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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. I disagree. @HarvesteR ideas were intended to develop a prequel - Flight before Space, and it makes sense. So, nope, it would no be a KSP2 for sure. Since I'm currently playing games heavily focused on biplanes, or at very least, atmospheric flight as a side kick for low orbit flight, I can see where he was intending to reach, and at least me would buy the idea. Heck, I still waiting for "The Barn". and I absolutely loved the @Moach's Motor Wings, I'm still liquided with myself for not being able to jump on it at that time - Kraken damned Real Life™ that became a Pandemonium© Assuming he would had success with such prequel, the next installment would be probably Colonization and the next one, Interstellar faring. You see, he had a Plan - he intended to create a "dynasty", not a mere money grabbing sequel. As I said before, I would buy it. However... You are right too - to an extent. This would be a huge risk taking endeavour, with a reasonable risk of not being profitable as the original KSP¹ was. I'm disagreeing more on how you are building your argument than with the argument itself. The only real disagreement I'm having with you about this is that I think it would worth the shot nevertheless, even by not being so successful as KSP¹ - if not by other reason, as a way to create new technologies that could be applied on the sequel later - without utterly disrupting the original, as it was being done since then. The lane used by Squad was, frankly, a terrible one for the franchise on the long run.
  2. Se não me falha a memória, você precisa transferir a peça (drag and drop) para o inventário do engenheiro. Abra os dois inventários (use o alfinete no topo à direita para manter mais de uma janela aberta), e tente o movimento.
  3. Unfortunately, this site is conditioning the download of the file to click and accept installing a thingy called... OperaGX? (links and images removed, only text) To continue the download of the KSP.log - complete the offer below OperaGX: Install and Open Complete 1 more offer(s) to continue By downloading the file you are hereby agreeing to our terms and conditions. Sorry, dude, no way. Publish the file in some service that would allow me to download the thing without this kind of gotchas and I will help. Dropbox, google drive, sent it to me by email or use the Discussions on github of some add'on of mine if needed, whatever. Cheers!
  4. Interesting news. Take-Two CEO says he's 'not trying to be cute or difficult' with vague answers about the fate of the Kerbal and OlliOlli studios, but is kind of being cute and difficult Take-Two says it hasn't closed Intercept Games or Roll7, two studios it was reported to have closed, but won't elaborate. https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/intercept-roll7-closures-update/ Well... Perhaps, just perhaps, the backslash had some influence on the matter.
  5. If it's something he's doing incorrectly, the game is failing to provide him with some hints about the problem. Silent failing is the root of all evil. If the parachute can't be opened by some reason, some way to indicate the problem must be provided to the user, otherwise we have a design flaw. Of course, I'm assuming that, indeed, there's no indication of the problem - I never played KSP2, so I can't tell.
  6. There's a difference between a bug, a design flaw and a design consequence. Bugs are fixable, design flaws usually demands a huge refactoring. A design consequence is not fixable, it's mitigable. For example, take the air inflated rubber tires in your car. They have this pesky habit of getting flat when punctured by nails. This is bug, a design flaw or a design consequence? Well, a design consequence. You can't prevent a tire from being punctured, but you can mitigate the problem by making it more resistant to small nails, and to fail graciously when a bigger one happens - but you can't "fix" the fact that they will get flat every time they are punctured by nails, and you can't prevent that they may get punctured eventually when a big enough nail gets in their way. Some of what people says are "bugs" on KSP¹ are essentially design consequences that the Dev Team failed to mitigate. You can't have the cake and eat it too! THIS is a bug, no doubt! This may be a design flaw that is being badly worked around. You see, the whole Unity thingy makes heavy use of floats to do computing. But precision computing needs to be done on doubles - and when you are timewarping, precision starts to get critical pretty fast. One of the problems on the lack of precision of floats is when handling colliders on distant objects that are still on the Physics range (or just getting into it). A tinny little imprecision to the wrong side, and you have a part being clipped into the ground collider and.... So, or we have a design flaw on timewarp that is failing to cope with this problem, or there's no other way to implement timewarp and then the mitigations being used are not working as they should. The mitigation process used by KSP¹ is to instantiate the objects slightly above the near colliders and then graciously "land" them, avoiding having one of the parts spawning inside a ground collider (triggering the badaboom). Obviously, this can lead to some undesired collateral effects, what suggests that the mitigation may need some more thinking (or some more working, or both). On KSP2, the damned mitigation appears to be just broken or half-baked. You got this problem when boarding Kerbals because Kerbals are, in essence, just single part vessels with fancy animations and are subject to the same problems. By "unspawning" the Kerbal, they probably triggered this mitigation process for all crafts in the current physics range "by default", instead of running the current state into a decision process what would decide what crafts would need or not this collider mitigation process. The Fuel Priority may be just a Feature not Implemented Yet™. But the rest is, indeed, some really bad decisions on the design. I instantly rejected the new UI for being way less easier to read on a glance. Look on an old aircraft cockpit - you have instruments scattered over the panel. But they are clustered by need - instruments needed for landing are clustered together, instruments used for navigation too. Some instruments are replicated not only for backup purposes, but also to have a copy available when needed on more that one "cluster". On KSP¹, the most important instrument is the Altimeter, as it's what keeps you from getting RUD'ed by a UGC (Unplanned Ground Contact) most of the time. It's the reason it's on a privileged position on the screen. The navball et all are secondary instruments used when flying and landing - interesting enough, the NavBall is less important on landing than one may think, because or you are landing an airplane, and so you are more or less parallel to the ground already (otherwise you would be in an uncontrolled fall, an unconfortable situation in which you are not exactly worried about anything else but how much time until UGC), or you are on a suicidal burn - another situation in which you already know the craft's attitude, and the only thing that matters are the altitude above the ground, the vertical speed and how much fuel do you still have. Except by the fuel remaining, the current instrumentation is adequate on its current position. Apparently I'm the only one that understood the meaning of the wobbling. In real life, unsound projects would just break apart in flight. This makes diagnosing extremely difficult, because you would need to infer the point of rupture by analyzing whatever you find from the leftovers of the craft and doing a lot of calculations and simulations. Wobbling crafts would be the alternative to plain RUDs when unsound crafts are launched. IMHO they failed to balance what's should be considered a sounding project for the physics engine. I fully and unconditionally agree with you on this one.
  7. But that wasn't the purpose of the exercise I was proposing - I was debating your statement: so I didn't understood that you had changed the subject of the discussion. You kepting my "Nobody is a hell of an overstatement. " statement on the quoting didn't helped me to detect the change neither. Well, now I know.
  8. It's the problem with Google, it will trimm the results to your profile. This is a list from mine (using the very same link I used above): Jovem Nerd Estúdio de Kerbal Space Program 2 será encerrado após demissões 2 weeks ago UOL Kerbal Space Program 2 Is Getting Review-Bombed After Take-Two Shut Down Its Developer Dec 22, 2023 IGN Kerbal Space Program 2 Is Getting Review-Bombed After Take-Two Shut Down Its Developer 2 weeks ago UOL Kerbal Space Program 2 Is Getting Review-Bombed After Take-Two Shut Down Its Developer 2 weeks ago Game Developer Update: Take-Two confirms Kerbal Space Program 2 is safe despite Seattle layoffs 2 weeks ago PC Gamer Kerbal Space Program fans react with anger over Intercept Games closure, and you know what that means: Review ... 2 weeks ago Epic Games Our guide to exploring deep space with Kerbal Space Program 2's For Science! Update Feb 6, 2024 Space.com Kerbal Space Program game director and ULA CEO talk STEM collaboration and companies' futures (exclusive) Feb 23, 2024 Olhar Digital Jogue como Elon Musk! Kerbal Space Program está por menos de R$ 20 no Steam Jun 9, 2023 Terra Jogamos: Kerbal Space Program 2 é mais acolhedor que antecessor Feb 24, 2023 <some others I'm omiiting> Yahoo Finance Canada Take-Two is shutting down the studios behind Rollerdrome and Kerbal Space Program 2 2 weeks ago TechTudo Kerbal Space Program 2: veja gameplay, história e requisitos mínimos do jogo Feb 25, 2023 And so goes on. You see, your initial statement: It's a heck of an overstament at best, or just don't hold itself at worst. For the best or for the worst, KSP in on the media.
  9. This is not going to happen before today's midnight. I just found a regression that I need to tack it down. Worst, the whole process got screwed on previous KSP versions, what's a serious hint that I'm doing the thing wrongly. KSP's quirks were being introduced gradually over the time. If you do something that kinda works on an newer one, but not on the older, it's a serious hint that you are doing it on the wrong place and, so, by insisting on it it means that you are going to screw someone else that expects things to happen in a certain way since forever. What's puzzling me, however, is that I'm failing now on things that I had documented is was working fine some days ago (in special, this specific use case). I'm trying to figure out what happened in two days, since the code is essentially still the same - perhaps I had an old version of something lingering around that fooled me on the testings? In a way or another, I'm still working on it.
  10. Please note that I addressed the whole Team, not individuals - as a matter of fact, I should be addressing the whole Company. You can have a bunch of incredibly competent professionals, and yet they can deliver krap when working as a team because something on the organization prevents them from doing what they know, the way they know best, together. For example, the ability they could lack may be the one to impose sound technical decisions over stupid political ones came from Kraken knows what pointed egg head on the organization. You need way more than just technical competence to succeed on big corporations (believe me on this one, I know what I'm saying). I'm not saying you are wrong - you can be right. But you also can be wrong, we just don't have enough visibility and information to be sure. Hanlon's razor appears to support you, but it's a heuristic, not a rule, law or prediction. Besides, these guys are trapped inside NDAs, so they can't defend themselves - and this is another reason to avoid addressing them directly (no matter they are responsible or not by the mess). It's plain unfair. Please don't take this as a criticism on you. I'm not addressing you, only the way you expressed valid criticism. I'm trying to suggest better ways to do it. Again, you may be right. I'm (hopefully) politely trying to remember you that you may be wrong too.
  11. Exactly the reason I looked up for the news about KSP+kerbal - because I wanted to look up about Kerbal Space Program, not to Kentucky State Police! The search results will be trimmed down by google to you, so your results will differ from mine. On my results, I got news from "Joven Nerd", "Terra" and "Olhar Digital" that are mainstream news on technology and trending (some more than others). I'm not talking KSP is bigger than the Beatles #oasisFeelings , but - heck - KSP is not insignificant neither. Then please explain KSP2's launch. They were (are?), obviously, lacking some key abilities somewhere in the pipeline. It's virtually impossible that a train wreck like that would be published without a huge amount of vanity from someone - because even people blinded by their hubris could see that the game was just not working.
  12. With all the due respect, I think it's more vanity than hubris. Hubris is excessive pride in the abilities you have. Nobody is a hell of an overstatement. https://www.google.com/search?q=KSP+kerbal&newwindow=1&sca_esv=697ef796fdf142b1&sca_upv=1&tbm=nws&prmd=isvnmbtz&sxsrf=ADLYWIIIH1GZtdFejJF6E0qkmPP2X8jjWw:1715814738088&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjm2Nr_45CGAxU2rZUCHQdTAQsQ0pQJegQILBAK&biw=1309&bih=764&dpr=1 This post? There's a recent update from the OP there, I suggest to read it.
  13. Not exactly - I just didn't gave any attention to Robotics yet. Without fully understanding what in hell KSP was doing to TweakScale under the bonnet (what I only grasped in the last weeks, check this if you like gory details), there were no point on expanding my surface for "attacks" adding support to Robotics that are already brittle by themselves. Of course, there're "alternatives" to fix the problem directly - but the ones I'm aware are not EULA neither Forum's rules compliant. So I'm reluctant to doing what they do. My Country's legislation even forbids me from doing it without permission. I'm checking your KSP.log right now. Stay tuned. === == = POST EDIT = == == Ahh!! Now I understood! You are using the Beta Branch! Scale v2.5.0.62 ... [LOG 13:55:05.139] [TweakScale] Version /L BETA Wait a few hours, I'm finalizing the (toilet) paper treadmill and publishing before (my) midnight. There's a good chance that whatever I did to finally avoiding being thrown under the bus by Editor will also help to fix your specific issue. But don't hold your breath on it yet - Robotics are Experimental at this point yet. If it will get fixed, it will be by plain "luck".
  14. So you are on the wrong thread, or you have something extra on your Rig - send me your KSP.log and I will check it and pinpoint you to the right direction, or try whatever you are using on the TweakScale that I'm currently testing before kicking it thought the doors (or window, sometimes this thing just drive me nuts! )
  15. But yet, Mars is the only known colonized planet in the Universe. By Robots. There're robots "living" there too! Consider Moon's colonization a Work in Progress.
  16. Are you using the TweakScaleExperimental trick? The problem with it is that, well, it's experimental and I didn't gave it any serious thought while trying to nailing some pesky mishaps on Editor (what I finally did this month!!! #HURRAY!!!). On the bright side, it's perfectly possible that by solving these last problems on TweakScale Beta, I ended up solving these ones too by "accident". I'm working on a release for TS "mainstream" this week. On the other hand, if you don't know what's this Experimental thingy, I'm afraid you are barking on the wrong tree. It's IR's maintainer decision. I may override it, but by then you will probably lose support from the maintainer - so I refrained myself from publishing anything on the matter. But I agree with you, we would do good use of a more versatile resizing options.
  17. Perhaps. But are you sure you are not the one wearing it? Let's get some perspective here. The 1971 John Lennon's album "Imagine", featuring the eternal song with the same name, sold about 8 Million copies at its time (I'm taking the original album, not the reprints). Source. This is less than twice the 5 Million units sold by KSP or, in the other hand, KSP sold more than half copies of the best selling album from John Lennon ever. Oukey we are talking a 1971 versus a 2010 sized consumer base. On a somewhat naïve approximation, World population in 1971 was about 3.7 Billion people, while in 2010 it was somewhat as 6.7 B. Source. So, assuming that Imagine would had the very same reception in 2010, we are talking about hypathetical 1,81 * 8 = 14.48 Millions copies (again, hypathetical approximations! ). What makes KSP selling about 1/3 of the total number of copies of the best selling album of one of the best selling singers of all time. KSP was (is?) huge. It have historical and cultural value beyound most people realize, including you. Of course, you are free to disagree, what you probably will and this will settle the matter. But your opinion can't change facts: @HarvesteR created something that is comparatively 33% as popular as the best seller album of one the best seller musicians of all times. His childhood fantasies were materialized and have the remarkable distinction of being launched into Space and visited the International Space Station (anyone knows if Jeb is still there?). And you, my friend? What can you say about you? What can you say about you that would make your opinion more valuable than mine or other people around here? You being entitled to an opinion is not the same as have it valued by anyone else - you need to bring some effort to ground your opinions - more or less the same way I'm doing for mine. Otherwise, it would be only empty words...
  18. Besides Snoopy, it's the only IP that I know that was sent to space. https://airandspace.si.edu/air-and-space-quarterly/winter-2024/snoopy-in-space In fact, the franchise is now even on Netflix episodes: If this is what you call a niche, it's a HELL of a popular one! Unfortunately, your argument is going into an Ad Hominem route. By insisting on pinpoint his errors, you appears to be striving on diminishing his successes. Besides, and this is something to be kept in mind: the same team that declared KSP¹'s code a holy mess was the same one that, well, was working on the holy mess for almost a decade. So they failed to fix the mess at best, or created it at worst. So, exactly, why we should blindly please them over @HarvesteR and the original Team? Why is so important to ignore that, coding a mess or not, KSP¹ sold estimated 5 Millions copies - a really impressive score for the very fist job of a kid that just left the College?
  19. Goodbye clicking world I'm leaving you today Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye all you clickers There's nothing you can say To make me click This thread Today. === == = POST EDIT = == ===
  20. C-suits came across the sea They brought us pain and misery They killed our vibes They killed our deeds They took our GAME for his own need We coded it hard We coded it well Out of their plans, we commit them hell But code reviews, make us retrocede Oh, will we ever be set free?
  21. There's an old adage where I live, Brazil: This tongue-in-cheek adage means, essentially, that you should embrace your problems and solve them, instead of fighting them. You know, I would love having some of these problems myself!
  22. You can blame @HarvesteR up to KSP 1.1.2 , when he left. KSP 1.2.2 have the oldest nasty bug still in existence, by the way. You are talking about the very first big job from a kid that had just left the College. Make no mistake, one of the most influential video-games from all times, a Cultural Phenomena, is the first work of a kid on his very first job. He had learnt a lot since them. Yes, you can trust him. Not because he will not make mistakes, but because he will learn from them - while doing new ones on his way, as every single competent professional in this World. That said, he is going to need some help from the Original Team too - KSP wasn't only @HarvesteR child, he had support from a lot of people. You know, he signed a pretty nasty Non Compete Agreement when he left Squad. He wasn't allowed to do absolutely anything that could be seen as KSP competition without risking having his cheeks ripped apart on a law suit. But, you know, these problems may have an ending in the near future. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes
  23. I would not use "definitely". I had worked on a Marketing Shop in the (long) past, and this was in the menu. As well as to shutdown for a few minutes a critical service to measure how many active users you really have by counting the support tickets later, or to deactivate a login to check if someone is using it. Just because it was easier and cheaper than paying for a monitoring service. Don't let your professional ethics get into your reasoning - there're a lot of unethical people in charge of things around the World.
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