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Duck McFuddle

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Everything posted by Duck McFuddle

  1. That's already a thing... just push the symbols next to the navball. Oh, and looking at the picture above... SAS has to be on.
  2. I don't know if any particular version is good, I guess just use the version intended for the mod. If there is a correct/better version somebody please correct me
  3. I don't know the algorithm, but you can always just test it. If it's career mode/you have revert flight turned off then there are a few mods that let you do a simulation launch.
  4. If you google "KSP delta V map" a bunch come up. There are a few websites as well - try this one or this one.
  5. I do both, depending on my mood, but really it just depends how big of a rocket you want to build. If your craft is huge, with way more Dv then needed, efficiency becomes less of an issue - just don't explode.
  6. If you have a bug like this, always test it in several situations - does it work on another craft? Does it work out of the action group? Stuff like that. You'll find that sometimes you can find the answers to these questions pretty easily, just by trying stuff out.
  7. You can use a fairing, or if you have the Making History DLC one of the solid regular shrouds.
  8. This has been asked way too many times. There are issues. Squad knows that we want this - just be patient.
  9. To be completely honest, I don't see any huge need for this. Yes, docking ports are hard to align and the claw is against the spirit of things but Squad having to hard code this for the very few players who would actually use this... I just don't see it. To put it simply, I don't think it's an issue many people have.
  10. I like this idea. There are a few mods for it, but I'd like a stock version. It might be hard to make rotate, but it would be worth the effort. Also... Why is your font different?
  11. I personally use WASD, I think you can also use IKJL though. Try turning SAS on, then the Kerbal points in the direction you are facing (with the camera). You can also see if you are point prograde or retrograde or whatever by looking at the navball. I remember having trouble with this when I first started - just get the hang of the controls and practice moving precisely in zero-g. Don't want to break off those solar panels!
  12. First of all: build as big a rocket as possible. If you aren't playing career, then go for it and overcompensate. Once you are a more refined player, you can build smaller and more efficient rockets. Second of all (to actually answer your question): If I'm completely honest, most of the skill I've gained has been from trial and error - just fiddle with maneuver nodes until you get it right. Sometimes I feel restricted to only use retrograde/prograde - but always try the others. Even use the circle ones (I forget what they're called ) because they can actually be pretty useful sometimes, especially adjusting flybys. To get a closer flyby, first get an encounter with the planet you are heading to. Then make a maneuver node and focus on your destination. fiddle with the nodes and see how your flyby is changed - then do it with the actual engines. If it's too hard to memorize what you did with the node, then just use the actual engine for it. Tiny burns like the ones you will use barely take and fuel, just remember to quicksave so you don't accidentally un-encounter and can't get back to it. As for getting back to Kerbin from flybys - pretty much the same thing - trial and error. Find out the transfer angles and stuff and then just wing it. Just like I said with the rocket size, don't try to make things refined or super efficient - there will be time for that later. Just get your Kerbals and their precious science back to Kerbin. Even if that means getting Jeb out and making him RCS-push the capsule home. Just have fun.
  13. Exactly what Bewing and Snark said. The Mun is blocking your signal. and since it's tidally locked, you have a real problem on your hands. You could send up a relay sat, BUT you could also theoretically fly the ship over to the Kerbin side of the Mun. You mentioned that you wanted to do an "exploration" mission - does this mean you would fly the ship to other biomes? Or does it mean you would send another mission to the Mun to explore? Regardless, do you have some fuel left in your lander? You could also quicksave back to orbiting the Mun or landing on it so you can touch down in a connect-able spot.
  14. You can have a few probe cores at different parts of the station, then "Control from here" on them so the camera points at them. You could also get a mod, there are a few for this purpose.
  15. Just what the title says. I see people all the time showing a little box thingy with the other thread in it, but I don't know how to do that. I just put a link like this. (That was a link to this post by the way) So how do I do what other people do?
  16. I have thought of this before and have one word to describe what I would think of it: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. This has been semi-suggested by me in another thread, where I asked about a planet builder. This is a scaled up version of that. I love this idea and think it would be fun to make your own solar system. HOWEVER! If you go look at my old thread, (Found here) there are a few problems with something like this. Also... Why is your question bigger text than everybody else's? EDIT: Well I just realized Aziz linked my thread already soooooooo... whoops.
  18. Well, for biomes I can see having a "deep ocean", "shallows" and "ocean". The deeper you go, the more science you get. Another thing that could be really cool would be if you run out of electricity at the bottom of the ocean, your propellers would stop and you might have to send an underwater rescue mission.
  19. I do #1 sometimes... I just build a bigger rocket to make up for the lost efficiency. #2 is harder but more efficient.
  20. Yes, only three planets (Or moons) have oceans, but if you search "KSP submarine" on YouTube, you get tons of results. Well, I didn't just ask for stock sub parts - what about simple science experiments that can get you lots of science from the ocean floor. Yes, the oceans right now aren't very useful (As you said, just splashdown sites) but part of what I was trying to say was that a submarine update wouldn't just add parts, but also mechanics such as pressure and making the oceans more realistic and submarine-able. As for this being a thread, the one Aziz shows is asking for parts and not mechanics. I think parts would be easier, BUT yes it is fun to scrap together a submarine from rocket parts. So the least Squad could do would be making the oceans a little more explorable for players that do like to go underwater.
  21. I know of many KSP players who have created submarines to explore the oceans of Kerbin, Eve, or Laythe. Personally, I think it would be fun to have some kind of stock mechanics for this - perhaps some science experiments for underwater exploration. Also, right now propellers are really hard to make since you have to make your own spinning joint. All of this could maybe be in a DLC as well. Don't people say that the oceans are harder to explore than outer space? Pressure, non-solar electricity and darkness could all become issues now. Overall I just think that this is a huge untapped resource for Squad to explore.
  22. I really like this - people could finally make airplanes that aren't powered by jets.
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