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Duck McFuddle

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Everything posted by Duck McFuddle

  1. So I know that many players (Including myself) love to build ground bases and space stations. However, the stock parts for things like this are very limited. I'll want to make a huge, fantastic space station and end up with a few "Hitchhiker" containers stuck together with a cupola and some solar panels. There are a few mods to help with this, but it would be nice to have them be in the base game. The devs making the parts would be better in a few ways; namely fewer bugs from more professional designers (Although the mods I've seen are very well made). Adding some more parts in a DLC would be great, and many people would buy it. I'm pretty sure that this idea has been mentioned before in the suggestions, but that was only about space stations and focused more on centrifuge rings and stuff like that. IDEAS: Crew tunnels Hydroponics Modules (For fun or for life support mods) Rover bay with doors Some way to make it easy to land horizontal bases (Wide landing legs?) MORE SCIENCE Sorry if there is another thread that is the same thing
  2. Thanks! I will try that out and see if it works. (Not that I have any doubt - you both seem smart )
  3. The HG- whatever is not a relay antenna (As far as I know) If you want to make a relay network, use the other ones that are designed for relay. I actually don't know if this will really help, but maybe.
  4. So I really want to land a mining base on Minmus but when I try to land the ship spins out of control because the engines are not placed right. I use the center of mass tool to see where they should go, but the engines are never spaced right. It's getting pretty frustrating. I started to make my bases smaller and smaller until it's basically just a drill and a tank, plus all the electrical stuff and radiators. Any tips?
  5. That happens to me a lot when I'm landing on Duna - the atmosphere is very thin so parachutes might not work very well. Always have enough fuel to land with just engines as if there is no atmosphere. I don't go to Duna very often because of this; it can be very frustrating and painful to quicksave and quickload over and over trying to land. When I do an interplanetary mission it is normally to Jool because the SOI is so big that an encounter is very easy. It is also fun to go to Eve (If you're not coming back) or a moon of someplace. Personally, when I'm bored but don't want a challenge I go to Minmus because it's fun and easy. Just do whatever you feel like and enjoy the most - after all, that's what the game is about.
  6. So I wanted to download a few mods, specifically Environmental Visual Enhancements, Kerbal Engineer Redux, and Outer Planets. I put them all in the Gamedata Folder, as well as the squad folder, and only KER Worked properly. EVE and Outer Planets did nothing. I then gave up and tried to simply delete the mods and play without them but soon found that I could not get rid of KER and Outer planets. EVE Went away, however. If I watch the files while KSP is loading, I can see them re-downloading into the folder. So I decided to leave it and forget anything happened. BUT, when I went into the game I found that all of the "Thermal" Parts were missing, the storage bays reverted back to their old models, and a duplicate RCS tank without a texture. I have tried many times to uninstall the mods but no luck. Can anybody help me?
  7. You are probably being blocked by the Mun, but if not them make sure your antennae is extended. The HG-55 can look extended when it's not, and it is easy to overlook. Many probe missions of mine have gone out of control thanks to a bad connection. If you want a perfect signal all the time then throw some relay satellites up in a high Kerbin orbit for future missions to the Mun or Minmus. If your mission is manned, then it's fine if you go out of touch with the KSC for a little bit because you still have crew control. I usually don't worry about it.
  8. If your fuel tank exploded, you might have been coming down to the surface too hard. Next time try slowing down to under ten m/s at least when landing on the Mun. But if you want to rescue Jeb then send another mission to save him. You can send a probe one in case you make another mistake, or a manned mission if you want to get more science (Unless you are in sandbox) from the mission or just have the satisfaction if a successful Mun mission. It all depends on how lazy you are. Your other options are to just pretend it's a base and leave him there or post it on the KSP Reddit and hope for a Blunderbirds from Matt.
  9. Hey... I'm a bottle rocketeer!
  10. It depends on how lazy you are. If you want to take the time and effort to got to Gilly with crew, then go ahead. If you want to transmit it, go ahead. If you sent a crewed mission, you would be able to do even more science around Eve and get the MAX amount. Also you could land on Gilly and get even more.
  11. I would recommend a strong communications network and a rover to get more science from other places, if you are playing in science/career mode. And in terms of mining, don't forget a good source of power and radiators so the drills don't stop mining. And if you are going to stop by Minmus for fuel during long-range missions, then don't forget a big fuel tank with a docking port for transferring. Also, add many, many science parts, even if you are in sandbox, because it a) makes your base look cooler and b) fills up empty space. Other than that, you should be good. It all depends on if you are doing a tourism base, a mining operation, or a science lab. Or all of those things...
  12. I have been trying to send a satellite or probe to Eve for quite some time but I can't figure out the transfer window. I have sent many ships to places like Jool or Duna just by eyeballing the window but I just can't for Eve. Does anybody have an easy way of figuring out transfer windows? I'm getting tired of Duna.
  13. It's a monopropellant tank- used as fuel for RCS thrusters.
  14. I succeeded in landing on the red planet, and have a drilling rig for mining and maybe a refuel at Ike. Thanks for the help!
  15. I would really love to have tunnels that you you can move Kerbals through and into other parts. Right now you need to put them on EVA and build the inside with plates and all that stuff. But it would be so cool to have tunnels! For example, I could have a science lab connected by a tunnel to a crew cabin. Then I could have Kerbals in the cabin and then move then through the tunnel to the lab as if it were one big part! This could be really fun for space stations and long-distance mother ships. Just being able to see Kerbals float around inside would be great on it's own.
  16. I have tried to get on top of a monolith through multiple skydiving attempts so I can collect a surface sample, but no luck so far. Has anybody already done this? It could be fun. You could easily get onto a Mun arch but I don't know where they are on the Mun and am too lazy to find out, so I'm still working on the Monolith near KSC.
  17. Probably just try to replicate a really crappy mun landing... I mean that's when they would usually break.
  18. So I have sent some probes to Jool and Duna, but I was wondering if anybody has some tips on getting Kerbals back from Duna, which I am going to try first. Whenever I get there, I never seem to have enough fuel to get back to Kerbin. I sent a probe Rover to Duna that I successfully landed, but there was no hope of getting back with the fuel and dV I had left. Any tips on making ships more efficient? Thanks!
  19. Does anybody have any ideas on what planets to send a manned mission to first? I have sent a probe to Jool and Duna but no Kerbals yet. I'm putting it off because I don't want to fail and strand anybody there. I've already got some Kerbals stuck in a solar orbit that I'm trying to save...  :/ Also any tips for interplanetary rockets?

    1. Snark


      Hello, and welcome to the forum! :)

      Depends on what you're after, challenge level, etc.  The easiest planet to visit-and-return is generally Duna.  The dV requirements are very modest, the fact that there's an atmosphere makes landing easy (good for aerobraking, helps with landing), but it's thin enough that taking off is easy and you can use "vacuum engines" there no problem.

      It only takes barely more dV to land on Duna (assuming you aerobrake) than it does to land on the Mun.  Coming back takes a fair bit more dV than coming back from the Mun... but less than it would from any other planet.

      Duna's probably your safest bet.

      By the way-- if you've got this kind of detailed question, you'll probably have better luck posting it as a topic in the "Gameplay Questions" forum than here.  It'll get a lot more visibility and you'll have plenty of responses.  Whereas a status update on your profile tends not to get many folks looking at it.  :)

    2. Duck McFuddle

      Duck McFuddle

      Thanks, I was going to try Duna but just wanted to make sure nothing else is easier. Funnily enough, I sent a Jool probe first because the gravity well is so huge. But for landing I will for sure try Duna first. And thanks for the suggestion, I will post on the game play questions instead. 

    3. Snark


      By the way, Eve is a pretty easy place to land a probe... as long as you're not coming back. Great for early game one-way missions.

      Just don't send anything you want to bring back, until you're a KSP expert. Getting to Eve orbit from the surface is a real bear, and takes a lot of skilled design and piloting.

  20. My Station is at about 110km above Kerbin, originally I wanted it to be 100km but doing some of the maneuvers usually makes it a bit bigger. I started with a Cupola Module, and then put on empty fuel tanks in a cross under it. Then I just put docking ports on all of them. I messed up a couple rendezvous missions and then kinda gave up so I could go to Duna. I did that and now I'm going to try again.
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