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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Humm… Thinking on it, I think ReStock would render some problems for welded parts. Someone tried it already?
  2. Now that we are here (and now that April 1st is over), I want to get the audience attention to this issue, planned to be tackled down this week: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 Recently, I discovered an third party Add'On with a somewhat nasty broad patches for TweakScale. It was so broad that its own patches were being applying twice in some Stock Parts, and these parts are getting three patches piled up (mine, and then a double from the Add'On patch). (problem was addressed, and a pull request applied to the - hopefully - new maintainer) But the damage was substantial - since the prefab became , as usual, "corrupted", all crafts were being saved with the bad module. Not to mention the living ones on the savegame. And since the problem happens on a very used Stock part, of course, most of my crafts were affected. I still fixing the damages manually, as this is something that gone undetected for some time. Bluntly withdrawing support for these corrupted parts are tempting, as this is already implemented. But now is something that would do some really vast damages - this is not Stock parts that never worked correctly before, we are talking about perfectly fine parts that suddenly became corrupted by a rogue patch. This time I would be promoting really wide breakage - the damage to my savegames were substantial (besides not exactly catastrophic - it's a pain in the SAS fixing it, but that's all), now multiply that for the active forum users and…. My current approach is to show a POP-UP explaining the problem on Space Center, and then closing the game to prevent damages. It's the safer approach, but also the one that would also give me a lot of backslash. It's not some few parts anymore, it's some very widely thrusted and used parts that are being tainted, and so the surface of attack is huge. Any considerations about this issue would be hugely appreciated.
  3. Where I file a UNBUG report? I'm still trying to unlearn it, and I'm failing miserably.
  4. 99% of the time, you have serious problems on your installment. KSPe is picky about the KSP health, and will not work if any DLL is missing or corrupted. Since KJR/L relies on KSPe to keep it alive, it borks too. Check your KSP.log for ADDON BINDER errors.
  5. There's a "documentation.txt" file explaining the TS guts. You will find what you need there. Essentially, you get the current value and multiply it by the Scale to the power of the ScaleType (linear ==1, quadratic = 2, cubic = 3, etc) — — — Post edit — — — TweakScale is a very simple Add'On, in essence. 90% of the code is UI and Krakens Prevention Algorithms.
  6. Not sure if I understand. But let me try a shot on it: How about a ModulePartVariant? If you have TS installed, you apply the patch that supports it. If you don't, you apply a patch with ModulePartVariant that adds the feature by "brute force".
  7. The Law. I live on the rule of the Civil Law, were you are limited by what the Law says. I have the Freedom of Movement because my country has a Law saying I have it. People living under the Rule of the Common Law have this Freedom because there are not a Law waying otherwise. Same thing about Contracts. There're specific rules on my country telling how a "Adhesion Contract" must get my agreement in order to be valid. My first payment (or not requesting my money back in a period of time) is implicit agreement of the Contract. Changes on the Contract for a ongoing service must be EXPLICITLY accept by me, no exceptions. (and there are legal restrictions about what an Adhesion Contracts can govern, some things are only enforceable under a regular Contract - so, no. I can't implicitly donor my guts to a sausage manufacturer )
  8. No. It's not how "Adhesion Contracts" works here. It may be that way on your country, but it's not on mine. We are expected to read EULAs, as they are enforceable (under limitations) as any other contract here. I don't need to accept the new EULA terms, but by doing that they don't have to service me with the new version of the Software. Previous versions keeps being governed by the latest EULA I accepted, this they can't change no matter what. I don't have any reason to doubt your word, you should know how things works on your country. But it's not this way in every country.
  9. No. They are claiming it. If it sticks, good for them. If it doesn't, there're nothing to lose. I can't tell about USA, but on many countries (including mine) the term Intelectual Property has it name for a reason: it's a PROPERTY, and cannot be taken from me without due process or my explicit and formal agreement. Parts of it are, at least on my country. They are considered "adhesion contracts" (a contract that you implicitly accept by hiring a mass service, as phone or cable TV). We have some trouble here about abuses on this, but being the thing a Legal Contract, makes them governed by the local Contracts legislation, what sometimes ends being beneficial for customers. Your mileage may vary, as usual.
  10. You both are forcing my hand on this! I'm going nuclear, in The Sacred Name of the Krakens! No tarmac will be left over tarmac!
  11. The gist is truncated, it ends still on the model loading - way before the problem happening. <.....> [LOG 16:32:50.738] Load(Model): Bluedog_DB/FX/PlumeParty/Engines/Hypergolic/VacFizzleFumeBlue [LOG 16:32:50.741] Load(Model): Bluedog_DB/FX/PlumeParty/Engines/Hypergolic/VacFizzleFumeRed [LOG 16:32:50.744] Load(Model): Bluedog_DB/FX/PlumeParty/Engines/Hypergolic/VacFizzleFumeYellow BUT… I known KSPe and KJR very well to known when they borks, and by the screenshot, it appears that KJR is borking due a missing class. KSPe also does it, by the way - anything goes wrong on loading a DLL, and KSPe and everything that uses it borks relentlessly due a bug on the Mono's runtime (no workaround available to this time except to guarantee that every DLL is being loaded correctly). ALERT: ugly error log ahead. 001_AnisotropicPartResizer is missing, and something else needs it to run (MultiAnimators). This is the exact fault combination that is known to bork KSPe, that so borks KJR, that so borks on your vessel. The easy solution: delete everything that is borking with an "ERR ADDON BINDER" on your KSP.log : MultiAnimators Hangar The ideal solution: install correctly the Add'Ons that provides the following features: 001_AnisotropicPartResizer ConfigurableContainers TankWindows This last option should fix the problem I detected (instead of getting rid of the victims of the trouble!), and with a intact Mono's runtime, KSPe will work as expected, and everything that needs KSPe will work - including KJR and your vessel. Of course, new DLL erros may arise or be existent - I don't have the full log to check. But the most common errors are logged on the very beginning of the KSP Load, so I this will be probably enough. Good luck! (If anything else happens, I suggest to check the KSP.log before uploading, to be sure the whole thing is there! Copying the KSP.log with KSP still running, sometimes, leads to this problem due internal cache not being flushed - but on this case, there're too much missing to be this case… anyway, it's a useful advice).
  12. Hummm... So this is the reason I was being spammed by "your reaction was removed" notifications... (I need stronger coffee, as it appears)
  13. I want to complain about the current lack of tolerance nowadays. I had grown up on a culture where pranks were... Fun! We were used to laugh when falling on a April Fool's prank, not get offended. And when the prank fails for some reason, we just told the guy it didn't worked as intended and moved on. What I learnt from the pranks? I learnt to Be tolerant to other people's ways Be more attentive on what I'm reading - pranks are tailored to make a fool of you. If it worked, it's because you was... Foolish! Learnt limits by withholding backslashes from unhappy pranks Learnt to be aware of the people around me. If you want to prank someone, you need to pay attention to him/her. So you have to connect. All of these are important social abilities needed on day to day basis. And yet... Lots of people choose to get offended instead of looking into themselves and try to realize why they fell on the prank at first place. If one can't control his/her ego, he/she is going to have some trouble living in a Society. Specially with people like him/her.
  14. Give a peek on https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/ModuleManager and check how I managed to do it on a UNIX machine (didn't bored to migrate the.unit tests yet). It would be interesting to have a more orthodox fork, as mine is somewhat customized and not all people would need/want such customizations.
  15. He wasn't out of Germany when he accepted the EULA, so as far as I know, it's valid. Germans would not be bound to pay for services while traveling if he is right - so, besides not knowing the German Law ( and assuming this is his line of arguing, I'm not double checking it - I'm just following your line of thought), I think we can be pretty sure that Germans are bound to contracts signed or accepted outside Germany. After all, International Credit Cards are not illegal on Germany, right? [However a German is only governed by the German Law when living in Germany. Any clausule on the contract that's not enforceable by German Law is null and void. Don't sign contracts with Germans over the Internet if you don't want to cope with German Laws.] And there's a additional detail : a German can be prosecuted by a native of another country under the later's country laws. Such german would be sued "in absence", and can even be convicted. But good luck trying to enforce that conviction - the worst that could happen is that former avoiding traveling to any country with a extradition agreement with the country in question. You would like to Google about a recent extradition from an Italian that used to live on Brazil until recently. Of course, German Government is not stupid. Any rogue country that would harass a Deutschmann by using the local laws would face some serious backslash by Germany and possibly the other New York Convention signatories. It will depend of how much money are involved - remember, it's always about the money. Something like this, I think: https://www.ft.com/content/82d17d1e-cae2-11e8-b276-b9069bde0956 Interesting case: a British living in France being arrested on USA, a German trying a financial stunt on UK and using the USA banking system for smoke and mirrors, you name it. Assuming the money involved justifies the stunt, all of this is possible. However, I find hard to believe than an EULA from a 30 bucks computer program would manage to get this kind of attention. This is an understatement, sir.
  16. Not recommended if live on an apartment above the second floor.
  17. I just hope they remember to zero the databse at midnight - judging by where this thing is going, I will end up with negative reputation by night.
  18. Apple has gone On The Microsoft Way, not a secret anymore. They must had hired all that guys Microsoft had laid off some years ago. But dude, they need to do that without at least pretending they are the same Company they were when I bought this machine? I just clicked to update a (yeah, ironic) Microsoft product (Remote Desktop), and then an "Urgent Security Update" just popup and I clicked on the "Ok" by accident. Now the thing is downloading the packet and will reboot soo... @$%#$@$#!@$@#%$#@%$#@NO CARRIER
  19. There's a command line option to it (you add it to the KSP command line), what's a bit cumbersome but doable. But I choose to recompile it.
  20. Yes. The first one just happened! https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/183322-nyan-cat/&amp;tab=comments#comment-3573287
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