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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Problem is that B9PartSwitch when detectes MFT yields the fuel management to it, but keeps accepting requests from TweakScale to scale the fuel capacity - so TweakScale ends up scaling zero fuel tanks, leading to division by zeros and other accidents that ends up crashing the game. B9PartSwitch is the only code that knows what's happening, so the only safe solution for TweakScale is to do not touch parts where MFT and B9PartSwitch are both present. Unfortunately not, I would had fixed it already if it was. It's a patch problem. There're rogue patches injecting twice the same property without checking if it was already patched.
  2. And a even bigger one to ones that know how to appreciate a good prank! (that last one? I'm still laughing!)
  3. IMHO, Moon. And by plain practical reasons. There's a lot to be learnt and relearnt about space travelling. We have a lot of more knowledge about staying at space than before , but we lost something on landings - see the mishap on Beresheet. Or even SpaceX recently. And not to mention the human condition, see Boeing and the utter fiasco called MCAS, and the recent news about NASA wasting two rockets 10 years ago due falsified quality reports from a supplier - that were doing that for 10 years!! All that's needed are two generations to definitively loose a technology for good. And it will be exactly these two by the time we land on moon with our own feet once more. We have to start all over from scratch. Again.
  4. local supermarket. And this was the first case in 2 or 3 years - perhaps a bit more. I was used to drop the eggs on a bow of water before using them - if any part of one floats, it's bad for sure. However, after a couple years (at least) without finding one, I got lazy. Goose eegs are something else, by the way.
  5. I second that. They are sick, dude. Almost as sick as me…
  6. This is the tragic and painful history of a developer that didn't checked his inputs while breaking a egg to scramble it over the pan. A rotten egg . Developers of the World, listen to me: VALIDATE YOUR INPUTS!! (If you think that rotten eggs stink, try to fry some!)
  7. As was EXPLICITLY said on the original fork: THERE`S NOT AN OFFICIAL VERSION FOR AN ADD'ON. Choose a provider that you trust, and stick with he/she. The license is the rule that applies to everyone, and Forum Policies are the one the rules us here. CKAN's entry for "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement" is under Ferram4's copyright. It would be a misrepresentation pinpointing "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement" to any other thread than Ferram4's one, unless he explicitly authorizes it. And he didn't. And this would make the license NULL and VOID to the fork's maintainer, what would not only be a serious legal problem, but by Forum Rules would make this thread deleted/blocked/whatever. "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued" is pointing this one, right? It's enough. — — That said, how about avoiding polluting this thread with unrelated issues? This is about "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued" - an "official" fork so official as mine, by the way. I just choose not to publish it on the Forum as there's a better man available for the job. I would recommend to transfer all discussion unrelated to "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued" to another thread - perhaps that one about Copyrights? But it's up to the thread's owner to decide.
  8. This thread is old as hell, but it was on my search results while I was on the same quest so I thought it is a good idea to publish the solution I found. Try Archive.org. I found them there: https://archive.org/details/kspckanmods?and[]=stryker&sin= There's also something on CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/strykers-aerospace-restored-cockpits/files Everything terribly outdated, but at least the license allows a revival.
  9. The rumours about this Add'on's demise have been greatly exaggerated. Impressive. Most impressive. Had you ever considered a position on the Dark Side? We have a excellent health insurance!!
  10. Are you sure? This post has less than a week by now...
  11. I usually would post this on the Rants thread, but unfortunately it was locked due misbehaviours - what's ironic at best. So I will rant here, as it's TweakScale related. THE WORLD IS ENDING HERE, it's the new Biblical Flood! The rain is so heavy that some public infrastructure is blowing up (I can hear from here), and I got a power outage (after a surge!) for some seconds, what played havoc on the first day I really reserved to work on TweakScale in weeks. Well… Rant's over. I guess I will need to dig some time on the week to redo the work. Power is back, let's check what's fried around here. — — — Yeah. It's raining again. =/ I will read a book or play on the PSP. — — — I think I got "lucky", way less trees had fell this time. Two months ago, was way worse. 900 was the count as far as I know. — — — Not too much damage. Some fuses blew on the power stabilizers, and a somewhat nefarious file system corruption - what's not a problem, as everything is backed up or is a git repository. The only loss is the day's work.
  12. Não dá. Se vc tirar a memória da GPU, você fica sem gráficos. A GPU é o processador 3D para o display.
  13. Vish…. Vc vai ter problemas. OS: Windows Vista (6.0.6000) CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU B820 @ 1.70GHz (2) RAM: 1741 GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics (467MB) SM: 30 (Direct3D 9.0c [igdumd32.dll]) RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGB64, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, RG32 E todos começam pela memória. Muito pouca, principalmente porque tá compartilhando memória entre a CPU e a GPU. A sua máquina deve ter 2GB de RAM, mas o Windows tá trabalhando só com 1741. Isso significa que un 300 mega ficou na mão da GPU. Eu tenho um notebook velho que tem exatamente as mesmas especificações que o seu - eu vou até tentar alguma coisa mais tarde com ele só pra ver o que acontece. Idealmente, eu acho que você deveria ficar com o KSP 1.3.1 . Ele pode estar velhinho, mas ele come menos memória que a série 1.4.x, que por sinal também tem alguns pepinos que só foram resolvidos de verdade na 1.5. Se por algum motivo vc precisa mesmo é do 1.4, eu acho melhor você usar o 1.4.3 (o último antes de uma mudança bem grande num treco chamado PQS, e que quebrou meio mundo ). De um jeito ou de outro, você vai precisar abrir mão do Making History. Como você tem Steam é fácil baixar essas versões. Você vai nas propriedades do jogo (vai na biblioteca de jogo, e dá right-click no KSP), procura a aba "BETA" e nela tem um dropbox. Seleciona 1.4.3 ou 1.3.1 (eu ainda acho melhor o 1.3.1). Se decidir migrar para o 1.4.3, eu recomendo copiar todo o KSP para outro diretório (para o Steam não ficar mexendo o tempo todo) e apagar o SquadExpasion. Agora, nesse momento, você não vai conseguir rodar Making History de jeito nenhum. Se por algum acaso você não puder trocar de versão ou fazer downloads, zipa o SquadExpansion inteiro (botão direito, Compress ou Comprimir ou algo assim, não lembro agora) e depois apaga o diretório (mas deixa o .zip, assim tem como recuperar depois). E é isso. Qualquer coisa, pinga aqui que eu apareço.
  14. Opa. Ficou mais fácil. David, eu vou precisar do KSP.log que vc vai encontrar junto com o .ksp_x64.exe (acho que é esse o nome, eu uso Mac!) do KSP na sua máquina. Faz o seguinte: inicia o KSP, e quando ele travar, espera mais uns 2 ou 3 minutos e depois fecha o KSP. Vai n diretório dele e copia o KSP.log para o google drive ou outro serviço de compartilhamento de arquivos e daí eu vejo o que deu de errado. Não copia e cola aqui, que você mata o fórum por causa do tamanho do arquivo e não adianta copiar só um pedaço, eu preciso ver ele inteiro - então compartilhar o arquivo inteiro é a melhor solução.
  15. Posta a pergunta de novo lá onde o @Gargamel indicou que a gente bate papo. O que aconteceu com você acontece comigo de vez em quando quando eu faço bobagem na instalação. Lá a gente conserta isso. Move the question to the place pinpointed by @Gargamel that we can talk about. What's happening to you also happens to me now and them, when I bork something on my installment. We will fix this there. Me menciona na pergunta (digita @ e então lisias no texto) para facilitar eu achar! Mention me to make easier to find you!
  16. "Hate" you, dude. You are seriously hindering my spare time to be used on coding . Serious now: excellent work.
  17. A friend of mine posted it. I remember watching this on MTV as a kid!!! — — — — POST EDIT - — — — This thread is a plot from the evil moderators to force us to use all our likes quota at once!!
  18. I don't think Simple Rockets "compresses" very well to KSP. It's almost as comparing (OK, Seriously now) Space Agency to Orbiter. Different game for different tastes. If you like kicking things to orbit, don't like the 2D approach did by Space Agency, think Orbiter too much complicated and are vexed by not being able to run KSP on a mobile, so Simple Rockea can be a good choice. As long you don't mind using a touch UI with a mouse.
  19. Because I'm extending it. KSPe is a new component, KSPAPIExtensions are being gradually updated to allow old Add'Ons to work again. You now, some people are very attached to some old Add'Ons and just tried 1.7 when they got supported again. KJR doesn't. KJR/L does. It's a big difference. I already explained about this on the post below. And I don't assume it's there, I recreate it when it doesn't. I know my trade.
  20. Makes sense. Ping me on TweakScale thread. The worst glitches are almost nailed down, and as soon I finally manage to ship 2.5, with saner patching by default, I want to work on Add'Ons support. This parts galore problem is bugging some others Add'Ons Authors, and some new ideas (as also problems) are being discussed.
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