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Everything posted by Astronomer

  1. Happy new year! My 2021 wish is to get a pet and a vaccine.
  2. Frankly gaming being escapism is only your opinion.
  3. I am Astronomer, and this is my favorite mod on the citadel. I see this mentioned above and I also have an issue with the Soundtrack Editor Forked. It's not an issue, but wish we could change the settings in a text file or an app menu as opposed to the difficulty menu. This is just me - I like seeing "Hard" under difficulty instead of "Custom" and changing the settings to this mod breaks that for me. The only setting I would change anyway is the soundtrack muffling.
  4. Would be nice to have a version that instead of antenna parts uses the stock capsules instead.
  5. Every time I plant a flag it falls right after. I guess this is a 1.11 glitch.
  6. I found a new version of Crowd Sourced Science which makes science logs a lot more interesting.

    You can download Crowd Sourced Science v6.0 via GitHub

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  7. Check these 3: In settings.cfg make sure that under each of the three "name = KerbinOcean" entries you have "minDistance = 4". You can also try "minDistance = 6" which will prevent the ocean surface appearing lower than it actually is but has a performance drawback. Turn off Anti-Aliasing. Lower Render Quality but increase texture resolution. IDK what "Surface FX" does, but I'd try turning it off. Terrain Scatters should not be an issue that high up, but they do drop FPS.
  8. Found this mod that extends physics range beyond 25km. Good for a SpaceX approach. This method has issues, but it works.


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  9. Hello. Very nice mod there! Kind of mod that will change the look of the game as we know it forever. I smell potential for 8K textures hehe.
  10. This is actually the best mod. Edit: BTW, this reminds me of the fun mechanic utilized in Stellaris. It would be awesome if KSP had a lore-friendly mod with chance / resource / career based decisions during the missions with small rewards.
  11. Gotta miss the terrain feature. Is it ever coming back?
  12. Not sure if I should use a modular structure again or just make one good build. Either way, if you don't install TextureReplacer the skybox will stay stock. Edit: No, I decided to hold off on that for now. I might release a closed beta later.
  13. Hey there! I just started a thread which doesn't have much atm, but I guess it's a start. Edit: How do I link a user?!
  14. How do I quickscope add an album inside a post? I'm guessing you can't on these new forums. Anyways, this is the official album which will change a lot over time. CONFIRMED FEATURES - BEING UPDATED New super-ultra-mega-high quality city textures now span Kerbin. Mind the traffic! The Kerbol system is now drifting through a majestically colorful nebula! 2048x2048 4096x4096 volumetric snow particles that showcase the stinging fury of the frozen poles. 8k auroras have been reimagined with volumetric support! A new "UHD" volumetric cloud variant that will put your NASA supercomputer to a real test! Dust storms on Duna have been reworked. The clouds on both poles have been removed due issues with shadows & volumetric lighting. Loading... Modpage
  15. Hey, guys! Thank you for keeping the mod alive! As you probably all know I'll be releasing a new version soon for 1.2 (on the same mod page, will start a new thread). I've already reworked snow and will bring back lightning as an optional feature. I can't think of a way to make rain with playable performance, but I'll try. I'll link to the windowshine mod from within the pack as one of the recommended mods though. Matchlight, it's up to you if you wanna lock this thread, but if you wanna keep working on this version as a stand-alone that's fine. Maybe rename it to something like "Matchlight's Astronomer's Visual Pack"? Who knows, maybe 10 years from now there's gonna be a thread called "Aleph Null's Sagan's MLG420Illuminati's CenaKiller99's Gelileo's Matchlight's Astronomer's Visual Pack", but probably not. If you guys have a great suggestion do let me know! Update: Like Galileo said though - it's best we leave rain up to blackrack.
  16. I don't have any substantial bug to report, but I've experienced what I suspect is a well-known issue. However, personally I haven't noticed anyone post pictures pointing it out. The UV texture causes lines such as this all over the layer. The strength of these lines seems to be slaved to the strength of the UV texture. There seems to be no way to make them disappear completely without setting the UV strength to 0. UPDATE: Forgot to mention that it doesn't seem to matter whether you use a custom texture or not.
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