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Everything posted by Barzon

  1. Stupid question, but will Dragon 2 use the SuperDracos for on orbit propulsion?
  2. Thank you, I will try it as soon as possible.
  3. I would like to use a graphics mod, as the stock atmospheres are terrible. However, I have a potato laptop, and do not know of any graphics mods that I can use on said laptop. Would anyone be able to find/reccomend a mod for me?
  4. Huh, you have an Xbox. What games do you play? Also, I absolutely love the cat in your profile pic!
  5. Oh, well, thats OK, better to take longer and get better quality, than to rush it, and have it not very good.
  6. Sorry to ask, but when can we expecte the new revamp for this @sumghai?
  7. Excuse me, but will you update your mods soon, as I really like your textures, but the mods are for 1.2.2?

  8. @Geonovast I, similarly to you, get very stressed when in small crowds, but if you do ever visit the UK, when I went to the National Space Centre, it wasn't very crowded, except at the Sir Patrick Moore Planetarium. The National Space Centre also has a Blue Streak and Thor Able. It also was home to the control centre for the failed Beagle 2 mars lander.
  9. The uni my sister attends, has a team of English and French scientists that analyse Curisosity's findings. https://www2.le.ac.uk/offices/press/media-centre/online-features/2013/leicester2019s-part-in-mission-to-mars Not technically space history, but it's history in the making.
  10. Um, just did a launch for the start of my DSG, when I saw that the Ghidorah 9 second stage engine has no exhaust. I have realplume installed. Rodan also doesn't have a plume.
  11. About to try out your new BFR as a celebration of the end of my KSP hiatus! Its amazing! Beautiful textures!
  12. Me and my friend love Portal 1 & 2, although he is much more obsessive over it than me. Also, I started my GCSEs this month! EDIT: And congratulation @LordFerret on your marriage!
  13. Not related to the current discussion, but what do you people think of this video by @marcushouse ? I think its very good.
  14. I use a lot of SRBs, but I have never used the orbital kickstages, for the same reasons as @StarStreak2109 .
  15. @CobaltWolf because he has created my favourite mod ever!
  16. Hello. I have recently lost my only computer capable of running 64bit Windows. Because of this, I can only use 32bit computers. I know I can count on this community to help people, so I decided to ask: How can I get 32bit KSP with Steam? Thank-you everyone!
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