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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. This happens because the beam that checks whatever is under the mouse's cursor hits your craft's colliders instead of the flare's. You will find that you can't trigger the flare's label if they are occluded by a planet - i.e. no more labels popping up at launch pad or runway while you are running your mouse over the ground. Please note that the label is drawn slightly above the flare, not over it. So if the flare is being occluded by the craft, the label will disappear even by not being occluded by it. Additionally, if you are playing the game on low resolution, the flare can be small to a point that the raycast don't hit the flare anymore (apparently, anything under 1 pixel is rounded to be displayed as 1 pixel, but the mesh apparently isn't and so the raycast is missing it). Cheers!
  2. Ah!!! So this is the real meaning of this scene!!!
  3. That hack probably got lost when I changed something on the DOE's engine, probably the code for the threshold for visible objects based in the distance they are from their "Sun". The fix is relatively trivial - if the thing is a Star, its flare will always be painted and it will never be smaller than a pixel. The "hard" part is determining if the thing is a star. And since I'm going the "proper" way on this, supporting multiple stars on the Sky Dimmer will also be implemented - the code was heavily refactored by many reasons, one of them is to make easier (of less difficult) to add new features as this one. I will not make promises about a deadline, but I will work on it Soon™ enough (hopefully).
  4. I'm managing to use the site by entering dev mode on the browser, then selecting the Advanced Search <DIV> tag on the Inspector and deleting the node. It's annoying as you have to do it every time the page reloads, but it's doable. On Safari, I can right click the annoying component, select "Inspect" and I will be right there on the node to be deleted. ----------- The SD dudes are advising to clear the browser cache while reloading the site. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/170865-spacedockinfo-mod-hosting-site/&do=findComment&comment=4253351
  5. This is incredibly heartwarming!
  6. I gone rootz this time. Kerbals and Kerbalettes, I proudly present you.. The Blender!! This is the most sadistic practical way to fulfil a contract where Kerbals are willing to experience some G forces! (never, ever fail to read that fine print, guys!) It's also the first time this year that I fired up KSP just to have some fun!! #HURRAY!! Inspired on a question on reddit. To download the craft file, click here. — — — — You know… This thing would be a nice 4 PAX Shoe (Mig 105) Space Shuttle, if you manage to rework it to use a rapier (to have some flying capabilities) and make it survivable on a reentry...
  7. On delivering an Early Access product that would bring value to the franchise - it's exactly the other way around, to tell you the true. I don't have the slightest idea about what would be the real intentions on this launch - but there're people around the Net already talking about conspiracy theories, power play or whatever, because the perception people are getting from this launch is really that bad. It's not impossible that someone got what they wanted from this Launch (perhaps giving the Team someone a Reality Check?) - but, by the Krakens, at what cost?
  8. I'm a developer. So I have a good idea about it. Game devs use really beefy machines, 20K to 30K USD professional workstations. Perhaps more. They don't use RTX GPUs, they use Quadro. Everybody in the pipeline has way powerful machines. They are expensive workmanship, the employer don't want them stalled on a progression bar half of their day. So they don't have performance issues. And since they were the ones that coded that damned thing, they instinctively knows what to avoid doing when playing to prevent being hit by the bugs. It's the very reason developers rarely are good testers, and definitively why the developer that coded something NEVER should do the QA of that code. Because they didn't had one at the release date! Oukey, this is less than ideal. It's definitely something they need to sort out internally - not only due KSP2 itself, but to detect any flaws in the development process and fix them so this doesn't happen again inside TTI. What leads to the next question: why the thing was launched anyway? This is another good question. The state of the product was already known for a month and, yet, the dude responsible for the "Go / Abort" decision choose to launch it anyway. Why? This is not a single dude mishap. The whole structure failed. Exactly. And that early free versions were pretty wacky too. IMHO the real problem is not the state of the codebase, but the expectations they created on the price tag. I think that a Demo release with 10% of the content and selling at 10 bucks would had had a way better reception.
  9. UGH… I was fearing this day!! That's the problem, DOE is kinda hardcoded into believing there's only one Sun (#highlander style), so everything else would be a piece of rock or a blob of gases - no exceptions. So all the code assumes that the flares are result of reflecting back the light of sun (with the albedo hardcoded into the body's color definition in the config and the distance being represented by the size of the flare). And it's kinda tied to the Stock data structures to fetch the celestial bodies, and since JNSQ, GPP et all uses Kopernicus, that it' essentially a new data structure for celestial bodies that somehow were shoved into the game in a way that everything kinda works together (I really don't know how yet), DOE just can't tell if that thing waaaaaayyy there is a star that emit it's own light or a weird kind of big. really big asteroid or planet. In theory, solving this problem is easy - once I determine that thingy far away is a star, I paint the flare no matter the distance from the Sun - as long the thing doesn't get too small to be drawn in the current resolution. The real problem that I will need to solve to proper support Kopernicus, however, is to support multiple Suns. Right now, only Kerbol is considered a Sun in order to do all the effects (like the skybox dimming). Once you are orbiting a different Sun, DOE will be at lost because it will think that that gigantic and bright thing you are orbiting (or in orbit on something that it's orbiting it) it's just a mega sized Juno, and so the skybox will not be dimmed, for example, as you are probably really, really far away from the "real" Sun. In a way or another: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/DistantObject/issues/33
  10. Today marks 10 years since the launch of SimCity 2013. A hell of interesting concept on doing SimCity in multiplayer. Problem, they made the game online only and didn't had the servers to serve everybody that bough the game. That buffoons trashed the game in thousands, while EA was rushing into expanding the servers anyway they could - but not fast enough. The game flopped, it was the end of the SimCity franchise. It's not wise to call buffoons the people you are willing to get money from. You are free to disagree with them, but definitively you can't expect to call them "buffoons" and still be able to convince them on giving money to you.
  11. I have an additional request. Please move the "Week One Adventures" and other KSP2 specific threads into the KSP2 specific forums. Pretty please? With a cheery on top? I lost a lot of interesting posts buried inside an avalanche of postings about something that doesn't interest me right now even after making a specific Activity Query selecting only the Topics I'm interested. Having KSP2 specific things on the Community is forcing into remove it from the Query- and so I'll be prone to lose important announcements not to mention the Thread of the Month. The sad true is that KSP2 is getting less and less concurrent players on Steam for while, and flooding the Community Topic with KSP2 specific posts will not improve the situation. It's probably the other way around, as this is an incentive to use other forums as reddit. I spent more time on reddit this week than on this forum by the first time in my Kerbal life. At very least, moving these Threads into a KSP2 specific Forum will improve a bit the numbers Poodmund published above.
  12. Your definition of "objectively" is… somewhat subjective, I think. Companies don't make games. Companies make products, some of them are games. People willing to see a game to thrive need to keep that in perspective. There's nothing wrong with KSP2, the "game". We are facing some serious problems on KSP2 the "product". The code base wasn't mature enough for launching, it was not ready to be considered a product yet. We can speculate about the reasons the codebase wasn't gold yet at the launch, but only the guys directly involved on development can really talk about and they won't - but the real reason KSP2 is facing so much backslash now is directly (and probably solely) due the the premature launch of a perfectly fine but still immature codebase as it was a near finished product. It's important, IMHO, to address the problem correctly because the price on not doing it will be the wrong people getting screwed by problems beyound their control - what, frankly, it's not only unfair but also perpetuates the problem creating a vicious cycle where everybody (including us) will be caught into a race to the bottom.
  13. I would like some KSP1 bug being fixed instead of new ones being created on KSP2 - but life is what life is. The current state of affairs appears to be the only way by now.
  14. At the end of the day, we are talking about a Product with years of upfront investment that can easily reach 9 or 10 figures and a lot of investors eager to get something of it back in the verge of an economical crisis (and I'm kindly ignoring the political and military ones). It may be just a game for you, but there's a lot of people expecting to make a living on it. The darkest hour of the day is always before dawn. We need to keep our lights on in the mean time, however, and this is what we are talking about.
  15. IMHO, the worst bugs should be tackled down in a "Fail Fast, Fail Early, Fail Often" process - too many showstoppers being pushed at once and you have too much expectations to satisfy on a single release. So you are putting yourself in an enormous risk of allowing a single mishap to ruin the whole release. Looking in that KSP1 graph above, almost all the bad reviews happened in early 2018. Looking a bit more, you will find that their finest hour happened sometime later, in 2020. And, boy, that was a peak! Trust is hard-earned and easily lost.
  16. It's worst than that! All that reviews happened in the very first days: Now compare with the whole life reviews from KSP1: Do you see any red dots on the leftmost part of the graph? If you look closely, you will find a few, but that's all. Additionally, new reviews means new people buying the game, right? Did you noticed how reviewing stalled after February 27? This means that or people stopped reviewing the game, or people stopped buying the game. We don't have how to know how many copies are being sold, but we can know how many people are playing KSP2 - and since people that buy a game usually wants to play with it, we can have at least a heartbit of the sales by watching how many people are playing the thing: So, yeah, things are a bit bleak right now: reviews are almost stalled, and very, very few people are playing KSP2 right now.
  17. Hi! Known issue, bug in the code! Thanks to reporting, though! https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/DistantObject/issues/31
  18. Hi! ModuleManage's download can be found here: The link is buried somewhere in the text, so I copy & pasted it for you here: https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/162/artifact/ModuleManager-4.2.2.zip
  19. Good catch! I confirm the glitch! https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/DistantObject/issues/32 This is a "design" decision - you kinda hardcode the maximum "brightness" of a body on its configuration. You can toy with this settings yourself if you like it by patching this file on your GameData. On a side note, I think the current intensity is fine. Planets does not emit light, they reflect it and some planets have a lower albedo than others.
  20. Announce! New release 2023.03.04 for the TweakScale Companion ÜberPaket with everything (and the kitchen's sink) included for the lazy installers !! This package will be updated (more or less) regularly, Download here or in the OP. Soon available on CurseForge, SpaceDock and CKAN. Currently available on CurseForge and SpaceDock. CKAN stillis waiting for approval.
  21. I agree. My problem, right now, is that I had run out of free time for proper doing it, as not only RealLife(tm) decided it needs my immediate attention, as also some 3rd parties are playing havoc with me too - and some of them are really show stoppers. So I'm doing my best with the time I have available now. Agree on both items, but SOME 3rd parties need the respective Companion, or things will crash. Firespitter has something on it that crashes when scaled without the PartModuleHelper (long history, a silly problem about an attribute causing an Exception if unchecked), and right now apparently Modular Fuel Tanks is screwing TweakScale on circumstances yet to be determined. So the fastest way out of the problem is pushing everything into the user's rig until I figure out not only the add'ons that really need direct PartModule support, but also a more sofisticate mechanism to only push them when really needed. Initially I was planning to do it using CKAN, as it's the most widely used tool on this scene (for the best, but also for the worst), but since I'm trying unsuccessfully to approve a pull request into NetKan for a month already, I had to something myself right now or I will keep spending all my free time on Support, delaying everything else - including better checks. https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/9536 https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/9550 About the BETA addons, almost all of them are gold already but, as you can see, I didn't had the time to promote them to Gold yet. I'm updating things right now, by the way. Somewhere in the next few days a new UberPacket will be issued with the missing Companion and the current ones still in Beta promoted to Gold. This is a colateral effect of leveraging everything to the least common multiple. I have code to suggest things, and the message only pops when you change something on the GameData. I have code that imposes you something, under the penalty of having your savegame corrupted. This is what you are getting now. What I don't have is a way to separate the Companions that NEED to be installed to prevent damage in your game from the ones that are only nice to have. So I had to go to the safer, but annoying route for now. As I said, this is going to save me time on Support, so I can spend it making things better. As a proper Companion Checker. This is precisely what I'll be working as long as I diagnose the problem on MFT. This one is a show stopper, people are not being able to save the game due this crap. I'm sorry for the annoyances, but right now this is the less worse I can do, as I'm alone in this fight. It's not under my power to do things the faster and easier way, and I'm trying for more than a month already (see above links). Had I decided to do everything by myself since the beginning, things probably would be better by now.
  22. I agree and want be one of the signees @Lisias, TweakScale, TweakScaleCompanion, KSP-Recall, Aviation Lights, GPOSpeedPump (code monkey associated), Distant Object Enhancement, Kourageous Tourists, KAX, Hooligan Labs Airships Core (code monkey associated), Impossible Innovations, Score! . — — Pinging @Poodmund!
  23. Agreed. But in the mean time you need to keep the cash cows happy, otherwise they may pull the plug on you. It's tricky, and treacherous to tell you the true. Projects rarely die due technical issues, most of the time it's the internal politics that kills you when you are reaching the beach.
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