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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. On PREFAB PARTICLE can you add a line localRotation = 0,0,0 ? and man that looks really good to bad the thruster part and pod looks like there one piece if it was a 2 piece you could have added and had some smoke on the grounds FX.EDIT- There is also a localPosition = 0,0,0 you can add.
  2. Has the color changer been looked at has it still don't work or did, I miss a update somewhere ?
  3. The only thing RT has that is more realistic then Antenna Range is the delay and Antenna Range has setting you can set that you have to have line of sight for control.
  4. Yes think it was for hotrockets much thanks and for trying to help me help someone else but that didn't work out. EDIT- And all just love this great mod this modders give us much thanks to them EDIT- And it really wasn't at you it's just gets old seen does this work with FAR or can you make this work with FAR or CKAN is broke or can you put this on CKAN lol sorry sumghai been along day didn't mean any hard feels to anyone all good will launch 10 kerbal and feel better.
  5. LOL I really can't believe the people that use FAR and can't write a CFG or edit there files to get it to work, I would have to ask why use it ? Or beg someone to do the work for you this just blows my mind.
  6. I 2nd this all this mods are gold can't wait to get my kerbal hands on KONQUEST
  7. I stop using ATM around .25 and don't have a problem and IMO this whole thread is a joke and the poll speaks for it self no one should be forced to display there art in one format and not texture look good in DDS format from what, I have seen. EDIT- If someone really wants DDS format they can convert them there self and if a mod there using aren't DDS they can send the modder a PM link to the DDS textures they converted and say if you want to use them fine and if not fine really what is the problem or you just don't want to spend your time doing it ?
  8. It would be best IMO if you had a probe core and antenna on your launcher is how, I use to do it and a DP- 10 think it was.
  9. Yes more toys for the kerbals thanks for the update
  10. Do you have Firespitter plugin and JSI PartUtilities installed ?
  11. What ? Last time checked the new VanguardTechnologies plugin still don't work.
  12. Did you even look at what parts these are ? there no wings no large body parts so really what would it matter ?
  13. It would be tough for you to just try it, Has alot don't use ( nuFAR ) ?
  14. I kerbal up a docking port if anyone wants to test it https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/help/Mk2Essentials_DockingPort.cfg.zip It looks like
  15. Here is a patch for the nodes https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/help/Mk2Essentials_Node_Patch.cfg
  16. You might move the thrusters over the landing legs step out the door at the wrong time and that kerbal is going to have a bad day hehe.
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