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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Would be unwise, as I'm obviously emotionally attached to the subject and I'm pretty sure I going to miss a lot of shots until getting near the target. You see, slandering is a bad thing - and being targeted by it in the past doesn't means I'm entitled to do the same. And if I'm the only one able to see the links, perhaps there's no real links at all - I love a "Conspiracy.Theory" as the any other guy, but this doesn't necessary means I like seeing people unjustifiably getting screwed by it. There's something smelling funny around here, probably for some years already - but some wind may be masking the source. All I can say is that I checked my shoes, and there's nothing stuck on the sole. Forum is too big of an elevator to be able to pinpoint someone farting with certainty!
  2. Finally someone playing ball with me. So: He's not working officially on KSP2, but he's willing to do so. And he's claiming he's working hard on it already, so unofficially. Do some research on his contacts over life. Or he's contracted to do the work, and he's authorized to say it. [he didn't said it - got influenced by the one passing the word, just checked the posts again] Now match these possible conclusions with my previous claims. (I don't want to be the only one reaching into a conclusion - I'm kinda burnt already by my big, wide mouth). --- -- - POST EDIT 25% of the Conspiracy.Theory is over. Let's see how much the remaining 75% lasts!
  3. I had a life before KSP2, and I will still have a life after it. I had a life before KSP¹, but I'm afraid I'm going to be found after passing away trying to push yet another release fixing something, or perhaps debugging some other nasty bug I found bitting my cheeks. You will survive. We will survive. And, believe me, there are good chances that both of us will play KSP again - perhaps even KSP¹ (a certainty in my case). I understand your grievance, because I'm also somewhat fed up about this. But not due the Game (any one of them), but by the increasing vitriol, back stabbing and rug pushing that this Community is victim since KSP2 was announced (not saying there weren't any before, just that these ones are the ones that managed to hit me badly). We lost our ethics. We lost our respect to ourselves. This is what's making me incredibly sad. However... There's always something good about being sad - it's one of the advanced Stages of healing. Don't take it too hard, it's just a Stage. You will be fine. Me too.
  4. There're signs that I.G. was sacked in favour of another Studio in the same way StarTheory was sacked in favour of i.G. You will find something on Reddit , initially mentioned here (but I can't vow for the veracity of the information). So, yeah, apparently development will keep ongoing - but if History had taught me something, is that we don't have a good omen about how things will develop. Time will tell. -- -- DISCLAIMER 2024-0504:13:13Z -- -- I'm talking about signs, not evidences. For all aspects, this should be seen as a Conspiracy.Theory with roots on wishful thinking - but based on evidences from the past that makes the thing plausible.
  5. You get what you promotes. If we promote sociopaths into high management roles, it's a surprise some (if not most) of them will reach the top? We (you, me, and everybody else) are the ones funding this party, that money came from our pockets.
  6. The Conspiracist that lives in me salutes the Anarchist that lives in you! I agree. Problem - the most simple explanation for the info I had gathered until this moment involves a serious breach of Contract at best. Or a kinda of "coup d'etat" at worst (perhaps in the same grounds StarTheory was sacked - you know, we have a precedent already). Problem: talking too much, and I risk slandering someone - and this would be a concrete problem.
  7. Or he was being lied to, or he is part of the lie. O don't know what would be worst. In a way or another, a coup d'etat was ongoing for about 2 years already. One of the questions still on the open is if the insurgents were only waiting for the fall down, or if they helped on it. But something apparently is clear: some clauses on some contracts were broken. If the aggrieved party is going to take some action, it's uncertain at this point.
  8. Some of these answers already have a question... uh... questions already have an answer. Stay tuned.
  9. Interesting! Wikipedia says he is friend with people from Bungie! What a remarkable coincidence!!!
  10. Not a chance for both. There's a huge opportunity to residual incoming on the Franchise, delisting the game would be a huge management screw up. For starters, you would incentive piracy, what added to the incredibly modding capabilities of the game will lead to some less then desirable outcomes, that given the notoriety of the IP will fatally lead to bad P/R and further damages to the IP But there's no incoming enough to sustain a development team for maintaining (and fixing) it. Chances are by trying to do such a stunt, the new releases would only inject yet more nasty bugs - what was happening already when they pulled the plug. Unlikely at this time. Not only there're still some residual incoming to be exploited, as the IP itself at worst still have good value to be used as a bargain chip on a merge or company/subsidiary sale. And frankly, by the time the IP would be affordable enough to be bought by the Community, chances are that the Community itself would not be big enough to withhold the endeavour, and whoever would be the one that had bought it will need to find "creative" ways to gather money - as licensing the IP to pachinkos... True Story. Check what they did with Metal Gear. On a blind guess, two years ago the Community was big enough - but so was the IP's face value, what means that things didn't changed too much about this subject.
  11. Releasing the IP was never the objective. Only the Source Code. As a matter of fact, given the current status quo, Open Sourcing KSP¹ may be their best shot to make the franchise profitable again. See Doom, Quake, Half Life, Descent et all. The IP (including assets, as music, meshes and textures) are still being commercially explored by the current IP owners, besides the source code being released decades ago. See the recent Tomb Raider Remastered series - they even hired the dude from OpenLara to work on it. Things keep going as they are now, it's a matter of (short) time until things get really, really ugly - what may include, even, malicious 3rd parties trying to exploit the Community. There's no respect for the EULA already (between other problems I had detected, but can't disclose publicly), getting malware agents around here is a question of "When" and "Who", and not "If" anymore. Having the Source Code available will push away most malicious agents from the Scene, as everything will be openly available for inspection. Of course, you will still need to trust the tool that will deliver the binaries to you - but, frankly, the Linux Scene proved again and again that it's possible to have reliable and trustworthy distribution channels for such binaries. The worst problem, right now, is to gather trustworthy and competent people around the project. Too much damage was done in the last few years, some of them really nasty. EULAs are contracts, not licenses (no matter what they say to you) - do you will trust licensing your code to people that don't respect your EULAs? Open Source is based on Trust and Chain of Responsibilities. And every time one (or more) of these two pillars are broken, things goes South. Badly. (Jia Tan anyone?) Open Source is a development model, not a business model. Anyone trying to extract profit directly from Open Source sooner or later will try some scammy stunt - and, frankly, we are losing both the Trust and the Chain of Responsibility on this Scene. They need to tackle down this problem before going Open Source, otherwise the initiative will fail.
  12. None of this started on KSP2. You can track down these problems since the days the IP was sold to TT2 in 2017 (more or less the times KSP 1.3.0 was released).
  13. The first time I read it, I thought on "tupperware". I had to read it again to get it right. Gee...
  14. I hardly would call "optimism" seeing the IP being sold in a closed door sale as scrap, and then seeing the assets and lore being used on pachinkos or something like that. disclaimer: this post is entirely a work of fiction. Hopefully.
  15. As a matter of fact, it's what I think it will happen - but not by the Community, but by some competitor. As a matter of fact, I think the take over is already happening.
  16. And a Hip hip hooray to competition. We had a lot of buyouts around here. Essentially, a big mobile carrier bought the Cable Company some time ago, and a bigger mobile carrier bough that other carrier recently. Right now, there's only 3 possible options for where I live, all of them subsidiaries of one of the 3 remaining Mobile carriers in the country. Welcome to hell. If I ditch my current provider I will be in deep sheets - unless I buy a Starlink. What's, frankly, in the short term plans.
  17. So do I. I'm exactly on the same boat, my cable company is also pesking me to do the same, they want to replace my old and faithful Motorola cable modem (yep, it is that old) for a new WiFi one made by Kraken knows whom. And exactly the same response - until the day the damned thing just stop working, I'm not going to replace it - I will not wave OpenWRT no matter what they want me to do. But once it stops working, it will be replaced ASAP (perhaps even the provider).
  18. I could not find a better place to share this one than here! I'm trying to find time to play KSP¹ again. This will be the first thing I'm going to do! --- -- - Edit Pilot's point if view!
  19. I think that your best bet is CurseForge. AFAIK, it's the oldest Mod Site for KSP still available, you will find things for KSP 0.25 there. (people bashes CurseForge a lot, but in the end, CF is the one that will survive the competition in the long run - mark my words).
  20. You know, once the storm is over (and it will be over sooner or later, in a way or another), this will be an excellent ingame joke. Well... I will give you my 2 cents, as there're some correlation with some things that happens to me on DayJob©. The sad true is that "Done" is better than "Perfect". Clients want their problems solved with the less friction possible (i.e., the less amount of bugs possible), but they want their problems solved. Point. They can handle the bugs, as long the net value is positive (and above the cost of migrating to the competition, of course). I want to share with you guys this excellent article that I think fits this discussion, besides indirectly. https://www.gamedeveloper.com/production/here-s-how-the-small-team-behind-against-the-storm-kept-project-scope-in-check So, nope. They can't stop delivering new features to focus on bug-hunting, they need to do both at the same time - because otherwise they will not sell more copies or keep the engagement high, and I think (for reasons that I don't dare to publish openly) they really need such engagement and copies sold in the short to medium term in order to keep afloat. As usual, we (users and development team) will need to compromise to each other somehow. That said, I'm not saying you are wrong - you are correct in every angle. Without people complaining about the worst show stoppers, the DevTeam will not be able to prioritize them. I'm addressing this in the hopes to help on managing expectations - I doubt they will be able to focus on bug hunting as you (reasonably) want.
  21. Porter turret rifle. Porter had to overcome a problem with Colt patenting the cylinder design for rifles, so he gone with a turret. Problem: the thing has the this strange habit of misfiring - and not only the bullet on the chamber, but all of them in the turret. And since the thing is, well, circular, at least a bunch of bullets were facing the shooter. If no client is back complaining, it must be good, right? Well... https://www.historynet.com/the-porter-turret-rifle-ingenious-features-yet-inherently-flawed/
  22. --- -- - And now for something completely different... I spent the last month bashing my cheeks, burning the midnight oil, to propagate preemptively a change in our infra that would interrupt our services to any client that would not apply a simple update. I tracked down every single client, entered in contact when we detected that the change weren't made, provided the needed information 2 or 3 times for some clients as the information got lost as the task escalated to the infra team. I built a secondary server still keeping the old configuration for some late ones until the bitter end, when the old certificates finally expired on the early hours of this Monday. No one single client was left behind. Except by one. Their production is stalled, they can't operate - and all they need is to push a kraken damned button to apply the new certificate. But the dude can't do it without someone in India approving the change - a change that is late, is more than already due, is approved and was already applied in QAS. But, yet, that freaking button wasn't pressed and this client's production is on halt until this happen. Seriously - I understand the need of a quality process to prevent tragedies. But who process the processes? Who respond when the process itself if the cause of the tragedy? What's preventing that freaking dude in the other side of the World to say "ok, push that button"? (sigh)
  23. When you hit "Abort" by accident! note: I'm unsure about what to think about the joke in the end... note2: made my mind. stupid joke at the end of the video. the history is excellent, but the final remarks are completely unnecessary and detrimental to the content. I suggest to stop the video at 18:00 and call it a day.
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