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Everything posted by 0something0

  1. I also find it annoying when you switch from a moving vessel to a stationary one and you can't swith back.
  2. I was wondering about the lack of progress when I realized why: I think we should be using Procedural Parts(fuel tanks, wings) to decrease part count as much as possible.
  3. @dundun92what version of KSP will this be in
  4. Like the Dres mod. They say that Dres is being covered up by a certain green-skinned race and somebody made a mod for it. Take a joke dammit.
  5. When the almighty StrazenBlitz posts...
  6. As for screenshotting, you can use print screen and put it on MSPaint then export it if your on Windows, or just use Steam Overlay if you have it on Steam. The thing about having both a decent twr and burn time is that you can't have both with modern technology which is reflected in KSP. You need nervs or ions for high efficiency but they have crap twr and engines like vector or mainsail have good twr but not very good Isp and therefore efficiency and burn time. Some advice would be: try using jet engines and put wings on it to save fuel during ascet. And probably put ISRU on it if you are going to land it.
  7. I was thinking that the diffrent quests in the storyline would be in the form of contracts. So, there would be special contracts which would lead to various follow-up contracts and the storyline would advance by completeting them. There could also be reputations for diffrent groups so you could have a very good reputation with Kerbodyne but a horrible rep with the general public, which influences what kind of character your space program is and what story-driven contracs you get.
  8. Get a free Homman TransferTM piece of paper with your copy of KSP!
  9. I also think some people are using FRAPS which is a recording software that also can show FPS
  10. I was talking about the core RO mod: the RSS, life support, and the other spacy things are recommanded, but not strict dependencies. See mod thread here:
  11. Wait, instead of making this like Realism Overhaul, how about we literally use realism overhaul?
  12. Thanks! The thing is I want the models to work out of the box so it will just be there when I put the mod folder in the GameData folder with KK. I suspect the easiest way to do this is by reverse engineering mods that already do this but licensing *may* be an issue. I don't think the size will be an issue as the shape will be geometrically simple.
  13. Is there any useful guide to creating my own models as a seperate KK mod?
  14. So, I imagine this will be like Realism Overhaul but less space and more combat?
  15. How about using LunaMultiPlayer instead of DMP? Its basically an improved version of DMP- it atarted out as a form of one.
  16. I was having an idea for a mod in mind which involves creating a new building, and a massive one at that(couple hundred kilometers radius). But I have no idea how to add new buildings into the game, and I couldn't find any resources related to the subject on-line. Help?
  17. In normal KSP, whenever somebody makes a save file with vessels that require a mod in it, they go *poof*. What if a small placeholder part, the size of the not-rocketmax cubic node thingy acted as a placeholder part instead being unable to load the vessels in the editor of in the world. This would greatly save annoyance in cases where you load up someone else's ship on your stock save but you don't have KOS/Mechjeb/Burn Together so you can't load in ships thanks to that one tiny modded part.
  18. Meh. I just launch my planes from/the launchpad. That way I don't have to upgrade my SPH or the runway.
  19. I was playing career mode a while back and I was doing one of those observation contracts early-game. So, I built a rather big airplane that some stupid designer decided to put only 2 junos on. I also wanted to carry an engineer so I could repack the parachutes along with my pilot, and put Bob in a mk1 cabin at the tail. I desperatly tried to pull up(remember: only 2 junos) and the tail cockpit hit thee runway, taking out Bob with it. I reverted. Bob remained dead.
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