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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Dude, what a piece of magnificent work! :-) Had you consider using UbioZurWeld ? It would reduce the part counting considerably - but you would need to provide a download link for the welded parts (and keep the original parts for reworking when necessary...)
  2. No one? :-( Perhaps we should address Squad and/or TTI directly? But a public answer would be best, however...
  3. I got a enervating issue on 1.4.2 , the only one that made me rollback for 1.4.1 - when building a vessel on editor and doing some clipping, the part jumps automatically for a snap position even with the snap button unselected. So, or you get that part in place at first try, or the thing jumps to a snap position when you try to fix. And, again, *even with the snap button unselected*. Never figured out a way out of this, so I rolled back to 1.4.1 for while.
  4. I just fired up a 1.3.1 to see that. Well, it works on a vanilla install. But it works *slowly*. Very slowly - and the control indicator on the HUD moves. Try a clean install, then add your mods one by one. I can't think on anything else.
  5. The easy way out, attaching a smaller control surface into another one, it's not allowed by the game. :-) I didn't thought on the AoA, nice catch. Currently, I'm trying to prototype the idea using a arbitrary control surface "marked" as a trim tab - I just clip a smaller control surface inside a bigger one on the same place and that's it. This working, I can proceed to the next step.
  6. A lot of little things changed on 1.4 series. Some, obviously, are due the Unity version update. But some others, I wonder if the Mission Builder was the reason.
  7. Yep, I see your point. :-) Besides creating a "special" control surface (not that hard), one need to intercept the TRIM commands, nullifies them and then set that specially control surface (not that easy) instead. Still studying the subject.
  8. Probably. Sorry. I will revise the thread as soon as possible. Things gone somewhat crazy here at Brazil these two last days.
  9. This is Kerbal Space Program! Welcome aboard, and have a good landing! :-D (yes - real screenshots from real challenge attempts! The mishaps are more entertaining that the successful attempts!! :-D )
  10. If you don't mind, I want to give a shot on it in the next weeks. How about: Add a property on every control surface (using Module Manager) called "Trim Tab" default to false. If the user changes to true, the plugin deactivates the authority to prevent the engine to use them, and sets it "by brute force" in function of the trim value the user wants. The complicated part appears to be traversing the parts tree searching for the desired control surfaces to configure them.
  11. Yep. I'll post at least one of these "unorthodox" entries this weekend. :-) All of them exploiting loopholes on the contest, and perhaps we should address some of them. Check "mine" and "yours" formula to see if what he proposing is not already being addressed (a second opinion is, indeed, a nice idea). you can see the formulas, besides being read-only, I'm right?
  12. The 3 is already covered by mine and yours (I think). And the 4 and 5 are not simple to measure directly, and are already covered by altitude anyway, as the time you spend above the Karman depends only from the vertical speed you had when you loose thrust, and that affects directly the altitude too, that it's easier to measure as KSP already gave us this number. When @hoioh posted this, he was probably following my thinking, and surely before @Gargamel explained why I was wrong. See here:
  13. For what "award"? There's 5 on there. And I think it's time to new guys thinking on formulas, to refresh a little the ideas. Feel free to propose new formulas for each award (or even new awards), and I'll implement them on the spread sheet.
  14. @Teilnehmer, how hard would be to "lock" your controls into specifics ailerons? (assuming it's possible at all). I agree with @Drew Kerman, smaller and dedicated surfaces on the ailerons itself would be the ideal solution. So... Why not put small ailerons on the ailerons itself, disable the authority on them (so the game would not use them) and make your add-on the controller for them?
  15. Do you read minds??? :-) I just finished a vessel those only survivable option is the bail out!! =D Soon, on a weekend next to you!
  16. What I really could not tolerate on 1.4.2 in a glitch on Editor, where the Part I'm fine tuning automatically move to a SNAP place when I select it (if the part is clipping to some other), even with the Snap button turned off. So, or I get into the right place on the first try, or the damned thing goes to a snap point when I try to replace/rotate it again. I moved back to 1.4.1 for this only reason.
  17. Well, this is my entry for this week. Mk1 Stupid, I mean, Special :-) This one use wings from Airplane Plus. Link for the craft on KerbalX (with video). And I managed to land on the Launching Pad!!! :-)
  18. I just updated the Official Entries Spread Sheet, from now on called OESS (NASA is hiring? I have naming skills! :-P) with the new submissions (valid or not), added some ones I unforgivably missed (really sorry, guys!) and updated it to correctly state the vessel's status on landing (or crashing) and the formulas too. @neistridlar, one of your vessel's cost got his price #@$@#!%$#@%#@ by a UI bug. Could you please inform me the value? Please remember that the only, really "official" formula is still the 'Original" one. All the others are still Work in Progress, we are figuring out how to do the scoring!
  19. Yes, we are using the data to trim the equations. But you made a good call, the crashed vessel must be clearly marked as no-contestant - mainly because I moved out my own no-contestants to another file. Thanks for the headsup, In time... How about the entries be applied not only with screenshots and videos, but also with a google calc with the data? This would make the life of the Challenge Master *a lot* easier! I'm assuming that everybody has a Google Account (what can be a erroneous presumption). EDIT: I'm trying to automate the submission entry using a Python script and KRPC. Everybody here is able (and agrees) to use KRPC and Python for this?
  20. About that visual effects with licensing violation workings - it's the source images that where withdrawn without license from other works, of the resulting renderings that offends the Interstellar's copyright holders rights?
  21. To tell you the true, I made some structural changes that I would like to test in the wild to probe them.
  22. Anyone crazy enough to take risks? I ported the UbioZur Welding Ltd to KSP 1.4.1, and need someone that knows the 1.3.1 version to help me finding what I (surely) broke. :-) Interested, please PVT me. It's still too soon to publish the thing to the wild.
  23. I can feed the spreadsheet with the submissions until there.
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