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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. I'm coming to terms that perhaps Forum will not outlive KSP1. SVB had hit the game industry badly - I don't know is PD had their money locked up, but I bet that some of their contractors did for sure and so making money fast and saving money where it's possible is the rule now to have the bills paid this month (everything but KSP2 is on sale on Steam, by the way). Interesting enough, in the past few days the rumour that Sony is interested on buying TTI had resurfaced, with some force. That happening at the same time PD had laid off some workforce after two major flops on flagship products definitively raises an eyebrow or two. Last time I heard news like these at the same time, they were relate to Stephen Elop and Nokia (and Microsoft) - but, granted, this may be my trauma speaking. In a way or another the Community Managers are pushing the Discord servers a lot these days, and knowing that lots of publishers are shutting down their Forums to replace them with Discord, it's obvious that Discord is going to be their option if money shrinks to a point they will need to decide by one of them. KSP1 is the child of a previous marriage anyway, the new wife don't want it competing with her newborn son. So much for the 12 years of history, I think.
  2. Something had screwed 15 parts with TweakScale due bad patching. I need you to send me your KSP.log so I can inspect it and diagnose the problem! You will find instructions about how to locate KSP.log on the OP inside the Spoiler under the tittle "". Publish the file using dropbox or similar service and post the link here.
  3. You was faster that I though, I grant you that. I had edited my post to clarify how I reached the inferences I did. There's no way to be exact without further information, but the ability to infer results based on incomplete information is the reason we do all that exercise with numbers.
  4. Nope. I just thought that you would be able to use Google and find the information yourself. My apologies, I expected too much. I will try to avoid such mistake in the future. In the (efemeral) glorious days, it was said that 25.000 copies of KSP2 were sold. Since the peak of concurrent users were at 11.600 users, we have an estimated ratio of 11.600/25.000 = 0.464, or about 46.4% of users playing the thing while logged on Steam. Assuming such proportion are applicable (we don't know how many refunds have been applied), an 1260 concurrent players can be interpolated into ~2715.5 active players. Since Steam responds by approximately 75% of the gamers in the World, we can infer from such numbers about ~3.620 players in the whole World right now. It's basic math, sir. I was taught this when still a teenager. It's far from exact, but it's good enough to have a insight about how things should be going right now in the wild. I don't need to know precisely how many customers I have now, it's enough and sufficient to know if the estimated number is above or below my break even under an acceptable margin of error. — — EDIT (saved at the same time the post below was issued) — — Now, if you really want to dig into this, on this page: https://steamdb.info/app/954850/charts/ it's inferred that anything from 144K to 675K copies sold based on some stats. If you are willing to accept that numbers, all you have to do is to replace 25.000 with the desired number and redo the math. This will be somewhat harsher to do because you will have to sum (integral) a lot of data (not to mention having a glimpse of how refunds were applied, what we don't) while I simplified my math by only taking a simple sample in a single point in time to calculate the ratios that would be useful in my inference.
  5. A 10 years old game have now more than twice the concurrent players on Steam that a 2 weeks old one. And I'm kindly ignoring that in these 2 weeks, KSP2 got more Negative Reviews than KSP1 in all that 10 years. I left any conclusions as an exercise to the reader. And your point is? I had always said I'm getting my numbers from Steam, so it should be obvious that Epic and PD store are out of the scope of my argument- by absolutely lack of information. However, I'm kindly ignoring that anything from about 75% of the market is Steam, what makes inferring the global numbers straightforward. Really, check your statistics skills.
  6. You know... If people that bought KSP2 would be entitled to play KSP1 too, I think that most users that asked for a refund would not had did it...
  7. Jebediah Kerman - the first and only Kraken Slayer of Kerbalkind!
  8. They really are? Do you have the slightest idea of how many discord channels are dead, dragging into the oblivion tons and tons of content? When people have a problem, they reach me here - and more than often after being royally screwed by being "helped" on discord. This trend persists, Discord will be a wasteland of shouting people and lack of relevant content in a few months. People nowadays can't tell content creators from content consumers - it's suicidal to create a platform full of consumers but lacking creators - it will dove into boredom in a snap. There're a huge amount of people walking and chattering on Sao Paulo's Metro everyday: How many of these people are engaging in meaningful conversations? (Discardable) Notes: I was there on that day, but got luck, recognised the huge mess it was forming and decided to walk home instead. One of the soundtracks used on this video is from Akira! Moderation on Discord channels are like Security Officers trying to organise this huge mess.
  9. It's not my argument, sir, and this is what making things harsh now. From the 11.600 simultaneous users that topped the Concurrent Players on Steam Charts at launch, only 1260 are playing the game now - in a bit more than 2 weeks? You are barking on the wrong tree, sir. You should be trying to convince that 10340 users that had already quit playing the game less than a month after the launch. https://steamcharts.com/cmp/220200,954850 That said, I had already said enough around here. This is not my job, after all.
  10. No. There's no point on jumping subjects at your will to avoid addressing the ones we already have at hands. Statistics can deeply hurt you in pretty uncomfortable places if you don't know how to use it. A problem that affects 1 in 200 users will render you 125 angry users when 25000 people buy your product. Prolonging any kind of discussion while ignoring this is pointless.
  11. And THIS is the problem! So many things being able to cause a crash, instead of a few ones that passed trough by mistake. You see, you are not helping your case at all...
  12. 15 seconds on Google and I found this: On this very Forum. You see, if I would use your own criteria how I should address you from now? Most users (granted, not all of "them" are really users) don't have a clue about what's happening and usually jump into conclusions- but this doesn't means they didn't found something wrong. Frankly, sir, IMHO i think you should had bothered a bit more. At least one of them, I just proved without doubt that nope, it didn't. Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence. Carl Sagan is utterly missed nowadays, I think that KSP2 should create a Kerbal for him and use the character on tutorials about how to diagnose problems.
  13. Since I didn't see any update (yet) on Steam's News page for the game, neither found any new manifest on SteamDB, I'm assuming the patch was not issued yet, and so anything that wasn't working on Launch Day is still not working today. So unless KSP2 has some kind of backdoor to inject fixes transparently (what, frankly, may render to PD a huge process on the civilised World, Europe in special), I don't see how you can make such affirmation. Is your KSP2 today any different form the one that was launched last Feb 24? If yes, where did you got it? If no, how can you affirm that things are working now?
  14. No. They are a really frustrated user that really love the game and are losing the hope and doing whatever they can in a less than ideal attempt to get heard in the hopes this could change something. They need someone to hear them and to explain to them why things may not be so bad as it appears, why the people they think is the responsible for the mess may not be and, so, they are only making things more harsher for the dev that they need to be - what ends up increasing the risks of things going to the south. Something that I'm almost sure it's not what's they want, because - look - they didn't asked for the refund, they are yelling for the fix! Dude, this Fellow Kerbonaut didn't asked for a refund. They are fighting for something they want badly, and bickering with them will not improve things - au countraire, will cement the conviction that the ship is going to capsize. They need someone to talk with them acknowledging where they are right, where they are wrong, in a way that doesn't sounds like a spin doctor hired to save the Company's face on the Internet. You don't ask a paying customer "Are you a dev? A QA tester?", this never ends well. Sooner or later the dude will be, and so they will chew you and your team to their colleagues on the field, trashing the company's reputation - and when not, they will just give you the finger, taking their money back and giving it to your competition. While telling everybody why they decided to do so. Do you want this game to succeed or not?
  15. How about sending a Kerbal to the deeps of Jool to collect some science (if there's any there) and bring them back alive? You will need a base on one of the Jool's moons to mine ore and convert it into Fuel. And probably a Space Station orbiting Jool to serve as start/end point to the missions. And resupply missions between them. You will need to start humble - just skin the Jool's surface then get out, as you need to learn how much deltaV you are going to have in the vessel's budget. Not to mention thermals. Disclaimer: I never managed to get out of Jool.
  16. Humm.. You have a serious problem on Compiling the Parts, and yeah, some of that exceptions are related to crew... [EXC 17:17:14.110] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ProtoCrewMember.GetEffect[T] () (at <46478292153440df94e04a2a2ddd1062>:0) ProtoCrewMember.HasEffect[T] () (at <46478292153440df94e04a2a2ddd1062>:0) CommNet.CommNetVessel.UpdateComm () (at <46478292153440df94e04a2a2ddd1062>:0) CommNet.CommNetVessel.OnNetworkPreUpdate () (at <46478292153440df94e04a2a2ddd1062>:0) CommNet.CommNode.NetworkPreUpdate () (at <46478292153440df94e04a2a2ddd1062>:0) CommNet.Network.Net`4[_Net,_Data,_Link,_Path].PreUpdateNodes () (at <46478292153440df94e04a2a2ddd1062>:0) CommNet.Network.Net`4[_Net,_Data,_Link,_Path].Rebuild () (at <46478292153440df94e04a2a2ddd1062>:0) CommNet.CommNetwork.Rebuild () (at <46478292153440df94e04a2a2ddd1062>:0) CommNet.CommNetNetwork.Update () (at <46478292153440df94e04a2a2ddd1062>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) I have some main suspects: TUFX - it's spamming Exceptions everywhere, including the Part Compiler. CommNetAntennasConsumptor , beause it mangles with CommNet, and CommNet is being mentioned on the Exceptions related to crew It also worths to mention that some parts from your gamedatabase are missing PartModules: Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ExLaunchPad' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ExTarget' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'HullCamera' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'KASModuleGrab' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'KASModulePort' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'KASModuleStrut' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'KJRExcluded' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'KerbalRecruitment' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'KethaneDetector' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'KethaneWetMassIndicator' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'KloneBay' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'KuddleShack' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleBreakableConverter' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleHighDefCamera' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleRTAntenna' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleRTAntennaPassive' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleSPU' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleSPUPassive' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'MuMechModuleHullCameraZoom' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ReflectiveShaderModule' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'TankPriorityModule' You need to install the add'ons that provide them , or you will not be able to use all the parts as expected - but this is not what is screwing you right now. Not a problem, but you can also ping me on the Support thread when making questions using @Lisias. I usually respond - sometimes in a couple days, but I respond! Cheers!
  17. It was KSP 1.4.0 they jumped from Unity 5 to 2017.
  18. The **FATAL** message gives the name (both internal and friendly one) of the part, then I cross checked it on the Module Manager logs to see who are the ones patching that part, then I recognised the source of the part as well a patching pattern that makes me remind of the reason. wrote TweakScale Companion for NAP at first place. Such amount of FATALities, nowadays, are usually related to having more than one Module Manager installed on your rig (due a terrible practice around here of publishing mods with all the dependencies included - things get old fast, and you install deprecated assets as result). But I wasn't so lucky this time, I found only one copy of ModuleManager in your rig. Then I kept digging and found this: [LOG 17:14:02.111] Applying update Tweakstuff/TweakScale/patches/KW_TweakScale/@PART[KWFlatadapter3x2] to KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KWFlatadapter3x2/KWFlatadapter3x2.cfg/PART[KWFlatadapter3x2] [LOG 17:14:02.116] Applying update Tweakstuff/TweakScale/patches/KW_TweakScale/@PART[KWFlatadapter3x1] to KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KWFlatadapter3x1/KWFlatadapter3x1.cfg/PART[KWFlatadapter3x1] <....> [LOG 17:14:09.109] Applying update Tweakstuff/TweakScale/patches/Squad/Squad_Util/@PART[parachuteSingle] to Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteMk1/parachuteMk1.cfg/PART[parachuteSingle] [LOG 17:14:09.114] Applying update Tweakstuff/TweakScale/patches/Squad/Squad_Util/@PART[GrapplingDevice] to Squad/Parts/Utility/GrapplingDevice/part.cfg/PART[GrapplingDevice] Sir, what's Tweakstuff and why it have a copy of all the patches from TweakScale? This is the source of your problems. Whoever added this Tweakstuff thingy in your GameData created you an insane problem. Just delete GameData/Tweakstuff directory and your problems should be gone. In time, I think you may be interested on installing the TweakScale Companion ÜberPaket - some things you have installed is supported (or is better supported) on the TSCo . On the bright side, this is exactly the reason I wrote the Sanity Checks. Cheers!
  19. One is good. Easy to diagnose, hopefully easier to fix! Don't worry, I had way bigger ones in the past. I use automated tools to help me on the diagnosing, so the size of the log is really a minor issue! Yes, you are, indeed, experienced on this - you know that sometimes the problem is way away from where the smell comes. Anyway, let's dig on the dirt. I found the victim: [LOG 21:04:50.329] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part 18PC (18PC) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0 (using "**FATAL**" on the error message is way convenient, uh? ) Well, the part 18PC is from NeistAir and I know that the current patching for it didn't aged very well. The fastest and best way out of the problem is to install the TweakScale Companion for Neist Airliner Parts. Or just install the TweakScale Companion ÜberPaket, with everything and the kitchen's sink - some people prefer this way. Cheers!
  20. Well, the one AAA game developer I know (and I can't say who it is they are without their authorisation) told me once the specs of their machine, and that thing was beefier than most server grade hardware I was working on at that time. The whole question, if I remember correctly, is that their machine should not only be able to run the game, it should be able to run it and at the same time have all the software development stack in memory too for analysis and debugging and hot changes at runtime to see what happens. Running the thing on the target machine is a secondary task, something they only worry about once the algorithm of whatever he's developing is done. And, obviously, he use a real sample of the target machine to run the code at this phase (using his workstation for the compiling and deploying and remote debugging) But… Granted, this person is the only one I know so… They may work on a different level on the food chain. I want to stress again that this is not something on the KSP2 dev team. I had theorised before, and now I openly affirm, that there's some structural problem on TTI or at least on PD. The revamped version of the hell of game Outer Words, also from PD, was recently released and is being chewed on Steam too. https://www.pcgamer.com/the-outer-worlds-new-version-is-getting-slammed-on-steamspacers-choice-edition-now-with-200-more-performance-issues/ I'm afraid we can't blame Nate for this one. Neither Intercept Games...
  21. Exactly. I'm pretty puzzled, to tell you the true. On a wild guess, and noticing that I couldn't reproduce the problem in the exact same way as you, I'm guessing that display resolution may also be a factor, since DOE trimms out anything smaller than a pixel. I'm guessing some float rounding may be involved- but it's a hunch, as I had coped with this recently.
  22. Install Module Manager. Even if no mods are installed. It tricks the system by serving infinite FPS on loading, and then restoring the cap before launching the Main Menu. This one is also pretty pertinent: I only fire up KSP with this MONO_THREADS_PER_CPU=1 . You will need a beefier GPU card, there's no other way. I would recommendation one with at least 1GB, as even 512MB is terribly restrictive. You may want to use an older KSP version instead? KSP 1.3.1 should run pretty well in your rig, KSP 1.4.3 perhaps...
  23. Interesting. Mostly Interesting... The way DOE works is straightforward: it shoots a raycast from the mouse position towards infinity and if it hits a flare, shows the Label. So, by some reason, the flare is being missed by the raycast when Minmus is near the center of the screen - your screenshots suggests that the craft has no role in this behaviour. The only situation I can think this can happen is by the flare being smaller than the configured threshold - so, no flares, no labels. This was what triggered me in coding the Alt-RightClick stunt, by the way. Or perhaps that crappy situation in which the Flare is so small that it's rounded to 1 pixel size for drawing, but the mesh is still too small and the raycast misses it. This happens to me a lot on my low res potatoes. I think that the screenshot were the label is missing had a pretty fading dot for the Minmus flare, but it can be an compression artifact. Can you confirm that a bright dot is still visible when you lose the ability to activate the label?
  24. I find the Reddits lack if faith… Disturbing. Remove the Launch Stability Enhancers, shove some engines under the Adapter tank (use it to hold some fuel too) and fire the whole thing into the skies. Check your staging!!! The thing already have a Probe Computer, so controlling it will not be a problem even after firing up the separators. Once you are up there, hit the separators and fire the SRBs. This should do the trick: the capsules are now discrete vessels, and the G Forces will be applied to them even by the main vessel having none of it (the problem The Blender solves even with the craft rooted into the ground). How to bring the tourists back alive, however, I left as an exercise to the reader…
  25. This happens because the beam that checks whatever is under the mouse's cursor hits your craft's colliders instead of the flare's. You will find that you can't trigger the flare's label if they are occluded by a planet - i.e. no more labels popping up at launch pad or runway while you are running your mouse over the ground. Please note that the label is drawn slightly above the flare, not over it. So if the flare is being occluded by the craft, the label will disappear even by not being occluded by it. Additionally, if you are playing the game on low resolution, the flare can be small to a point that the raycast don't hit the flare anymore (apparently, anything under 1 pixel is rounded to be displayed as 1 pixel, but the mesh apparently isn't and so the raycast is missing it). Cheers!
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