ditchable wings for initial flight to the poles that hold fuel like the large delta wing. Then the craft can go for the land record with reduced mass and with enough speed little wing surface would be needed to get in the air and burn through the 10km of air speed altitude allowance. Then ditch the air breathers and move on to a main sail engine to keep extra high TWR. Sorry if I'm goin a little wild with ideas but you got my brain goin wild with how to do this
  14. I'm also trying to think about where its done. Best place to set land speed records are the poles (as you likely know) so getting the vehical there would take a "bit" of extra mass and I don't know if youd want to count that or add the ability to hyper edit the craft there. Plus air breathing jet engines would help get the craft up to speed on land and in the air then be ditched on the way to space to increase TWR how would this effect over all score
  15. @Probus yeah but have to ask lol, I could make a vehical with warp drive that doesn't dot amazing on land or in air but goes wild in space. i like the concept would be fun to try and see what can be manageable speeds on land without burning up then lift off and make it to space. Could also add bonus points for mass, if it's crewed (how many)
  16. Can you elaborate a little more? Like land speed record then air speed record (between what altitudes) then in space speed record? What mods are allowed?
  17. Duna is a good place to start when setting up bases for interstellar travel. I just got one set up on eeloo a few months ago as a last stop for fuel before my ships go far out of the system to other star systems
  18. Procedural engines are unnecessary with tweak scale
  19. I did this last year asked them how much ram I should get to run ksp with 100+ mods at near 4K graphics
  20. This is insanely awesome how long did this take?
  21. @Geschosskopf Perfet this is what I was was looking for thank you!
  22. @Aelfhe1m I did some research to learn how to do it and noticed that it's cool lol. But I did get it working thank you a ton now I can make more compact attached probes to set up relay networks
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