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Everything posted by TheFlyingKerman

  1. This. KSP rover wheels are really, ridiculously good compared with real life ones (200km/h top speed is comparable to high speed trains, which only travel on smooth rails). https://kerbalx.com/TheFlyingKerman/Sparo-3
  2. Since the rules does not say one cannot stage things off or crash the plane afterwards I flew this kinetic kill weapon plane to 15000m and then dropped it. Still a few m/s slower then the current record holder.
  3. With the Alexmoon transfer planner you just select ballistic transfer and it tells you the normal component of the ejection burn. There are indeed particularly favorable transfer windows if you can eject at the plane crossing and you arrive while your target is at the plane crossing.
  4. I suggest reviewing the Kerbus K-230-200 for practice. It is a seaplane but was only really reviewed as a land based turboprop, so there is something new in addition to the old materials.
  5. Breakthroughs with aerodynamic design at Kerbus results in even more absurdly efficient jetliners, the Kerbus K-350-300. https://kerbalx.com/TheFlyingKerman/Kerbus-K-350-300 We managed to increase the passenger capacity of the legendary K-350 by 60%, while only marginally increase fuel consumption. As a result its KPPM is reduced to 0.003. The plane's cost remains very low, at 20,831,000 Kerbucks and 34 parts. As with other bigger Kerbus planes, a probe core and a parachute come as standard. Cruising speed: 640m/s at 11500m Range: 6500 km Passenger capacity: 64 Notes for taking off: DO NOT use flaps. Set throttle to 1/3. Stage the engines. When the plane is rolling at 35m/s, turn to full throttle. Pull up gently at 80m/s. We recommend climbing at 10 degrees. Turn on the afterburners (AG1) at 5000m. Ease off the climb at 9000m and fly level at the required altitude and speed. Turn back to dry mode and engage prograde lock for cruising. Notes for landing: DO NOT use flaps. The plane's low speed performance is much better than its takeoff speed suggests. We recommend approaching and landing at 55-65m/s. The plane tends to bounce on the runway if the landing speed is too high.
  6. R This is what I found. Changing autostrut mode seems to help, but cannot eliminate the problem...
  7. Just to remind everyone that medium or jumbo jets require at least two pilots...
  8. I built this plane with symmetric placement tool so everything is supposed to be symmetric. But it seems one wing always has more lift than the other (see pic). This causes the plane to roll gradually over time. How can I correct this?
  9. Seeing some airlines plan to operate planes from canals, Kerbus offers the K-230-300 seaplane, a variant of the K-230-200 with an additional set of control surfaces added to the wingtip for improved low speed maneuverability. https://kerbalx.com/TheFlyingKerman/Kerbus-K-230-300 Its performance is pretty much the same as the K-230-200 (but note the higher cruising altitude due to bigger wings) Eco. cruising speed: 200m/s @5900m Range: 1200km Max. cruising speed: 280m/s @6700m It does costs more, at 13,673,000 Kerbucks each. Still cheaper than pretty much all seaplane competitors though. Notes: Taking off from runway: Deploy flaps (AG2) and tail fin (AG3). Start the engines. The plane automatically pulls up at 41m/s. Retract the landing gear, tail fin and flap. Landing in water: Descend to about 100m, deploy flaps (AG2) to reduce speed to 45m/s, then deploy tail-fins (AG3). Fly level at 35m/s at 70m. Lower the tail gear (AG4). Slowly adjust throttle so that the plane descends at less than 2m/s. Hit brake (which closes the air intake and avoid water entering the engines) when the tail gear touches the water surface. Taking off from water: Deploy flaps and retract tail-fins. Accelerate with full power. When the plane is going at 20m/s, lightly tape W to gently lift the tail out of water. The speed would increase to 39m/s. Then pullup.
  10. Aside from the general performance compromise pointed out by @neistridlar, the flap design for this plane is optimized for water operation. It is placed as forward as possible in order not to pitch the nose down when deployed. This enables the plane to soft land on water at a favorable angle and speed. One the other hand aligning with the runway is much less a problem when landing on water. I suspect in this light the verdict would be very different. Last but not the least I suppose the designer decides which category the plane goes (seaplane in this case).
  11. Emm.. the Kerbus K-250 is more fuel efficient than the swirlygig 24 and both carry 24 passengers.
  12. Lazy man's method again. Very un-Kerbal. The COM of the rover is aligned with the engine so the thing lands like a normal lander. Then I just turned it horizontal with reaction wheels. This the the laziest part. The rover is connected to the rocket through the cubic strut and then de-coupler (the red part), which aligns with the COM of the rover. I only need to do this once and for all. Then I save the whole thing as sub-assembly and I just need to plug into the central node of whatever transfer stage I need.
  13. Jumbo jets are supposed to be more economical and fuel efficient per seat, although as I know of no jumbo reviewed so far has realized this potential.
  14. This looks like a stock rover. Slow and not really drivable. Yet you managed to drive this thing around Minmus
  15. I overhauled my science/survey plane https://kerbalx.com/TheFlyingKerman/LKA-1CIII So I took it for another circumnavigation. Took off from the runway I flew along the equator, to the opposite side of Kerbin. First circumnavigation Second circumnavigation Third circumnavigation Fourth circumnavigation. I was running out of fuel and this plane has high landing speed. I slid out out the runway. Mission report
  16. The CEO of Kerbus decides Kerbals need a better way of boarding airliners. A few days later the engineers came up with this highly advanced and practical ladder cart. https://kerbalx.com/TheFlyingKerman/Boarding-Cart Its height is adjustable by changing the authority of the control surfaces. Even better Kerbus is doing a promotion. You get one of these (each costing 4266000) for ordering every 15 K-380-400 jumbo jets.
  17. Time for moar Elcano challenge. This time, Ike. Crew arriving at Ike. I am doing it in my main save so the launch is long time ago. Meanwhile, the Ike Rover woke up from its two Kerbal year hibernation. It was ordered to find a safe landing site for the lander. The rover is the same model as this one (except with atmospheric analyzer replaced by ore scanner) https://kerbalx.com/TheFlyingKerman/Sparo-3 It is pure stock, 34 parts and about 0.814t without the crew. Safe landing just besides the rover. Flag planting, by Bob Kerman. Then the driving mission begins. I largely followed the equator, driving west. Detouring for better terrain. The terrain of Ike is strange, that the side of mountains are often remarkably smooth, while smooth looking lowlands is often full of ridges. The highest point I reached on Ike is over 10000m. On hilly terrain I could only drive at 35-45m/s. That was slow... Close to home. About 55-65m/s was the fastest I could go... Crossed the finishing line! Bob will then move on to Duna, where another rover is waiting...
  18. I am fine with the aerospike as it is. This engine is ideal for a lander because it is light and still offers good thrust and ISP. When going interplanetary every kg counts and moar booster isn't that important. Besides the the increase would make the areospike too similar to the Reliant (same mass and similar ASL thrust) and Poodle.
  19. I tested on the launch pad, with a solar panel on top of the probe core, a thermometer, and the antenna. I set the core to hibernate, SAS off, and the antenna set to allow partial. As the solar panel generates electricity, the antenna temporarily stores up the charges and transmits bit by bit. I tested on the launch pad, with a solar panel on top of the probe core, a thermometer, and the antenna. I set the core to hibernate, SAS off, and the antenna set to allow partial. As the solar panel generates electricity, the antenna temporarily stores up the charges and transmits bit by bit.
  20. I've reached the Mohole What is done so far: +10 points: Reach Moho SOI with a manned craft +40 points: Land your craft of the surface of Moho +10 points: Transmit some kind of science from the Moho SOI (not cummulative) +10 points: Transmit some kind of science from the Surface of Moho (not cummulative) +30 points: Collect science from two different biomes +20 points: Explore the Mohole (use your own discretion on what accounts for "explore") +10 points: Leave behind a science station (need probe core, energy, sciency thing and antenna).
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