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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. I dont see a problem here, my turn to test... The bombs blew up a goalkeeper vehicle with explosions to spare...
  2. Did you try reinstalling the mod? PRE/MM missing? The zoom is increased, but the locking range remians at 15km. I would like to increase that. How is it possible?
  3. What if the ULA sniper hit it at T+1s? Extra methane down the throat= more heat = more trouble.
  4. BREAKING NEWS: Elon Musk unleashes new personal suit for space tourism. "Saves us some heatshields," says Elon.
  5. Space bar faces away from the camera. WASD for translation. Oh, and dont slam buttons too hard, or else your kerbal may fly off for reentry.
  6. Actually, should be SAS OFF. You are fixing the problem when it is OFF, and causing the problem when it is ON.
  7. *Remembers how the people could not fit the nuclear material in the explosives before the A bomb test in 1945* Anyone got a cold gas thruster lying around? No?
  8. I think the AAM tries to point at the target and slam into it. It cancels out sideward relative velocity only.
  9. *Starts thinking about what to do the next time i get drunk* Well, if the wheels are heavy, then the car can have up to 4 reaction wheels. But you only have limited control.
  10. Seems like uneven draining from the fuel tank. Probably flow priority is wrong.
  11. Welll, that means no underage space tourists. Thats sad.
  12. Configuring a missile requires experience, but also, if you want your missile to blow planes, allow it to engage air.
  13. Does it attempt to track the target? Try manually fly the plane around the turret and see what happens.
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