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Everything posted by Zorg

  1. A small texture refresh for the 500 series fairing. Mostly to the details on the wallbase section.
  2. There is a word for it, "transliteration". Essentially its just English with the letters transposed into Cyrillic.
  3. I guess its gotten a bit long in tooth. Someone should do it . It wasnt on the Atlas V sheet so the issue hasnt been forced yet.
  4. Thanks to BobKermanIndustries, we now have a more accurate version of the Atlas 400 series fairing that takes the fixed boattail from the centaur folder and adds it to the split fairing on a new part. The existing fixed boattail still remains and this is not on the generic 1.875m base either as it uses the centaur assets for the lower ring.
  5. It can’t do that since it’s not symmetrical. The strap on boosters are rotated so the outer struts can connect to the same points but on the center core side that would require a different decoupler variant for each side which seemed an unnecessary amount of work to represent something that isn’t detailed well.
  6. Yeah that's the current setup, as you say its not so bad. The hope however was we would have a custom module for this. The to do list for Atlas was put together way back in 2020! Back than JSO was still around ocassionally so we thought we would have this module eventually. JSO did write the auto jettison for the skirt back then though. That was the other item on the Atlas plugin wishlist we put together back then.
  7. Getting there! Long awaited dedicated HLV parts GEM 63. Decoupler is shown attached here. This will be a separate part in game but the parts shown attached here will be part of the jettison transform that will be staged with the SRM. AJ60
  8. Moving Atlas V work up the timeline. Will go back to the rest of the classic Atlas to do list afterwards. There will be a dedicated decoupler for the AJ60s (and GEM 63). And nodes on the CBC and SRBs/decouplers. And before anyone asks ofc nosecone and decoupler for HLV too.
  9. Some sort of attempt at Agena 2000 is under consideration but not yet confirmed for the to do list.
  10. Everything planned (or under strong consideration) is here https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/issues/974 It separated just fine in my flight test though they tumbled wildly and collided against each other after jettison. It wouldn't hurt to have them strutted to each other I guess? IRL I would think at least the boosters had some kind of bracing near the bottom though I just used struts on the side (not necessary with KJR but it looked more sensible with them) As for its provenance there isnt much more context beyond this. Theres a drawing at link which suggests those sections at the top of the booster and the two above it are additional storable stages. https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=26915.200
  11. 2.5m parts for SLV-3X "Fatlas" and the 5 engine original Atlas concept are up on github now. Also bonus tricoupler based on that one mysterious model. The variant for the aft tank was uploaded earlier. But you will note the dedicated SLV3X variant fits the H1D perfectly now (rotated 45 deg) The five engine version is based on very early Atlas concepts before it shrank down to the rocket we know today. There were quite a few variations but the parts in game can be used to make the circa 1953 design using the XLR89 and 105 engine configs as laid out by Ed Kyle in the Spacelaunchreport archives (the thrust is higher IRL but this still works in game). Some of the earlier designs even used Alcolox, JP4 and even apparently just Gasoline/Petrol. And finally the tricoupler
  12. Yes and yes. Originally invader was gonna do it but it seems like he might not have time. And we dont want to release the new RD180 with an Atlas V that doesnt fit it. So either way one of us will redo those parts for this release.
  13. Yes. Working on them right now. Starting with 2.5m parts (SLV-3X and the original 5 engine design before Atlas A) The 3.125m parts will get at least a partial revamp. I think the skirt and aft tank are really good and would like to keep them as is, but the tanks themselves need to be updated to the new style.
  14. its only translating back and forth. To me it appears to mainly be involved in adjusting the expansion ratio of both the inner and outer annular nozzles simultaneously.
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