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Everything posted by MoarBoostersRUS

  1. Be patient, they are starting over from scratch to make console versions the way they should have been from the start.
  2. Convinced my buddy to get KSP so I spent the day downloading mod packs and teaching him the basics
  3. My guess is that it's likely a bug in a mod. I've flow quite a few craft all the way down the runway, slammed a few down as well at various speeds, even made a few jet cars and tried them on the 3 stages of runway surfaces with no problem in a pure stock game of 1.3.1. even if you aren't using parts in the mod as long as it's installed it can play silly buggers with your game.
  4. This is why my hard drive has 20some folders with different Versions KSP
  5. Do you have mods installed in the Gamedata folder? If so did you use Ckan or Manually install them? check their "read me" files to make sure they are for 1.3.1. If all are for 1.3.1 please list them (sorry I know this might be a pain) this way I can try and weed out the culprit and report it to the mod developer/manager.
  6. I've tried to reproduce the bug but haven't had any luck sorry.
  7. It will take a bit for your posts to show since you are new moderators need to approve them after 5 approved posts that limiter is lifted. I will be on for quite awhile longer (I'm in the US) so no worries.
  8. Could I maybe participate if I agree to some kind of deal ( slides a wad of bananas under the table)
  9. Hum, what version KSP are you running? And is this happening in sandbox mode? Or a fresh career/science playthrough?
  10. There shouldn't be any problem with running ksp those specs are more then adquite for stock ksp x64. Do you have a ton of mods installed? Edit: (Visual mods?) with only 20 non visual mods you should be fine As for the overheating problem I'd get a laptop cooling pad and check to make sure the fan on the laptop is working.
  11. What mods if any are you using? What level is the runway? Welcome to the forums as well!
  12. Oh this looks like a ton of fun Gotta a few questions. where can I find the currant save file? what are the rules on science use?
  13. Love the story's people come up with!! Nice work can't wait for MOAR!
  14. That feeling you get when you keep failing at something in RSS so you go land on Gilly to make yourself feel better.
  15. I use mods to achieve this but I'm against this being part of the stock game because I would like to see ksp used in education and schools run on shoe sting budgets. Unlike many gamers they don't throw much money into a single computer that will be used by many kids and will inevitably be damaged.
  16. Did testing of my flyby craft to see if I could find an optimal route in RSS to visit all the planets, did some bouncing between earth and Venus got a random encounter with mars made it out to Jupiter then messed up the encounter and it got whipped into interstellar space with no hope of return at least it was only a simulation and no kerbals where harmed in the process. Back to the drawing board!
  17. Mainly need.... Kerbal Alarm Clock for running multiple missions and to remind me of transfer windows Mechjeb for laziness when I have a long burn with ion engines and wana go have a smoke or run to the store Realplume Makes burns look so much better Rentery Particle Effect for beauty USI or TAC for realism and dificulty TAC Fuel Balancer for easy fuel transfer or dumping Kerbal Engineer for DV calculations and to keep hud clutter free CapCom for on the fly contract checking ForScience for lazy science [X] Science to keep track of what science I still need to get ScanSat to find biomes and slope info procedural tanks to keep part count down and make rockets look better I think that's all
  18. @Geonovast oh right on gotta give dres some sweet love'n
  19. @SuperHammy3 Congrats!! And welcome to the forum!
  20. @Geonovast Holy JEB! What is that craft lol a Jool ferry?
  21. When you forget stock engines can throttle so you turn them off to keep TWR in the stable range
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