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Everything posted by Eldrad_Ulthran

  1. Same! I really want to setup a scene with heaps of trucks around a stearwing
  2. Why did I get the store version WHY!!!!!!!....(Exempt that steam does not work in outback Australia)
  3. You mean that the dock is empty? Made a new one of 80 pieces and 23 kerbals: PS. Is this right?
  4. The solar panels are the dock (left half has lower part count) does that count or do I make new ship?
  5. Just found this mod (yay!) and building new escape module for my station so that the escape shuttle can be removed. Will return images.
  6. Made her. I think she has 45 parts but not sure(made in two parts and forgot to write down amounts). Holds twenty-two kerbals. Left side slightly smaller craft in solar panel hanger but mechjeb used all the fuel. Tasty with fish and chips.
  7. does the challenge time limit mean from when the payer agrees or kerbal time in the game? p.s. I live in Australia so if I get around to it it will come on my friday(still so sick I can't get out of bed for my ipad so sent from my kindle).
  8. Expect a prison city from me at LKE next Friday if ready. (I have a busy life and a cold at the moment.)
  9. I meant that I wanted to not have jeb on it while testing but if not then he might crash.
  10. Thank goodness! I just hate to see jeb crash in the kestrel (my WIP) thanks to an unexpected spin!
  11. does the probe update stop me from test flying planes(with probe cores connected?
  12. Can this work in KSP 1.1.3? Please! Please! Please! PLEASE!
  13. I am making a long-distance atmospheric exploration plane aka: The Kestrel. KerbalX with pics: https://kerbalx.com/owenmaley/Kestrel-shining-star Please give me lots of (constructive) criticism.
  14. I am opposed to destruction of Kerbals in every way. I enjoy decommission of unmanned or evacuated ships the destructive way but I hate killing those joyous little green Men. That is why most of my first flights are unmanned. I am not telling you how to play your game, but I cried when Jeb hit Laythe at 600m/s. Thank you, Owen Maley
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