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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. Their success rate is like 1% lower than that of soyuz. Still, I think the "24 hour turnaround time" is impossible with the falcon 9, the atmospheric damage alone is too much. Plus there is no need for that. 1 launches per week per coast? You dont need a turnaround time of 48 hours.
  2. So, everything will be tidally locked, given enough time.
  3. There is a large boat pack? Also, use large ore tanks.
  4. Bruh, i guess they should abandon the orion/sls and use/invest in bfr. Should be cheaper. Also, buy some falcon 9s for sending stuff. Or maybe falcon heavies.
  5. They have to redesign the entire booster, so it will be cheaper to build a new one. The octaweb, fuselage, all have to be specified for the centre core.
  6. I think they will have to invent a ultrasound scanner big enough to scan the entire rocket for cracks.
  7. I crash minmus into you. My hill.
  8. Yeah, the so called rurnaround involves raking apart the booster and refilling it with srb fuels. Basically, it is more expensive to reuse the srb than to build a new one.
  9. To be honest, reflying after 3 months i very good. They are the first guys to reuse a orbital class booster.
  10. I am trying to create a mushroom cloud with a fireball, I have a couple of FX that works together to form an explosion, but when i attempt to export it, only 1 is exported, and no texture files are created. Can anyone tell me is this absent of texture normal, and is there a way to combine multiple fx into 1?
  11. Just for fun, jebs orbit should have a orbital resonance with kerbin, so if yoi wait long enough... Anyway, nice mission report. Good luck.
  12. Assuming you have mods, any dependencies not installed? Imcompatible versions? Anything?
  13. Sir, you need to learn staging rockets. Try this: https://kerbalx.com/Xdthegreat/basic-orbiter Basically, follow the description. You shouldnt blow up. No gravity turn required if your orbit is pretty low, about 85km.
  14. I picture giant bouncy castles on bottom of bfr booster.
  15. Ok, so I still dont understamd how something as thin as engine bells that can be dented by hand is able to support a bfr booster.
  16. I would have the falcons practice this first on land based landings. Still, having a empty booster expolde is no big deal, as the expolsion power is low. I dont know how the octaweb works, but using that for supporting the booster sounds dangerous. Booyeah, reuseable sea dragon. What?
  17. I suggest using mechjeb to let you learn how to do gravity turn and throttle your engines. Still use tutorials, and satch youtube videos. If all else fails, use stock rockets. They are quite good. For heat problems, use heat shield, capsule, parachute setup. NEVER EVER FIRE YOUR PARACHUTES WHEN THE ICON ON STAGING IS RED.
  18. I thought engine bells are fragile amd will require launch clamps. Also, stalling a bfs at supersonic speed during gliding to have engines first sounds wrong.
  19. You have a reaction speed, so unless you are using computer programs to auto-fire engines, I dont think you can suicide burn that accurate. SpaceX does suicide burn, but still they dont fire full throttle at the last second for more precision control. Mechjeb does kind of a suicide burn...
  20. Yeah sad, considering 3 bfs booster is just 93 engines firing together... Anyway, how do they plan to use laubch clamps to catch the booster? And the bfs reentry profile looks dangerous to me...
  21. I widh they build a big falcon heavy like they build a falcon heavy. Aka 3 bfr boosters tied together.
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