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Everything posted by tonimark

  1. so I was building a post world war II but as in realism the aircraft that I was building included a supercharger in each engine, i always wanted to make my aircraft more realistic by putting a supercharger, but ksp engines (like these from kax , airplane plus) doesn't include a supercharger at least in one engine type . so please can you tell me any mod in ksp who has a supercharger for engines ?! for those who don't know supercharger is an acceleration device which takes the exhaust from engines for power and applies it by pre-compressing the incoming air to engines usually the piston ones
  2. I PRESENT YOU THE NEXT GENERATION (or the previous) in the supersonic transport, the KERBCRAFT T400-1 ("T" means turbo variant) inspired by the Concorde design also sorry for the image to be a little bit dark its because of the high altitude link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/fvbich9cag7uf83/kerbcraft T400-1.craft?dl=0 specs: price:85,032,000 range:4000km fuel capacity:980 kallons fuel burn rate:0.12 kallons per second cruising altitude:18000m cruising speed:500 m/s passenger capacity:96 passengers category: supersonic note: autopilot not recommended due to brainless disability issue. Manual fly with sas recommended the aircraft is unstable due to high speed and broken autopilot (a specific autopilot mod is requested for supersonic flight) and due to this factors some calculations may not be so much accurate extra notes: shortcut keys: 1 toggle afterburner for cruise (climb) 2 toggle all the engines on-off 3 togge droop nose engines on dry mod in climb and approach (for fuel saving).reheat and wet mod on in cruise
  3. ONE QUESTION!! do you have to use turboprop or jet engines at seaplane category
  4. ah i can't wait to update this mod for ksp 1.4.4 i am excited to fly routes here!
  5. @neistridlari multiply the price by x1000 also check out my Antonov AN-12 at the previous page
  6. I present you a medium class regional jet that can carry up to 96 passengers. Company kerbcraft model: A5 (similar to Boeing 777) here it is: link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/2p93xbyacqhizbb/KERBCRAFT A5.craft?dl=0 specs: class: medium regional jet passenger capacity 96 fuel burn rate: 0.14 units per second cruising speed:250 m/s cruising altitude 10000 metres distance:5700km (as calculated, not so sure) fuel capacity:3200 units of fuel (32 kallons) cost:84524000 take off land speed 60 m/s enjoy!CAUTION: level of engines are very low so land the plane softly and on a completely straight runway to avoid engine damage and crash to terrain
  7. @TaRebelSheepwhat k k i need some help to upload an image property from imagur!!! @TaRebelSheepi think its fixed now check it out!
  8. I would suggest Antonov an-12 with 48 passengers and mk2 viewer's cockpit in turboprop category note: sorry for the passenger cabins to be inside into cargo bay but its still visible from outside. shortcut keys 1.toggle engines 2.toggle reserver thrust link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/4p7a6tzxj40kemh/ANTONOV AN-12 (commercial usage) competiotion.craft?dl=0 SPECS: cruise altitude 7000 metres cruise speed 150 m/s capacity:48 passengers fuel capacity: 24000 fuel units cost:96093000 distance: 11250 kilometres(calculated with fuel flow and tank capacity but I am not so sure) fuel burn rate (cruise):0.32 fuel units (indicated at fuel flow as calculated) caution: do landings very slightly touchdown and speed (otherwise your aircraft will break)
  9. ok here the last crash log :https://www.dropbox.com/s/dmtezlvs8l3s1ce/error.log?dl=0 the normal ksp.log display something else after i remove mks it , i restart it normally again @goldenpsp
  10. yeah befor i install it the game loaded normally but after i install it the game crashed
  11. @RoverDude i tested mks in ksp 1.4.4 but it crashes at loading plz fix that
  12. prove us that your ksp 1.3 mods are still compatible today with ksp 1.4.4
  13. roger that also notify me and msg me on forum when you update it for ksp 1.4.4
  14. @Ger_space @Galileoafter i removed the kas and i press ctrl + k nothing is happening yep these keys won't do anything how to fix that
  15. @Galileoafter i removed the kas and i press ctrl + k nothing is happening yep these keys won't do anything how to fix that
  16. @IgorZYOUR KAS CONFLICTS WITH THE KERBAL konstructs mod so when i try to build something with kerbal konstructs mod the builder replaced with kas bebugger vie keys Ctrl + K the only keys for build something in kerbal konstruct plz fix that
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