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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Did you uninstall them before updating ? for looking at a .25 install, I have and a .90 he dropped that DLL or it's not in a folder like that anymore. EDIT- Or you might ask him on one of his pages and at looking at the ORSX file you see "NAME":"ORSX", "URL":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/[COLOR="#FF0000"]BobPalmer[/COLOR]/ORSX/master Same name on his GITHUB. EDIT- Think so DragonShadow
  2. Better ? RaiderNick does Great work and would have had it done far faster.
  3. Pretty sure that was part of UmbraSpaceIndustries one of RoverDude mods you can check for a update here for what one you have http://bobpalmer.github.io/UmbraSpaceIndustries/
  4. Just FYI Alvargon sometime good thing from people get added that don't make it to the main page or in the install always good to look at a couple of pages anyways you might miss something good
  5. Why do people ask does this and any part pack work in .90 it doesn't have a plugin so yes it works in .90 and yes there is 2 cfg for RT for you to pick from and install 1 of them sorry didn't mean to sound rude. EDIT- LOL guess your right there hakan
  6. Here you will find that Antenna Range cfg http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81537-0-90-Tantares-Stockalike-Soyuz-and-MIR-12-3-2-Crew-1-25m-Pod-ATV-Beta?p=1621831&viewfull=1#post1621831
  7. Check to make sure you only have 1 ModuleManager.*.*.* installed looks like you have one that is around 1.5.7 installed somewhere.
  8. I don't use FAR but from the RT post alot of people had problems with FAR breaking the antenna off even when not extended because of MAXQ. EDIT- But maybe thats fixed EDIT- And Great Job raidernick love the parts but why the Soviet pack get a launcher and not the USA pack hehe just had to ask.
  9. I have made some with near future plugin but they have a core melt down lol needed to play with it more to see if, I could add the cooling Radiator to them. EDIT- If you need help adding some let me know.
  10. It covers 6 you would have to add or write a cfg to add more but would be really no big deal to do. EDIT- what it covers @PART[rtg] { !MODULE [ModuleGenerator] { } MODULE { name = ModuleGeneratorRTG FuelMass = 5 EnergyDensity = 0.45 Halflife = 8.352 Efficiency = 0.05 } } // RLA_Stockalike =================================================== @PART[RLA_mmrtg] { !MODULE [ModuleGenerator] { } MODULE { name = ModuleGeneratorRTG FuelMass = 1.667 EnergyDensity = 0.45 Halflife = 8.352 Efficiency = 0.05 } } @PART[RLA_ASRG] { !MODULE [ModuleGenerator] { } MODULE { name = ModuleGeneratorRTG FuelMass = 15 EnergyDensity = 0.45 Halflife = 8.352 Efficiency = 0.10 } } @PART[RLA_CSRG] { !MODULE [ModuleGenerator] { } MODULE { name = ModuleGeneratorRTG FuelMass = 10 EnergyDensity = 0.45 Halflife = 8.352 Efficiency = 0.05 } } // Umbra Space Industries =========================================== @PART[USI_PodCapsule] { !MODULE [ModuleGenerator] { } MODULE { name = ModuleGeneratorRTG FuelMass = .333333 EnergyDensity = 0.45 Halflife = 8.352 Efficiency = 0.05 } } @PART[USI_PodCapsule] { !MODULE [ModuleGenerator] { } MODULE { name = ModuleGeneratorRTG FuelMass = 6.666666 EnergyDensity = 0.45 Halflife = 8.352 Efficiency = 0.05 } } EDIT- Covers Stock and some in Umbra Space Industries and RLA_Stockalike mod but if you wanted to add a mods RTG to this plugin find the name of the part and add @PART[Part name here] { !MODULE [ModuleGenerator] { } MODULE { name = ModuleGeneratorRTG FuelMass = 5 EnergyDensity = 0.45 Halflife = 8.352 Efficiency = 0.05 } If around the same size as stock or if you just want to use this one or change what ever.
  11. Why not just try and rescale the decouplers you want to use ?
  12. Best guess there using it just to make sure it changes, It's the same as @ but with % if it's not there it adds it and if it's there it changes it. EDIT- Haven't played with RT in some time but where you have EDIT- DeployFxModules = when you transmit but with the RT mod it should point to what Mode range 0 or 1 - 1 being the longer range when deployed
  13. Think they are just wanting the Apollo and clamps thats it. EDIT- Why would someone say it don't work but then just ask for a cut up pack ?
  14. toadicus just a FYI RemoteTech2 changed it's name sometime back and it just RemoteTech now seen in your file you still have :NEEDS[!RemoteTech2] would it need changed to :NEEDS[!RemoteTech] now ?
  15. Don't know who wrote some of them but looks like some if deploy you get the shorter ranger and really not sure how MM is doing this now as it has :NEEDS[RemoteTech2] in update before this last one RT2 change the name to just RemoteTech for both folder and DLL so how is the patch even working ? EDIT- So it should be :NEEDS[RemoteTech]
  16. Is you install look like KSP/GameData/FASA ?
  17. If you don't already have one just put it in KSP/GameData but you just need 1.
  18. Yes it still work in .90 and didn't get a error message.
  19. I run most of them but, I don't use Chatter and NoMoreGrind & Station Science you might try removing one of them at a time and see if 1 isn't playing nice would start with Station Science think, I seen some where that it don't play nice hope it helps.
  20. Thank you but wouldn't say, I'm very good at it but, I do like to play with the cfg lol.
  21. What OS and other mods and maybe some logs would help someone find a fix for you.
  22. Much thanks to DigitalProeliator for the share and for those who would like to use it but not sure on how or what to edit, I made a CFG for you, You will need ModuleManager.2.5.1 or higher most already have it and put this cfg anywhere in KSP/GameData https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/BoxSat_Stackit.cfg.zip This will make a 2nd boxsat frame named BoxSat_Frame_Stackit so now you can have both. EDIT- And much thanks to DasPenguin85 and orcmaul for a great mod
  23. Here is FinePrint http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88445-0-90-0-Fine-Print-vSTOCK-D-BETA-RELEASE!!!-%28December-15%29, I have had that but thought, I was just out to much or miss something.
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