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Everything posted by Barzon

  1. Found this article and it reminded me of a conversation a few pages ago:http://spacenews.com/safety-panel-considers-spacex-load-and-go-fueling-approach-viable/
  2. Ah, OK, I have been thinking about this for a while and this has certainly helped.
  3. Thanks @Ultimate Steve. I was thinking about the planned ISS centrifuge module, and if something like that would be incorporated into the BFR.
  4. How big is BFR compared to the ISS modules? Diameter wise?
  5. Can you ask if BFR will have a centrifuge? (because surely if you are going to Mars you will need a centrifuge or something)
  6. Ah-ha! Finished upgrading my Munar Station with a docking hub and a lab!
  7. Um, I can change my entry right? Because I have added 2 new modules - a lab and a docking hub.
  8. Hey @damonvvIs everything OK, because this was posted about a month ago, and some time ago you said you were waiting on the configs. And I was wondering if something happened in RL that delayed TT?
  9.  I need to get this book!

  10. Hey @mcdouble can you make this work without RSS/RO?
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