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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Running Linux 64 bit with this mod and ScanSat installed, ScanSat parts don't deploy and the ScanSat map won't come up your parts work so maybe, I need to post on ScanSat's.
  2. When, I have them both installed ScanSat is dead.
  3. Yanfret sorry have'nt played much kinda lost the kerbal feeling for .24 try'ed to play with Contracts but do to the over size of the Rocket parts makes them cost alot, And have'nt worked out the contract system yet but all in all just waitting to see all the parts that are going to be in the pack and what they will be or can be doing as for SCIENCE and CONTRACTS.
  4. Just download https://www.dropbox.com/s/6qgj2zuni83hbla/ALCOR_IVA_Patch_0.9.zip just open up ASET folder delete all but ExtCamRadialVert your good to go.
  5. and check size might have to go rescaleFactor = 2.0 but try 1.5 first.
  6. If your playing career mode you need to make you a CFG like or where ever you want to put them.
  7. It wouldn't take them much to have a download with out it and 1 with it and people can pick what 1 they wanted but again no mod should bundle another mod and that goes back to toolbar and ModuleManager modders don't need to put them in for us to use them.
  8. JsonFX.dll is part of Modstatistics if you don't want it to run look here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87111-0-24-StillBetterThanSpyware-A-mod-to-disable-ModStatistics EDIT- IMO No mod should bundle another mod in it.
  9. Yanfret is Alexustas going to give you a up to date ALCOR capsule that can use the new RPM ver .18 ? And lol on post # 670 but, I'll try to help.
  10. Are you spying on me some how hehe just made a fresh .24 install with this mod will play around with it but really, I think Squad did the whole scientific tree wrong some of the first thing in space we can't do because we don't get them to the end of the tree, I think they should have done something like Buzz Aldrin’s Space Program show us all the part and we research what we want to use but sure will play around with it.
  11. Just found this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86961-0-24-BetterThanSpyware-Still-not-as-good-as-Opt-In and Some modder should read some of the post to funny and no more the website shows don't see really what help it can be beside of what Ippo posted, And maybe for some to get a big head and say look my mods better.
  12. You are Tricking people because some People have a hard time just to install any mod or game not to be rude to anyone. EDIT- And they think you did something to those files that the need to run your mod and some won't read the OP but thats not your fault. EDIT- IT would be better to Ask people to help then Tricking them.
  13. To be Honesty from what you posted here if on your OP if you posted something like that and ask people to download ModStatistics, I would be more likey to use it but by adding it and Tricking some people in to using it turns me away from it and some from your mod.
  14. Is sad to see some modder's jumping on this bandwagon when the Modder doesn't put it in all his mods and truth is you just need 1 anyway so not all mods need it in there mod's if people want it you can post a link and we can add it the way everyone is doing it you are tricky some people in to getting it and thats just wrong. EDIT- The only thing that should be in a Mod is be that modders pack if other plugin from another mod is need just tell us what and alink that way everyone has up-to-date plugin and don't have 10 of the samething running the samething just like modders putting toolbar folder in there and ModuleManager.
  15. Would there be away to set a dish to have line of sight but a Antenna have the fudge factor ? EDIT- Maybe 2 MODULE 1 for dishes and 1 for antenna's
  16. Yanfret have you seen Blackheart's mod KerbalStockLauncherOverhaul he as a ProceduralKXFairing that using Firespitter plugin to change the texture on the flair so you can have a plain white or 1 with something on it like the Monkey Logo ?
  17. ModStatistics Isn't in this mod here is a link to it's post there are some mods that add it http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81764-ModStatistics-1-0-3-Anonymous-mod-usage-statistics-Now-for-public-distribution! but it can be deleted and there is 1 more plugin with it.
  18. They still work you have to deploy wheels and use J-K-L-I to steer.
  19. Here is a link to VanguardTechnologies http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25305-0-23-Vanguard-Technologies-EVA-parachutes-23!-Sry-4-not-fixing-earlier-%28Dec-30%29
  20. Do you have RPM .16 installed ? Right now they won't work on RPM .17.
  21. Try this https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/RemoteTech_AIES_3.cfg
  22. Are you using RT2 ?
  23. What in RT2 do you think is doing what you think ? and if you look at MJ Part you see not sure if you would have to have a plugin or not.
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