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Everything posted by cy4n

  1. You could call it "Eternal Black: Putting the Dark in Dark Days."
  2. Nice tech tree! Do you think you could possibly add funny descriptions to some of the tech nodes?
  3. I saw the original mod when it came out, so glad this is back!
  4. Chapter 2 has been re-written to compensate for lack of effort! Chapter 8 is coming soon, I'm just testing out some designs for the Endeavour 5 & 6. Should be available Saturday.
  5. The Muna 1! A lander powerful enough to 'hop' across several biomes! Currently only available for small, non-atmospheric muns. It uses a highly complex procedure known as 'decoupling' to eject the un-necessary weight of the science module on liftoff, providing a major advantage over many landers. And, though it may not look like it, it is 100% re-entry safe, and contains a basic probe core to assist piloting. Fig 1: Upon landing, the scientist goes out to collect data. They then store the data in the command module. Fig 2: Once the sciencing is finished, they detach the science module. Fig 3: Then, the Muna takes off. The biome-hopping still isn't perfected, so future versions (Muna 2 probably) All designs in this forum post kopyright by Wernher Von Kerman, Head of Research, Kerbal Aerospace Organisation.
  6. STOCK PLUS! For 1.1.2 Featuring logic, stockalike parts, and a ████ ton of graphics mods. GRAPHICS MODS: GAME MECHANICS: UTILITY: PARTS:
  7. CHAPTER 7 DAY 101 "It's an honour to be part of Kerbin's First Polar Expedition," said Lorick. "And plus, I get to go to space!" And with those words, the Project: Icecaps launched into the sky. "Just try not to eat too much once you're there," said Gene. "There won't be enough food if you don't ration it properly." "Wait, what?" asked Lorick. "It's going to take a while for the recovery truck to arrive." "Hey! I didn't sign up for this!" exclaimed Lorick. "Not now! You need to detach the first stage!" said Gene. As the engine activated, the boosters spiralled away beneath the rapidly moving Project: Icecaps. "We've reached space!" said Lorick. "Excellent!" said Gene. "Now burn at an angle of 67˚." "You know," said Lorick. "This rocket already has enough Δv to reach orbit. Why are we flying all over the planet instead of achieving one of our most important goals?" "Be quiet!" said Gene. "And stop ruining the roleplay. It's only exciting if we have an epic quest to orbit. Oh yes, and you probably should be re-entering now." "Krap," said Lorick. The Project: Icecaps streaked through Kerbin's atmosphere like a comet, layers of ablator scorching away behind it. "Woah!" said Gene. "Just look at that sun!" "Yeah, it looks really- AUGGGGGGGGHHHHHH! MY EYES!" cried Lorick. When the Project: Icecaps had reached 1000 metres, the heatshield was ejected and the parachute deployed. The sun was just setting in the Arctic, lending a beautiful red glow to the spacecraft. "For Science!" shouted Lorick as he planted a flag. "Just try not to lick it!" said Gene. "It's very painful." END OF CHAPTER 7
  8. Could you possibly add my story, (The Kerbal Frontier) to the Humour section?
  9. CHAPTER 6 DAY 91 "So, by 'certain' did you mean COMPLETELY UNCERTAIN?" asked Val. "Hey!" said Jeb indignantly. "I thought it was reasonable that we'd get to orbit!" "Yeah, and we could all fly to the Mun on magical rocket unikorns." "There's still a lot of research 'till we get to orbit, so I figured we should milk Project: Biome for all the science it's got." said Linus. "Oh yes, that reminds me. The last Biome launch is today." "Who's flying it?" asked Jeb. "Oh, some noob named Lorick Kerman," said Val. "He always wanted to be an astronaut when he grew up." "I can't believe this is happening!" effused Lorick from the Project: Oceans. "It's a dream come true!" "Well, not yet." said Gene. "You still have to fly it properly." "Don't worry!" replied Lorick. "I went to Space Kamp!" "Oh phew," sighed Gene sarcastically. "And here I was worried about your experience." "WHOOSH!" The Project: Oceans blasted off from the launch pad, carrying Lorick with it. As the Project: Oceans sped into the sky, the first stage burned out. "Woo!" said Lorick. "I get to separate stages now!" "Commence activation of biome-centric locationary manoeuvre." said Linus. "He means turn right," said Jeb. As the Project: Oceans arced through the upper atmosphere, the narrator decided to stop showing off the lens flare, and instead opt for a more cinematic look. "You know, I like Lorick," said Jeb, far down below. "He'll make a good addition to our team." "Yeah, I-" went Val as she was cut off by the radio. "This is Lorick." crackled the Project: Oceans. "We've reached the upper atmosphere. Jettisoning stage two." "Excellent!" said Gene. "Just activate the parachute when you're over the right spot." "Ahh!" shouted Lorick. "It's getting a bit bumpy! "Yeah, re-entry will do that to you," said Gene. "I'm below 4000k!" said Lorick. "Deploying parachute!" The Project: Oceans landed with a splash, quickly sciencing the Ocean biome. "Great job!" said Linus after the mission was over. "This is enough science for the next mission!" "Umm, I thought you said we weren't doing any more Project: Biome missions," said Jeb. "Yup!" said Linus. "Some Project: Triome missions though!" "GAHHH!" shouted the KAO staff. "Here, look, I have a chart," said Linus. END OF CHAPTER 6
  10. CHAPTER 5 DAY 81 As the Sun set beautifully over Kerbin, a faint wailing could be heard from somewhere around the middle. It grew louder and louder, until... "Oh, quit your whining, Mortimer," said Gene. "The new launch pad was an essential step to getting to space." "But my Funds!" sobbed Mortimer. "My poor, poor Funds!" "OK," said Jeb. "Are we go for launch?" "Yup!" replied Gene. "Just let me do a countd-" "FOOSH!" went the Endeavour 4 as it blasted off, the engine casting a yellow glow around the scene as the camerakerb posed at the perfect angle to show off the brand new sunflare. "Oh, by the way," asked Jeb. "Did we bring enough oxygen this time?" "Yeah!" replied Gene, "Because this time, the dumb narrator actually remembered to install Community Resource Pack like he was supposed to." "What's a narrator?" asked Jeb. "Oh, nothing. Technical term. Now, quick! Activate stage 2!" The Stage 2 engine ignited, burning its fuel at a highly efficient rate and blasting a trail of fire behind the Endeavour 4. "This stage should keep going all the way into space!" said Gene. "It's not recoverable though." "WHAT THE-" screamed Mortimer in rage. "Okay!" interrupted Gene. "You've entered the upper atmosphere! It's safe to throttle up now!" "Already on it!" said Jeb. "Val was right! You can see half of Kerbin from this high up!" The engine cut off abruptly as it ran out of fuel, leaving the atmosphere behind. "WOO!" shouted the KAO staff. "WE DID IT!" "Yup," said Jeb. "Now we can actually call ourselves a space program! Ooh, it's a bit dark in space." "Oh, whatever," said Gene. "We can Photoshop it later." "Quickly!" said Wernher. "DO ALL THE SCIENCE!" "Thanks! We almost forgot to," said Gene. "By the way, where have you been for the last few chapters?" "Doing SCIENCE!!!" replied Wernher. "Oh," said Gene. "I should have guessed." As it reached its apoapsis of 110 kilometres, the Endeavour 4 plummeted back into the atmosphere. "Quickly!" crackled Gene's voice over the radio. "Detach the second stage!" As Stage 2 spiralled away, the Endeavour 4 was beginning to heat up. KABOOM! "AUGGGH!!" shouted Jeb. "WHAT WAS THAT?" "Don't worry," said Gene. "It was just stage 2." "NOOOOOO!" moaned Mortimer in despair. As the Endeavour 4 entered the lower atmosphere, a long parachute opened up behind it. After the Endeavour 4 drifted softly to the ground, it was quickly picked up by a recovery vehicle. "Wow!" said Linus. "These results are amazing! They show that if you went fast enough sideways, you'd be able to stay in space infinitely!" "And 65 science too!" said Wernher, an expression of pure bliss spread across his features. "What should we spend it on?" asked Jeb. "How about bigger rockets?" suggested Linus. "No, more science experiments!" said Wernher. "Well, one thing's for certain," said Jeb. "We're going to orbit tonight." END OF CHAPTER 5
  11. Thanks for the quick answer! For more clarification: My settings file is set to 2560p, but my game only gives me 1280p.
  12. QUESTION: KSP loading wrong resolution SYSTEM SPECS: Mac OS X v10.10.5 KSP 64bit v1.1.2 Steam EXPLANATION: When I adjust the 'Screen Resolution' setting, KSP scales everything down but does not make it higher res. How can I get KSP to load in a higher resolution? SCREENSHOT: As you can see if you zoom in, the image is a 2560px screenshot of a 1280px game. KSP SETTINGS FILE: // KSP Game Settings SETTINGS_FILE_VERSION = 1.1.0 TUTORIALS_EDITOR_ENABLE = False TUTORIALS_FLIGHT_ENABLE = False VAB_USE_CLICK_PLACE = True VAB_USE_ANGLE_SNAP = True VAB_ANGLE_SNAP_INCLUDE_VERTICAL = False VAB_FINE_OFFSET_THRESHOLD = 0.2 VAB_CAMERA_ORBIT_SENS = 0.04 VAB_CAMERA_ZOOM_SENS = 0.1 FLT_CAMERA_ORBIT_SENS = 0.04 FLT_CAMERA_ZOOM_SENS = 0.5 FLT_CAMERA_WOBBLE = 0.1 FLT_CAMERA_CHASE_SHARPNESS = 1.5 FLT_CAMERA_CHASE_USEVELOCITYVECTOR = True FLT_VESSEL_LABELS = True SPACENAV_CAMERA_SENS_ROT = 30 SPACENAV_CAMERA_SENS_LIN = 20 SPACENAV_CAMERA_SHARPNESS_LIN = 8 SPACENAV_CAMERA_SHARPNESS_ROT = 10 CAMERA_DOUBLECLICK_MOUSELOOK = False DOUBLECLICK_MOUSESPEED = 0.2 IVA_RETAIN_CONTROL_POINT = False CAMERA_FX_EXTERNAL = 1 CAMERA_FX_INTERNAL = 1 SIMULATE_IN_BACKGROUND = True PHYSICS_FRAME_DT_LIMIT = 0.04 MAX_VESSELS_BUDGET = 250 DECLUTTER_KSC = True CONIC_PATCH_DRAW_MODE = 3 CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT = 3 ORBIT_FADE_STRENGTH = 1 ORBIT_FADE_DIRECTION_INV = False ORBIT_WARP_DOWN_AT_SOI = True SHOW_PWARP_WARNING = True EVA_ROTATE_ON_MOVE = True SPACENAV_FLIGHT_SENS_ROT = 5 SPACENAV_FLIGHT_SENS_LIN = 1 KERBIN_TIME = True SHOW_VERSION_WATERMARK = False CALL_HOME_PROMPT = False DONT_SEND_IP = True SEND_PROGRESS_DATA = True CHECK_FOR_UPDATES = True VERBOSE_DEBUG_LOG = False SHOW_CONSOLE_ON_ERROR = False AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL = 300 AUTOSAVE_SHORT_INTERVAL = 30 SAVE_BACKUPS = 5 SHOW_SPACE_CENTER_CREW = True WHEEL_CLIP_OFFSET = 0 WHEEL_CLIP_RANGE = 1 WHEEL_CLIP_MULTIPLIER = 1.05 WHEEL_SUBSTEPS_ACTIVE = 8 WHEEL_SUBSTEPS_INACTIVE = 4 UI_SCALE = 1 UI_OPACITY = 0.5 UIELEMENTSCALINGENABLED = True UI_SCALE_TIME = 1 UI_SCALE_ALTIMETER = 1 UI_SCALE_MAPOPTIONS = 1 UI_SCALE_APPS = 1 UI_SCALE_STAGINGSTACK = 1 UI_SCALE_MODE = 1 UI_SCALE_NAVBALL = 1 UI_SCALE_CREW = 1 UI_POS_NAVBALL = 0 TEMPERATURE_GAUGES_MODE = 3 MASTER_VOLUME = 0.5 SHIP_VOLUME = 0.5 AMBIENCE_VOLUME = 0.5 MUSIC_VOLUME = 0.35 UI_VOLUME = 0.5 VOICE_VOLUME = 0.5 SOUND_NORMALIZER_ENABLED = True SOUND_NORMALIZER_THRESHOLD = 1 SOUND_NORMALIZER_RESPONSIVENESS = 16 SOUND_NORMALIZER_SKIPSAMPLES = 0 SCREEN_RESOLUTION_WIDTH = 2560 SCREEN_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT = 1600 FULLSCREEN = True QUALITY_PRESET = 5 ANTI_ALIASING = 2 TEXTURE_QUALITY = 0 SYNC_VBL = 1 LIGHT_QUALITY = 8 SHADOWS_QUALITY = 4 FRAMERATE_LIMIT = 120 PLANET_SCATTER = False PLANET_SCATTER_FACTOR = 0.5 WATERLEVEL_BASE_OFFSET = 1.5 WATERLEVEL_MAXLEVEL_MULT = 0.1 UNSUPPORTED_LEGACY_SHADER_TERRAIN = False AERO_FX_QUALITY = 3 SURFACE_FX = True INFLIGHT_HIGHLIGHT = True FALLBACK_UNDERWATER_MODE = 1 EDGE_HIGHLIGHTING_PPFX = True SCREENSHOT_SUPERSIZE = 1 ALLOW_NEGATIVE_FUNDS = False ALLOW_NEGATIVE_SCIENCE = False SHOW_DEADLINES_AS_DATES = False DEFAULT_KERBAL_RESPAWN_TIMER = 7200 INPUT_KEYBOARD_SENSIVITITY = 2 dontShowLauncher = False TRACKIR_ENABLED = False FEMALE_EYE_OFFSET_X = 0 FEMALE_EYE_OFFSET_Y = 0.009083331 FEMALE_EYE_OFFSET_Z = 0.03378779 FEMALE_EYE_OFFSET_SCALE = 2.03 FI_LOG_TEMP_ERROR = False FI_LOG_OVERTEMP = False LOG_INSTANT_FLUSH = False CAN_ALWAYS_QUICKSAVE = False INPUT_DEVICES { } PITCH_DOWN { primary = W secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = 5 modeMaskSec = -1 } PITCH_UP { primary = S secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = 5 modeMaskSec = -1 } YAW_LEFT { primary = A secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = 5 modeMaskSec = -1 } YAW_RIGHT { primary = D secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = 5 modeMaskSec = -1 } ROLL_LEFT { primary = Q secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } ROLL_RIGHT { primary = E secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } THROTTLE_UP { primary = LeftShift secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = 1 modeMaskSec = -1 } THROTTLE_DOWN { primary = LeftControl secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = 1 modeMaskSec = -1 } SAS_HOLD { primary = F secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } SAS_TOGGLE { primary = T secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } LAUNCH_STAGES { primary = Space secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = 1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Docking_toggleRotLin { primary = Space secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = 6 modeMaskSec = -1 } CAMERA_MODE { primary = C secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CAMERA_NEXT { primary = V secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } PAUSE { primary = Escape secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } PRECISION_CTRL { primary = CapsLock secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } ZOOM_IN { primary = KeypadPlus secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } ZOOM_OUT { primary = KeypadMinus secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } SCROLL_VIEW_UP { primary = PageUp secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } SCROLL_VIEW_DOWN { primary = PageDown secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } SCROLL_ICONS_UP { primary = Home secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } SCROLL_ICONS_DOWN { primary = End secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CAMERA_ORBIT_UP { primary = UpArrow secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CAMERA_ORBIT_DOWN { primary = DownArrow secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CAMERA_ORBIT_LEFT { primary = LeftArrow secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CAMERA_ORBIT_RIGHT { primary = RightArrow secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CAMERA_RESET { primary = Backspace secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CAMERA_MOUSE_TOGGLE { primary = Backslash secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } TIME_WARP_INCREASE { primary = Period secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } TIME_WARP_DECREASE { primary = Comma secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } TIME_WARP_STOP { primary = Slash secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } MAP_VIEW_TOGGLE { primary = M secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } NAVBALL_TOGGLE { primary = KeypadPeriod secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } UIMODE_STAGING { primary = Insert secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } UIMODE_DOCKING { primary = Delete secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } TRANSLATE_DOWN { primary = I secondary = W group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = 2 } TRANSLATE_UP { primary = K secondary = S group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = 2 } TRANSLATE_LEFT { primary = J secondary = A group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = 2 } TRANSLATE_RIGHT { primary = L secondary = D group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = 2 } TRANSLATE_FWD { primary = H secondary = LeftShift group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = 6 } TRANSLATE_BACK { primary = N secondary = LeftControl group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = 6 } RCS_TOGGLE { primary = R secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } FOCUS_NEXT_VESSEL { primary = RightBracket secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } FOCUS_PREV_VESSEL { primary = LeftBracket secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } TOGGLE_UI { primary = F2 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } TOGGLE_STATUS_SCREEN { primary = F3 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } TAKE_SCREENSHOT { primary = F1 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } TOGGLE_LABELS { primary = F4 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } TOGGLE_TEMP_GAUGES { primary = F10 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } TOGGLE_TEMP_OVERLAY { primary = F11 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } TOGGLE_FLIGHT_FORCES { primary = F12 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } QUICKSAVE { primary = F5 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } QUICKLOAD { primary = F9 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } THROTTLE_CUTOFF { primary = X secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } THROTTLE_FULL { primary = Z secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } LANDING_GEAR { primary = G secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } HEADLIGHT_TOGGLE { primary = U secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } BRAKES { primary = B secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } TOGGLE_SPACENAV_FLIGHT_CONTROL { primary = ScrollLock secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } TOGGLE_SPACENAV_ROLL_LOCK { primary = None secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } WHEEL_STEER_LEFT { primary = A secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = 5 modeMaskSec = -1 } WHEEL_STEER_RIGHT { primary = D secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = 5 modeMaskSec = -1 } WHEEL_THROTTLE_DOWN { primary = S secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = 5 modeMaskSec = -1 } WHEEL_THROTTLE_UP { primary = W secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = 5 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_forward { primary = W secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_back { primary = S secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_left { primary = A secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_right { primary = D secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_yaw_left { primary = Q secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_yaw_right { primary = E secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_Pack_forward { primary = W secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_Pack_back { primary = S secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_Pack_left { primary = A secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_Pack_right { primary = D secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_Pack_up { primary = LeftShift secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_Pack_down { primary = LeftControl secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_Jump { primary = Space secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_Run { primary = LeftShift secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_ToggleMovementMode { primary = LeftAlt secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_TogglePack { primary = R secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_Use { primary = F secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_Board { primary = B secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_Orient { primary = Space secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } EVA_Lights { primary = L secondary = None group = 268435456 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_pitchUp { primary = S secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_pitchDown { primary = W secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_yawLeft { primary = A secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_yawRight { primary = D secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_rollLeft { primary = Q secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_rollRight { primary = E secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_resetRotation { primary = Space secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_modePlace { primary = Alpha1 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_modeOffset { primary = Alpha2 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_modeRotate { primary = Alpha3 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_modeRoot { primary = Alpha4 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_coordSystem { primary = F secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_toggleSymMethod { primary = R secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_toggleSymMode { primary = X secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_toggleAngleSnap { primary = C secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_fineTweak { primary = LeftShift secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } Editor_partSearch { primary = BackQuote secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } AXIS_PITCH { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } AXIS_ROLL { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } AXIS_YAW { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } AXIS_THROTTLE { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } AXIS_THROTTLE_INC { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } AXIS_CAMERA_HDG { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } AXIS_CAMERA_PITCH { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } AXIS_TRANSLATE_X { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } AXIS_TRANSLATE_Y { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } AXIS_TRANSLATE_Z { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } AXIS_WHEEL_STEER { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } AXIS_WHEEL_THROTTLE { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } axis_EVA_translate_x { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } axis_EVA_translate_y { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } axis_EVA_translate_z { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } axis_EVA_pitch { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } axis_EVA_yaw { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } axis_EVA_roll { PRIMARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL { PRIMARY { name = Mouse ScrollWheel axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } MODIFIER_KEY { primary = LeftAlt secondary = RightAlt group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } AbortActionGroup { primary = Backspace secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CustomActionGroup1 { primary = Alpha1 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CustomActionGroup2 { primary = Alpha2 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CustomActionGroup3 { primary = Alpha3 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CustomActionGroup4 { primary = Alpha4 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CustomActionGroup5 { primary = Alpha5 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CustomActionGroup6 { primary = Alpha6 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CustomActionGroup7 { primary = Alpha7 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CustomActionGroup8 { primary = Alpha8 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CustomActionGroup9 { primary = Alpha9 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CustomActionGroup10 { primary = Alpha0 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } TRACKIR { } TERRAIN { preset = Default version = 1.1.2 PRESET { name = Low PLANET { name = Kerbin minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = KerbinOcean minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Mun minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Minmus minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 5 } PLANET { name = Bop minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 5 } PLANET { name = Duna minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Eve minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = EveOcean minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Gilly minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 5 } PLANET { name = Ike minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Laythe minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = LaytheOcean minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Moho minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Tylo minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Vall minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Dres minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Pol minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Eeloo minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } } PRESET { name = Default PLANET { name = Kerbin minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = KerbinOcean minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Mun minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Minmus minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Bop minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Duna minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Eve minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = EveOcean minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Gilly minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Ike minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Laythe minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = LaytheOcean minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Moho minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Tylo minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Vall minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Dres minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Pol minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Eeloo minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } } PRESET { name = High PLANET { name = Kerbin minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 10 } PLANET { name = KerbinOcean minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Mun minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = Minmus minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Bop minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Duna minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = Eve minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 10 } PLANET { name = EveOcean minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Gilly minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Ike minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Laythe minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 10 } PLANET { name = LaytheOcean minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Moho minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = Tylo minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = Vall minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = Dres minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = Pol minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = Eeloo minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } } }
  13. CHAPTER 4 DAY 51 "Waah!" wailed Bill Kerman, the engineer at the KAO. "Both Val and Jeb got to fly a rocket twice! Why can't I go?" "Oh, be quiet." said Bob. "The Endeavour 3 is about to launch." "The Endeavour 3?" asked Val from the radio. "What was the second?" "Oh, they decided to merge the Tester program with the Endeavour program." said Bob. "It's no big deal." "Aaand... Liftoff!" said Gene. As the first stage ignited, the Endeavour 3 blasted off from the pad, leaving a trail of smoke and flame behind it. "We've reached 10 kilometers !" said Val from the radio. "The first stage is spent!" The boosters dropped away dramatically to the side as their parachutes blossomed open, quickly returning the spent stages to the ground intact. "YES!" shouted Mortimer. "It worked! Those boosters were completely re-usable!" As Mortimer danced around the KSC for the second time in as many days, the speed of the Endeavour 3 dropped to below 200m/s. Val quickly punched the 'Next Stage' button... Quickly, the LFO second stage ignited, sending the Endeavour 3 well into the upper atmosphere. "Wow!" said Val. "I can see Kerbin curving away beneath me! It's beautiful!" "Oooh!" said Wernher. "A scientific opportunity! QUICK RESEARCH EVERYTHING!" "Fuel depleted!" said Val. "Decoupling command pod! Apoapsis 47 kilometers!" "Warning," came a robotic voice from the command pod. "Oxygen scrubbers inoperable. Atmosphere 50% co2." "What do we do?" said Gene. "Bring more oxygen?" suggested Jeb. "NOT HELPFUL!" shouted everyone at the KAO. "I'm feeling a bit drowsy," said Valentina. "I'll just..... Zzzz." "OH NO!" cried Gene. "She's blacked out! Quick! Engage autopilot!" "What autopilot?" asked Wernher. The Endeavour 3, having reached its apoapsis, plunged downwards towards Kerbin, heating up as it went. "Phew!" sighed Gene as the Endeavour 3 reverted to a stable position. "I was worried the parachutes would burn off! Wait..." "ACTIVATE THE PARACHUTES!!!!" screamed Gene. "COME IN VAL! COME IN VAL!!!" "Oxygen intakes opened," said the flight computer. "Atmosphere re-stabilising." "Wha?" said Val drowsily. "What happened?" "You've got to activate the parachutes!" said Gene. "The ship will crash if you don't!" "Parachutes," mumbled Val. "Got to... parachutes." Val fumbled her way to the right button, pressed it, and promptly blacked out again. "HOORAY!" Cheers erupted all around the KAO as a small parachute on top of the Endeavour 3 opened, carrying it to the ground. "Quick!" said Gene. "Send out a recovery truck!" "Already on it!" replied Jeb. As the parachute opened, Jeb and the recovery truck arrived, speeding Val back to the KAO. "So," asked Jeb. "What was it like? Going higher than any kerbal before you, I mean." "It was amazing!" said Val. "Except for the part where I ran out of oxygen. You could see the whole world from up there! "And we got 44 more science!" said Wernher. "Enough to send you to space, Jeb." "Plus another research grant!" said Mortimer. "As if we needed them." END OF CHAPTER 4
  14. Just had to post this amazing image from Chapter 4:
  15. Notice: This chapter and following ones will be using a ton of graphics mods.. Consult this mod list to murder your computer acquire the same effect. CHAPTER 3 DAY 21 "So," said Gene. "What exactly is this?" The KAO staff were poring over a blueprint designed by Linus, an aspiring intern. "A rocket!" said Jeb obliviously. "WE KNOW THAT!" shouted everyone else in the building. "It's what it's supposed to do that puzzles me." said Gene. "It's Project Biome!" said Linus. "A way to squeeze Kerbin of all its Science before heading to other planets!" "And," said Linus, pausing dramatically. "It's totally recoverable!" Soon, (with Mortimer's influence) the first iteration was assembled. "So," asked Jeb. "What's this mission called?" "Project Unome!" said Linus. "UNOME?" groaned everyone else at the KAO. "I like the name!" said Jeb. "It's so stupid, it's actually cool!" "That's the spirit!" exclaimed Linus. Jeb ascended the ladder and climbed into the command module. "Ready to launch!" "10!" said Gene. "9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! LAUNCH!" FOOSH! The primary SRB blasted the Project: Grasslands high up into the air. As it decoupled, drag chutes deployed, and the entire 1st stage floated gently to the ground. "Activate biome-locationary manoeuvre!" said Linus. "Roger," said Jeb. "Turning left." "No!" said Linus. "I said-" "That is what you said," said Jeb. "OK," said Gene. "You're over the landing zone. Deploy parachute!" "I'll get some good practice for Duna!" said Jeb. "Jeb!" said Gene. "Kerballed Duna missions are only theoretical! With a "WHUMPH!" the Project: Grasslands landed in... Wait for it... The Grasslands! (Well where did you think it was?) "Get out of the capsule and try to look cinematic." said Gene. "Right away boss!" said Jeb enthusiastically. After Jeb was done posing, a recovery team quickly sent out a truck to recover Jeb. "There's one thing that's been bothering me," said Jeb. "Why didn't we just use the recovery truck instead of a rocket?" "Because..." stammered Linus. "Because..." "Because SCIENCE!" shouted Wernher. "Yes," said Linus. "Thanks for that." "31 points of it to be exact!" said Wernher. "Whoa!" said Linus in awe. "What are we going to do with all THAT?" "Well," said Mortimer. "There were some nice new radial parachutes... And heatshields of course..." "NO WAY!" exclaimed Wernher. "That's half of it already!" As Mortimer and Wernher argued over technologies, the sun set over Kerbin. The upper atmosphere would have to wait for tomorrow... END OF CHAPTER 3
  16. Oh, that explains it. GEMFX only works on PCs. Any alternatives I could use? EDIT: Scatterer also appears to include DirectX11 shaders which don't work on my Mac.
  17. I don't seem to be getting the shaders, only the waves and atmosphere coloring. Do the other effects only work on PC? As it's supposed to look somewhat like this: but I'm only getting this: It's still amazing, just a lot less amazing than it's supposed to be. I would really appreciate a prompt reply / solution to this.
  18. EDIT: Returned to usual schedule. (Whenever I feel like it)
  19. When will this be available for 64bit? (Or OpenGL for that matter.) This looks like a must-have mod, and I would be very happy if I could actually use it.
  20. Good idea, I'll check that out. Mortimer should be very happy.
  21. NOTE: This chapter is using DMagic Orbital Science parts, a mod which I have decided to remove. Please erase the magnetometer booms from your memory to prevent continuity errors. Thank you. CHAPTER 2 DAY 11 The Tester 1 stood on the launchpad. Designed by Mortimer Kerman, the head of financing, it was the most advanced, most powerful rocket ever built. It also carried more snacks. This time, the brave Valentina Kerman, the other pilot at the KAO, had been chosen to fly the mission. "With advanced 'Recovery' technology," said Mortimer, "The stages shall be brought back to Kerbin, where they shall be used again!" "10!" said Gene. "9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! LAUNCH!" As the Tester 1 blasted off, the advanced onboard sensors started to pick up data. "OK," said Val. "We have a reading of two coming from the barometer." "Two whats?" asked Wernher. "Two mits of data? Two science? Two pascals?" "It just says two. Maybe it's broken or something." As the staff of the KAO were puzzling over the barometer readings, stage one cut out. "Jettison the first stage," came Gene's voice over the radio. "We will activate the parachutes remotely. "First stage jettisoned!" said Val. "Speed below 200 m/s. Activating stage two." "FOOM!" went the second stage as the Swivel engine fired, blasting the Tester 1 high into the sky. "We set a new altitude record!" went Gene. "Take another pressure reading!" said Wernher. Quickly, the second stage ran out of fuel also, peaking at 11,000 metres. "OK," said Gene. "You're below 5km. Jettison stage two." With a CLANK,the decoupler jettisoned the second stage away from the command pod to be recovered. The parachute deployed, and Val landed on the shores not far from the KSC. The first launch of the Tester program was a success! The aforementioned K.W-F.R-K.S. granted 38k more to the KAO. "My cheaty parachute-girder design worked!" said Mortimer. "31 Science!" said Wernher. "With this, we'll be able to get to the upper atmosphere!" "But first," said Linus dramatically. "I think I have a way to get more Science." END OF CHAPTER 2
  22. A (lightly modded) humorous mission report, detailing the (mis)adventures of the Kerbal Aerospace Organisation. This thread will be updated once or twice every week! Unless I forget about it. Or go on vacation. Or disappear off the face of the Earth. Otherwise, look forward to regular new chapters! MODLIST The KAO Flag: Full flag album here. Table of Contents: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 CHAPTER 1 "Finally!" said Gene Kerman, the new launch director at the Kerbal Aerospace Organisation. "We got enough Funds to build a rocket! "And it wasn't easy." said Mortimer, the... umm... 'financing guy'? "Now, we proudly present: The Endeavo- WHAT DID YOU BUILD!?" "An efficient rocket?" said Linus Kerman, the intern of famed scientist Wernher Von Kerman, who was away at a conference. Linus' reputation was not off to a good start. "Can we launch yet?" said Jeb, interrupting their argument about rocket æsthetics. Jeb was one of the best pilots at the KAO. He was also one of the only pilots at the KAO. "Yes, Jeb," said Gene. "Just let me do a countdown." "10!" said Gene. "9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4!" "Can we launch now?" asked Jeb. "AUGHH!" said Gene. The twin SRBs blasted the Endeavour into the sky, just skimming the clouds before beginning to plummet. "Jeb!" said Gene. "What?" said Jeb. "Stop spinning the capsule!" "But it's for science!" A launch team quickly recovered the capsule, which had landed next to the Runway. "23 Science!" said Linus. "This is enough to build another rocket! "Wait... we MADE money?" said Mortimer. "The grants from the K.W-F.R-K.S. (my, such a long acronym!) were worth 57k! If we keep going like this we'd never need to do any contracts!" As Mortimer was dancing around the Administration Building, Jeb realised something. "Don't we have to launch more than one rocket?" "Hey!" said Wernher Von Kerman, freshly back from his lecture on "blowing things up". He was the professor. "What's all the commotio- 23 SCIENCE! YESS!" END OF CHAPTER 1
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